Need Assistance in Helping People Get MaziREKT
Commander Deck Help forum
Posted on Dec. 22, 2016, 10:11 p.m. by Triton
All 4 of my EDH decks are coming along, but I feel as though Mazirek is a tad lackluster out of them. It's deck that focuses on stax (call me out if I'm goofing up on deck categories here) via sacrifice effects.
As of now, here are the things I am looking for in this deck:
A good wincon. This deck is able to make opponents lose creatures well, but I think I just need a means of winning other than through attacking with a big bug.
How's the ramp? I've been wondering if I should add more ramp, and whether I should convert to more creature/artifact ramp or stick with basic land ramp.
Budget Stax cards. I know, budget stax is oxymoron and I know this deck probably isn't "staxy enough," but if there are any cards that allow for denying opponents resources, I'm happy to hear them. :)
I know this is a lot to ask for, but don't feel pressured into assistance in all of them, since others may answer the requests.
Without further ado, the decklist:
Get MaziREKT
Commander / EDH
Raging_Squiggle okay, thanks for the clarification on the definition of stax, wasn't 100% sure at the time.
Honestly I'd probably switch to Meren, but don't have her at the moment (I traded for the cards while making Mazirek), but that is easily fixed. :) I'll most likely change to Meren if all else fails because switching commanders is not usually my thing.
I have checked out your Meren stax deck actually, and pulled some pretty great ideas from it. I'll definitely look for more ideas from it. Thanks!
December 23, 2016 11:13 a.m.
Here's a wincon that plays well with your sac-friendly deck: Mikaeus, the Unhallowed + Woodfall Primus . Loop Primus with the persist/undying recursion to take out all non-creature permanents your opponents control. As long as you're not dead on board to their creatures you've probably got it won.
December 23, 2016 1:30 p.m.
Omeros Woodfall Primus I'll definitely add since it goes infinite with Mazirek too. Mike I'll definitely add in later since he oozes combos. Thanks for the suggestion!
Raging_Squiggle says... #2
STAX isn't controlling the board, it's punishing opponents for trying to do something, or hurting their resources. Smokestack and Painful Quandary are STAX cards.
Mazirek unfortunately is not the optimal commander for STAX. Meren of Clan Nel Toth is who you want. Luckily they came from the same deck so you shouldn't have to change much.
All that said, you're looking for budget STAX cards. My old Meren deck, Ring Around the Rosey... has a lot that you would like.
December 23, 2016 12:16 a.m.