Need help focusing Sidisi, Mill Tyrant
Commander Deck Help forum
Posted on April 20, 2021, 6:09 p.m. by Pudster
I've made a bunch of cuts and additions (25+) and am back to a new 100 card decklist. There are also cards that I'm considering adding that are listed in the maybeboard.
This has by-far been the hardest time I've had with rebuilding and tuning a deck. I'm just really struggling with getting down to the heart and theme of the deck, while still keeping it unique from my other decks.
(Korvold aristocrats/sacrifice/recursion + Brago Blink/Lab-Man/Thassa's Oracle). I was worried that it would be too much of a mix of both these two's wincons.
So here is the new and "improved" deck. There's still a lot of changes that I want to make, optimization, and tuning. It needs a bit more focus, I don't want it to be exclusively reanimator, and zombie tribal is not the best option for Sidisi.
SO it's a graveyard recursion heavy, self mill deck that I'm hoping will be a good middle ground. There's a lot of cards in the maybeboard that I think would be great addtions based on other decklists I've seen on TappedOut and Arkideckt.
All in all I think this decklist has potential, but I REALLY REALLY need some help in deciding on what to cut, what to add, as well as well as how much everything seems to synergize.
I'll worry about upgrade budget later, its currently somewhere around $150 usd, excluding land upgrades.
I would add Mesmeric Orb . Since every card you mill with it is a separate trigger, you get a lot of tokens. You also piss off your opponents usually and can stop infinite untap combos like dramatic scepter or palinchron combos
April 21, 2021 12:32 a.m. Edited.
FormOverFunction says... #4
I would consider something like Night Soil for mirror matches, or even just that opponent who seems to have an answer for everything.
April 21, 2021 9:02 a.m.
I guess the question is: How many zombies do you want to make milling around with Sidisi?
The classic combo is Bone Miser + Sidisi + discard outlet ( Wild Mongrel / Putrid Imp , etc) + Darkblast / Life from the Loam . With Sidisi, Miser, and the discard outlet in play discard Loam or Darkblast, Miser triggers to draw a card. Replace the draw with dredge and return the discarded Loam or Darkblast. Mill. Repeat the process triggering Sidisi to make zombies for any creatures you mill. Eventually mill Kozilek, Butcher of Truth or another such Eldrazi shuffler. Resuffle the graveyard into the library. Repeat these steps to make an infinite army of zombies. What you choose to do with an infinite zombie token army at that point is up to you.
Caerwyn says... #2
This thread was moved to a more appropriate forum (auto-generated comment)
April 20, 2021 8:38 p.m.