Infinite Combos (Rhys the Redeemed)
Commander Deck Help forum
Posted on March 18, 2016, 5:41 a.m. by Wildsong
I have this Rhys the Redeemed EDH deck for 2,5 years. It is my favorite deck and I took the challenge of making it as competitive (and neat) as possible. Therefore, I find myself having fun studying and testing strategies to this deck constantly.
The Song of the Conclave
Commander / EDH
SCORE: 43 | 11294 VIEWS | IN 33 FOLDERS
Eventually, I discover some new combos and interactions that draw my attention. The last one was this: Illusionist's Bracers + Priest of Titania + Seeker of Skybreak + Rhys the Redeemed/Genesis Wave. It was described recently in another thread.
What I'm asking is help to find infinite combos involving Rhys or other cards. Cards that fits the theme or have Sinergy/Interactions with the General.
I already play some well known combos:
- Priest of Titania + Rhys the Redeemed + Staff of Domination with Umbral Mantle/Sword of the Paruns and Elvish Archdruid/Wirewood Channeler variations to bring some redundancy.
- Earthcraft + Squirrel Nest the old bread and butter.
- I have some other crazy interactions that can often become infinite combos like Earthcraft + Mirari's Wake + Rhys the Redeemed , with Mana Reflection variation.
There is also one or two combos that I avoid to play because they are unreliable and the cards alone don't have any other interaction like:
- Midnight Guard + Presence of Gond don't do anything else if cards are not set together. I rather go with the squirrels combo.
I would be thankfull to anyone that reply to this thread.
I played this list until my playgroup started crying about it being too good and banned infinite combos all together.
March 18, 2016 8:27 a.m.
NoNeedToBragoBoutIt says... #4
First of all: Insane deck! Propably the best Rhys deck i've seen.
If only i had the budget i'd go for something similar myself. Luckily though my Rhys - King of the Elves. All. The. Elves. deck is more than capable enough for my play group. Maybe you do have some more budgetty tips for me?
But here are my thoughts on your deck.
When it comes to Board Wipes and Cyclonic Rift i feel like there are still a few options. Make a Stand is just perfect against board wipes, Faith's Reward at least makes the situation a little more bearable. One of the most hilarious comebacks after a board wipe is Fresh Meat, especially with Rhys! Eerie Interlude and Ghostway could compensate running into a rift.
Another combo with Earthcraft would be Elvish Guidance.
A few cards i missed but could be too weak; Mosswort Bridge, Thespian's Stage, Illusionist's Bracers, Rings of Brighthearth, Shamanic Revelation, Collective Unconscious, Regal Force and Ezuri, Renegade Leader.
March 18, 2016 8:44 a.m.
ItchiUchiha117 says... #5
To note is that Illusionist's Bracers + Seeker of Skybreak with any mana dork is infinite mana. Favorite has been Joraga Treespeaker because it allows for a turn three win with Genesis Wave or Concordant Crossroads.
March 18, 2016 9:14 a.m.
Steelspike says... #6
3 card infinte combo:
Rhys the Redeemed + Intruder Alarm + Phyrexian Altar
Or, you could use the 4 card infinite "I win" combo:
All of above, but add in Altar of the Brood
March 18, 2016 2:07 p.m.
Steelspike says... #8
Oh shit... lol. Whoops. I didn't even notice it when I previewed my comment...
I'm dumb.
March 18, 2016 4:18 p.m.
First of all, thanks for sharing your thoughts about this thread.
Now, smackjack, I used to play the Argothian Elder combo. It realy helped me to win many games. But I removed him from the deck cuz I felt that the combo was very situational. The combo only worked on my pre-combat and combat phase. Sometimes, I needed to hold myself. Specially when Condemn was a staple in every control deck. Nonetheless, I felt that I could improve my deck with other infinite mana combo options. That happened when Staff of Domination had become legal again. Now I'd like to give my 50 cents here, I used to perform another combo more efficiently: Argothian Elder
Gaea's Cradle
Wirewood Lodge
I need to test the Cloudstone Curio combo. I never thought about this combo. It's is something new to me and I appreciate that you described how it works. In order to perform it, I would have to make a lot of changes to add more ETB creatures. Something easy to be done on Magic Online. Aluren, btw, has some interactions with infinite combos. Most of them using a sac outlet and Rhys the Redeemed. I find this kind of interaction dangerous. It can backfire me if someone destroy the enchantment and I had to pay + n!.
to recast Rhys. I'll definitely check your deck later.
NoNeedToBragoBoutIt I guess I already marked your deck on my Rhys Folder or favorite as I keep track of all the Rhys decks that I follow. Your deck title is easy to remember.
Here it comes. That was an amazing variety of cards to assure a comeback after a board sweep. I must try Make a Stand. It will give me redundancy (I like this word) together with Wrap in Vigor and Rootborn Defenses. I play only Rootborn Defenses wich is already great. Against a Cyclonic Rift I don't think that there is much we could do. I play few creatures on this deck. So, when a Rift hits there is not that many things that could be saved. The only card that I've put here to give me some board presence after a Rift is Secure the Wastes. This card worked pretty well so far. The greatest strategy against a Rift is to create pressure and compel the control player to use it defensively. I can't let they use it offensively or as a finisher. That's the whole reason why I'm seeking for more infinite combos information. To keep pressure up.
Against sweepers that kill, I already made some good things to prevent it. The Planeswalkers that ignore boardsweepers, Eldrazi Monument, Asceticism and Avacyn, Angel of Hope we already know. I'd like to ask special attention to Voice of Resurgence and the recent Hangarback Walker. The first one give us the best token of the deck. The second can just snowball, become a wall to block everything and leave FLYERS if it dies. They are board presence that help us with amazing tokens.
Side Note: The other cards that you mentioned like Eerie Interlude and Ghostway will find their place on my Ayli, Eternal Pilgrim deck. Thanks for the tips.
ItchiUchiha117 I know. It was your comment that gave insights. I could even try other interactions like Infinite HP with Wellwisher of infinite counters with that elf that adds +1/+1 counters for each elf on the battlefield to the targer creature. With so many elfs that Rhys can generate, that would be instant Alpha Strike.
For the record, I used to play Concordant Crossroads. I removed it because of the Backfire potential. Now, I play Akroma's Memorial instead. However I'll obviously try it again. A third turn Alpha strike against everyone on a Multiplayer Match is something nasty and hateful enough to be ignored.
March 18, 2016 6:18 p.m.
NoNeedToBragoBoutIt says... #10
Thanks Wildsong for mentioning Wrap in Vigor, a card i propably misread in my prolonged researches on I will try to get my hands on a copy very soon. Secure the Wastes will propably follow as well, but i'll playtest with Wrap in Vigor and included protection first.
What were your thoughts on Fresh Meat? Its an instant return on a wipe and lots cheaper concerning cmc compared to Secure the Wastes, plus, those beast could end up killing your enemies the following turn as they are already stock 3/3.
I appreciate your extensive reply, as i really like to exchange thoughts, even with players way beyond my budget. Sometimes though i feel like people don't really try to communicate on here but just grab the input and vanish.
March 18, 2016 11:10 p.m.
I remembered the name of the elf, Immaculate Magistrate.
NoNeedToBragoBoutIt I had started to write about Fresh Meat, but I guess I deleted to correct something and forgot to type again.
I played this card before. I don't really remember what were the reasons that made me remove it. I guess, just guess, it has something to do with having it in hand but being unable to cast because of some reason. Now it sure can finish the adversaries with all those 3/3 beasts. That, I remember very well. And Btw being able to perform the effect not right away, but on the end phase and still get all those freakin tokens is amazing. I'll have to test this card again. This time I'll try to describe why I removed the card on the final cut.
Unfortunately many cards, great cards, were Butchered because I had to fit only 99 cards on the Library. So, instead of trying to keep every possible interaction, I tried to include as many redundant effects possible. In addition, I use to test some cards again and some find they way back like Natural Order, Hornet Queen, Heritage Druid and, recently, Vigor. It's a dynamic process.
These are some examples of great cards that I had to remove: Mycoloth, Academy Rector, Eternal Witness, Crucible of Worlds... Fresh Meat. The list is vast.
March 19, 2016 6:28 a.m.
NoNeedToBragoBoutIt says... #12
My guess on Fresh Meat would be, that it doesn't do anything if no creatures on your side die(d) - something you can never say about Secure the Wastes. In my Prossh - Need some water for that burn? deck it's a waaay different deal though!
I just realized, that Mycoloth + Fresh Meat is straight bonkers.
March 19, 2016 8:17 a.m.
Wow. You just GHAVE me some ideas with Fresh Meat, Mycoloth and a certain champ that I use to play.
March 19, 2016 8:54 a.m.
NoNeedToBragoBoutIt says... #14
Holy ish! Ghave, Guru of Spores+Mycoloth+Fresh Meat, hi-la-ri-ous!
Bloodspore Thrinax and Skullmulcher could be extremly fun with this as well.
March 19, 2016 9:10 a.m.
I guess i'll post all the combos and card choices discussed here on my Rhys the Redeemed deck description as possibilities for diferent builds. I plan to make it a tool for Rhys players. I already have lists of usefull that i keep updated for future references. One of those lists are of token generators. I'll reload it back to the deck description as soon as I arrive from my trip.
March 21, 2016 1:02 p.m.
NoNeedToBragoBoutIt says... #16
Dunno if its already in there, but don't you dare to forget Aura Shards, the most hated card of my deck. :D
March 21, 2016 2:11 p.m.
Steelspike says... #17
To add on to what NoNeedToBragoBoutIt said, and also redeem myself a bit from my Intruder Alarm bungle, Mycosynth Lattice is just stupid with aura shards.
March 21, 2016 4:51 p.m.
I bought Mycosynth Lattice and Kill Switch to make a combo even more nasty. I gave it up because I thought the cards alone wouldn't do anything. Besides, I don't have many tutors to search for those cards. I only got Enlightened Tutor.
I already play Aura Shards.
smackjack says... #2
Maze of Ith + Argothian Elder for infinite mana.
Earthcraft + Cloudstone Curio for infinite ETB with 2x 1-drops. Wirewood Hivemaster for infinite tokens. Or use Elvish Visionary to draw
cards repeatably.
Cloudstone Curio and Aluren is fun. Add Earthcraft and its even more fun. Then add Glimpse of Nature and its a blast :)
March 18, 2016 8:24 a.m.