Minotaurs are too slow
Commander Deck Help forum
Posted on April 3, 2021, 6:24 p.m. by Stardragon
So I'm trying to make a highly aggressive Minotaur tribal deck that as fast as it can be being a minotaur deck (most are 4 or higher cmc) and i feel like this deck could be both faster and more aggressive. If anyone has any ideas one who to make this deck fast and hard hitting let me know.
Link to deck here Slough of Slaughter
Or so i Scrape Rakdos Minotuars in general and go either Jund like cvarena21989 suggested or go Mardu like my friend at my LGS thought?
cvarena21989 says... #3
Go jund so you can add green then add fynn to make deathtouchers poison, you get a pretty sweet amount of creature tutors and ramp. You can add malaren of the morningsong and oppression aren't to tutor every turn with no drawbacks and stranglehold as well. Use creature ramp to sac to SotF to get the Mancow you want at that moment.
April 4, 2021 12:10 a.m.
RNR_Gaming says... #4
The beef battalion tribe definitely suffers from a lack of support. With jumpstart we got Sethron, Hurloon General who's probably the best option for tribal - honestly I'd wait a few more sets before trying to put it together. Haven't looked at the list yet but things like Mana Crypt , Mana Vault , Chrome Mox , and Jeweled Lotus are what I've been finding speed decks up the most. Alternatively, rituals like Dark Ritual , Seething Song and Desperate Ritual could help but they're all one shot - so, if you blow your load and get met with removal you'll be set way back.
BiggRedd54 says... #2
Pyre of Heroes is cheap and powerful. Buy twenty of them.
April 3, 2021 9:17 p.m.