Need some EDH artifacts expertise (+ Kaladesh)
Commander Deck Help forum
Posted on Oct. 19, 2016, 5 p.m. by Draw_Wurm
So I've been brewing my group hug, anti 8 rack Adamaro deck for a while.
Shoot that Adamaro through my deck
Commander / EDH
It's a bit like Nekusar, a bit like Daretti, but mono red. Wincons are Voltron Adamaro, Blightsteel colossus + chandra's ignition, Hellkite Tyrant + artifacts, or just general bleeding out.
The aim is to present an early group hug non threat, and then power into the late game.
Was wondering if people with Daretti experience or similar may be able to help?
Cards I'm not sure about:
Jokulhaups, Obliterate, Ruination. I feel a bit remiss running mono red without land destruction, but not sure if these fit or not.
Bludgeon Brawl. Cute. Extra Voltron shenanigans with all our draw artifacts.
Gratuitous Violence. Powerful effect, but not sure if we run too few creatures for it?
Repercussion. Feels like there's a lot of useful synergy, and we don't run many creatures so minimal downside.
I keep putting in Chandra Ablaze and taking her out as I'm not sure we run enough red cards to benefit. Also looked at Daretti and Koth.
Mirrorworks. Potentially huge stackability.
Darksteel Forge. Additional wincon. Draws attention away from other things we're doing.
Mimic Vat. Just a great EDH card and helps us profit from other's removal.
Hangarback Walker. Wondered about needing some useful early game chump blockers + synergy with Hellkite Tyrant.
Malignus. Massive fattie. Dies to removal...
Metalwork Colossus. Cheap artifacts fattie. With recursion.
Soldevi Sentry chump blocker.
Filigree Familiar\artifact inspector. Chumps with upside.
Thanks RazortoothMtg. Really helpful and chimes with my thinking. You ever tried Darksteel Reactor or Lux Cannon? Also wondering if we could use Memory Jar as another pseudo wheel.
October 19, 2016 6:49 p.m.
Also anyone paired Soul of New Phyrexia with land destruction?
October 19, 2016 6:51 p.m.
RazortoothMtg says... #5
I don't use Darksteel Reactor or Lux Cannon, as I think their both too slow without some charge counter gimmick. Memory Jar basically says you get some extra cards, mill opponents for 7 apiece, so I guess it fine. It doesn't work with getting threats out of their hand though.
Bust + Soul of New Phyrexia . Haha. Wow. Basically red's version of Armageddon + Avacyn, Angel of Hope . I personally use Darksteel Forge + Mycosynth Lattice + Nevinyrral's Disk , but that's because I have more artifact synergies. I think the first combo is more synergistic with your general and each card will be better on it's own anyway in that deck. I'd add Bust anyway, and the soul seems good. Just hold up 5 mana and when you're opponent wraths, well, yah.
October 19, 2016 7 p.m.
RazortoothMtg. Added Soul of New Phyrexia + Jokulhaups. Also added Rolling Earthquake to combo off Repercussion and as an additional wrath.
RazortoothMtg says... #2
I am a Daretti player, so maybe I can help.
First off, to me, Adamaro seems great with MLD because it fill sup hands. One card you didn't mention was Bust, the red Armageddon.
Soldevi Sentry seems like a great chump blocker if you need that, with very little downside. If you're opponents just never use the draw when adamaro's out, then Darksteel Myr may just be a better blocker.
I don't know what to say about the planeswalkers. Chandra and Daretti are great if you have graveyard shenanigans, but all I saw was Anger, so I don't think it's worth it really. Koth of the Hammer has the potential for a ton of ramp, and that emblem's great for removing the last points of life. I would say 25+ mountains for him to be good though.
As for Mirrorworks and Darksteel Forge, you do have 30 artifacts. In my Daretti build, I find that Darksteel Forge is nigh unbeatable sometimes if they don't have Into the Core. Mirrorworks seems less good, because some artifacts you have are terrible in multiples or just don't do anything when copied.
Metalwork Colossus/Malignus. No. Fatties without evasion are, well, bad. If someone in your playgroup plays creatureless/control, then ya, but I don't think it's worth it.
Mimic Vat is great, however it doesn't do anything with your general. Just a good value card. Works best if you're playgroup has a lot of big creatures (cough cough Xenagos, God of Revels cough cough Mayael the Anima cough)
Anyway, that's my thoughts.
Now that I hit preview I realize that's a lot of words. Wow.
October 19, 2016 6:05 p.m.