Prosperity or Vision Skeins?
Commander Deck Help forum
Posted on Feb. 9, 2023, 10:08 p.m. by DemonDragonJ
I have a copy of Prosperity in my Nekusar, the Mindrazer EDH deck, but I am considering replacing it with Vision Skeins, mainly because the latter card is an instant; it is true that the latter card cannot draw as many card as does the former, but it is more mana-efficient than is the former, so I am contemplating using it.
Actually, what about Words of Wisdom (why has that card not yet been reprinted)? Should I use that one, instead? What does everyone else say about this subject?
Nekusar likes to go big and flashy, rather than small and consistent. The card advantage for something like Vision Skeins just does not work out in your favour - you get two cards but your collective opponents get six and only take a paltry amount of damage in exchange (Words of Wisdom to a lesser extent - but two for you, three for them still isn’t great, and its damage is quite insignificant and a waste of a card slot).
It is the same reason something like Howling Mine is bad in Nekusar - you are feeding your opponents cards they can use to stop you, while not putting a significant dent in their life.
Prosperity, like large, flashy wheel effects, can do enough damage to an opponent to be a significant threat - even giving you the option of closing out the game if X is high enough (especially if you toss some infect on Nekusar). That makes it the vastly superior option - Prosperity can win you games, while Vision Skeins is very likely to lose them for you.
February 10, 2023 10:13 a.m. Edited.
DemonDragonJ says... #5
What about the new card, faerie mastermind, from the upcoming March of the Machines (I have not posted a link to it, because the poor quality of the image suggests that it is a leak, rather than an official spoiler)? I think that card would be very nice for my Nekusar deck.
Epicurus, if I could fit both cards in the deck, I would.
Necrosis24 says... #2
I personally would keep running Prosperity over the other two for its modality. Idk how much mana you can generate but ideally it is a win con as well as card advantage. It seems like you don’t run many instants in the deck anyways so more often than not you won’t need to leave mana open anyways.
However, if you do find yourself only playing prosperity for (mana <= 3) to draw 2 or less cards then yeah I’d switch out for Words of Wisdom.
February 10, 2023 2:34 a.m.