How Many Rat Colony Is Ideal?
Commander Deck Help forum
Posted on July 25, 2024, 10:41 a.m. by Last_Laugh
"Twisted Tails" - Nashi's Rat Mischief
I've owned rats for about 15 years now and actually used to breed them for pets but I've somehow never built a rats deck so I had to remedy that. I recently built a Sultai Rat Colony deck with Nashi, Moon's Legacy at the helm. I run 20x Rat Colony currently but I've never built around any of these effects like Slime Against Humanity etc. so I'm just after some opinions on an ideal # (bonus points if you can figure out cuts in the event I need more rat colonies).
Other suggestions, upvotes, or feedback (or whatever) are always welcome of course, thanks in advance!
Last_Laugh says... #3
Caerwyn thanks for chiming in! That card is almost singlehandedly why I'm asking this question. I actually traded for one recently, added it, and saw it twice... but 20 rat colony seems just slightly too low to reliably trigger it.
I only hit 2 rat colony in I'm guessing 8 triggers (which to be fair is a super low sample size) and I ended up cutting it (at least temporarily) for Vren, the Relentless and Persistent Marshstalker out of Bloomburrow. I've also been cutting a lot of similar effects (Winota from Isshin, Azorius Boromir from Eowyn, etc.) from other decks because I'm constantly burying needed interaction on the bottom of my library.
Caerwyn says... #2
I do not know the answer to your question as it is not an archetype I am familiar with, but I did notice your deck does not contain a Thrumming Stone. Considering each new instance from Ripple is cast, and thus results in a new Ripple, you can very quickly dump a significant number of Rat Colonies on the field for the cost of just one.
July 25, 2024 11:14 a.m.