Please help a newbie fine tune his second deck attempt
Commander Deck Help forum
Posted on Aug. 20, 2017, 5 a.m. by LonV
Hello, this deck how to cheat, steal and lie: the musical is aiming to steal, copy and raise from the yard(s). All the potential cards are there. Please suggest card swaps between mainboard and sideboard. I am open to all suggestions.Feel free to add your comments.Thanks in advance
SirSh4ggy says... #2
This is a deck idea I've been considering as well. Something I've come to is that esper is not a good combination for exactly this; you should definitely do grixis because it has more cards like Mindclaw Shaman, Mass Mutiny, and Insurrection to help you proactively kill people. If you want to use esper definitely go control route with more cards like Sphere of Safety and Deadeye Navigator + Venser, Shaper Savant so you straight up can't be touched.
That being said, your sideboard is much, much too large. Cut it down to like 10 cards that you interchange periodically. Also, you have too many categories where cards fall into multiple at a time. Try something like "removal," "control magic," "resource stealing," and "card advantage". Practically all of your cards fit into those four categories.
August 30, 2017 4:56 p.m.