Mutate/Infect deck ratios
Commander Deck Help forum
Posted on April 17, 2020, noon by triproberts12
This is why we can't have nice things.
I've been fiddling with my own mutate deck. Its not infect but it is helmed by Otrimi, and I've been extremely happy with the goldfishing so far. I'd say you could probably go down to 35-36 lands with 7-8 ramp spells. You are going to want a close to equal balance of infect and mutate creatures, balanced out with a 3-4 tutors in case you need something specific. I'm not sure about how much graveyard filling you have either. You can get creatures back but only if they're mutate and you have Otrimi hitting someone, plus no real easy way to get back infect creatures. I'd say you could lose Creeperhulk, Gigantomancer Mirror Image Nyx Weaver Satyr Wayfinder The Mimeoplasm Nature's Claim Grisly Salvage Grapple with the Past Winding Way Dark Deal Mulch This is just my opinion, hope it helps.
April 17, 2020 7:36 p.m.
triproberts12 says... #4
Unlife, makes sense. The mana sources might be a bit conservative for an aggro deck, and I probably don't have much room for self-mill. I think that this deck might rely a little more on Otrimi than the typical Mutate deck, ironically enough, though. A 6/6 Trampling body for 4 mana is about the best Mutate outcome for an Infect deck. It's kinda weird, because I've been listening to set reviews and whatnot, but while Parcelbeast and Sea-Dasher Octopus might be some of the best options in a non-Infect deck, mutating either on top of a Cystbearer is a worse end result for the deck's strategy than something derpy like a Cavern Whisperer. I feel really weird thinking of Flensermite being better than Blighted Agent or Spinebiter on account of the same reasoning.
April 17, 2020 10:13 p.m.
dingusdingo says... #5
Even if you wrote a whole paragraph for it, this is still decklist posting in the commander general forum.
April 19, 2020 4:19 p.m.
triproberts12 says... #6
Well, it's literally a pile of cards with no lands, making it not a decklist, and you've chosen an awfully odd hill to die on, given how many forum posts are literally just "Help, I'm losing! Here's my list!" For the sake of rules lawyering, despite only adding the pile as an exemplary aid to help answer my question about ratios, perhaps I'll list out all the cards. There's Ichor Rats, Plague Myr, Core Prowler, Blighted Agent, wait, no that one's a human. Where was I?
April 19, 2020 7:25 p.m.
This thread was moved to a more appropriate forum (auto-generated comment)
Edit: Weird hill or not, here are my thoughts:
If this thread were discussing the metagame, such as the viability of mutate infect as a concept, it would be in the Commander general section.
That's a subcomponent of your thread, where the main point is asking specifically how you should build a particular deck with a particular commander.
Or, to sum: General meta questions go to the general Commander Section; questions designed to help you specifically go in Deck help.
As a secondary point, posting one someone's thread just to complain about its location isn't particularly helpful either.
dbpunk says... #2
I think its a solid pile. I cant figure out what to take out though.
April 17, 2020 2:06 p.m.