Neheb & Storm?
Commander Deck Help forum
Posted on Aug. 2, 2017, 1:38 p.m. by DrkNinja
So I'm gonna start a list for Neheb, the Eternal, and I'm stuck in between doing something like fast goblins, tron, and burn. I'd like to do something with like goblins/burn with Goblin Bombardment as like a halfway point...
Anyways if I do go the burn route I thought, "well storm would be fun..." So... I don't really play storm what are some good mono red storm combos, card suggestions, etc.
Yea... I just want to do something more original, my play group isn't the best in the world they struggle with my Mizzix & Daretti deck so... I dunno. Just trying to create something silly that can win but isn't too powerful.
August 3, 2017 2:55 p.m.
DrukenReaps says... #4
"They struggle with my Mizzix & Daretti" I think most groups struggle vs these, neither is any slouch. Daretti ult is just game over... and he provides awesome long term power even if he never ults. I am a bit surprised you want neheb storm when you have mizzix which is usually storm or at least spellslinger which doesn't seem that different.
If you can't bring them to your level and want a different approach to this deck perhaps aggro/tokens is the way to go? It isn't spells like mizzix and it isn't recursion like daretti. There are many token engines that like lots of mana that neheb easily powers and going wide gets damage through to feed neheb.
If you still want red storm Aetherflux Reservoir is a start. Here are the storm cards I would consider: Empty the Warrens, Grapeshot, Haze of Rage, Ignite Memories. Though with neheb I would say empty and haze are useless for a game finish. Red does have a quite a few draw a card 1 cmc cards like Crash Through these could do a lot for storm.[1]&color=+[R]&text=+[%22draw%20a%20card%22]
Some others that seem good: Mizzix's Mastery, Past in Flames, Reforge the Soul, Possibility Storm, Pyromancer's Goggles, Comet Storm, Fork, Young Pyromancer.
August 4, 2017 3:41 a.m.
@Bhaal666 Ther problem is Scrapyard Wars! ft. Daretti & Spellslinger are both combo decks and Mizzix specifically is more hated because of the counter magic I play. My friend has an Omnath deck though, and it's a higher tier than either of those decks he just plays the deck poorly. Sure Mizzix does stormy things but it mostly just combos out with Enter the Infinite + Laboratory Maniac and hates things; Daretti is just an asshole in general (see what I did there...).
I just feel like Burn is easier to deal with, I'm not gonna be holding a mana drain waiting to fuck that omnath in the butt.
I think i'll do the tokens and the burn... dunno how yet...
DrukenReaps says... #2
I suppose there is Aetherflux Reservoir. But just looking through the edhrec page for him I would probably just go straight burn. Tap a Heartless Hidetsugu and spend all the mana into a ridiculous Fireball of doom. I think big mana dumps after some widespread burn would be the way to go.
August 2, 2017 9:55 p.m.