I want this deck to be tournament worthy for under $100, I think that I have a good start
Commander Deck Help forum
Posted on Oct. 28, 2022, 11:33 p.m. by trueblue102231
My deck:
Defending budget commander deck
Commander / EDH
As the title says, I want to win at least at local game shops with this deck. I am just wondering if there is anything that I can do to make it better
Just as a side note, this is a challenge to create a tournament worthy deck for under $100
multimedia says... #3
Hey, this is by far your best deck of the decks you've asked for help on. There's good deck building with a purpose.
The area that needs improvement is the manabase. 16x basic Plains is not going to cut it compared to many less Forests and Islands. The color pie of your deck shows primary white, but it's deceiving since you want a more balanced amount of land sources for each color to consistently cast Arcades. I say consistently because you need to control Arcades or most of your defenders are really not worth it.
Because you're playing green defenders who ramp and green ramp spells then it's important to have green mana more than the other colors in the early game, this isn't shown by the color pie. White and green are the two most important colors then blue. The majority of blue sources should come from dual lands that way the land can make another color except just blue. 8 sources of blue is not enough sources, you want more sources of blue which at the same time will increase sources of each other color.
On a low budget to balance the manabase for equal color fixing play some more always ETB tapped lands. This can unfortunately slow the game down some which means you want to make up for it with card quality.
- Yavimaya Coast --> 1x Plains
- Adarkar Wastes --> 1x Plains
- Fortified Village --> 1x Plains
- Port Town --> 1x Plains
- Vineglimmer Snarl --> 1x Forest
- Bant Panorama --> 1x Plains
- Path of Ancestry --> 1x Plains
- Krosan Verge --> Myriad Landscape
- Tangled Islet --> 1x Forest
Why are you playing so many cards that give you hexproof? Leyline of Sanctity and Shalai, Voice of Plenty are second and third most expensive price cards, but they don't help the strategy or have really any interaction with Arcades. If playing Leyline and Shalai then Ivory Mask and Aegis of the Gods aren't needed. Teyo, the Shieldmage is fine since it at least does something else, creating up to two defenders for draw with Arcades. Honestly, keep Shalai for this effect plus other effects and cut the others?
October 29, 2022 1:46 a.m.
Gidgetimer says... #4
Is this going against a field of $100 budget decks or are you wanting it to take on decks not working under the same constraint?
October 29, 2022 11:56 a.m.
trueblue102231 says... #5
I am hoping that it can handle decks up to $300
October 29, 2022 3:14 p.m.
trueblue102231 says... #6
Thank you multimedia
A lot of people were asking why I had so many hexproof items, I did this because I thought it would make my commander immune to removal because the deck relies heavily on him. Upon further research, I discovered that was not the case so I replaced a lot of them with other cards. I also posted this on Reddit because I really did like this deck and I got a lot of good feedback there, and I used that to update the deck.
The deck is now updated and I hope that it is better than it was.
October 29, 2022 3:25 p.m.
This thread was moved to a more appropriate forum (auto-generated comment)
enpc says... #2
List looks good, the only thing I would say is that it's a bit light on creature removal. As far as good budget creature removal is concerned, Bant Charm, Reality Shift and Declaration in Stone are all decent options. Ajani Unyielding is also decent (albeit high CMC) removal on a stick with the added bonus of card advantage.
Since you don't really run much in the way of graveyard recursion, something like Moorland Haunt might also give you some additional value.
October 29, 2022 12:17 a.m.