Putrefy or Mortality Spear?
Commander Deck Help forum
Posted on April 3, 2021, 12:14 a.m. by DemonDragonJ
The new card mortality spear from Strixhaven is very awesome, and I am contemplating replacing Putrefy in my black/white/green deck with it, because that is the only deck that I have that contains black and green that also has a sufficient amount of life-gaining cards to be able to reliably cast that spell for its reduced cost, but I wish to ask the other users here for advice about it.
I have provided a link to my black/white/green deck, above, so does everyone else here think that that deck has a sufficient amount of life gaining to justify replacing Putrefy with mortality spear?
Daveslab2022 says... #4
I uh, I think that’s what he did lmao. He looked through his deck, seen this new card, said “huh I think this might be an improvement over this card... let me ask some people that might have other ideas..”
Then you come in saying to do what he’s already done! Lol
April 3, 2021 9:20 a.m.
DemonDragonJ says... #5
Erza420, I definitely have Assassin's Trophy in every deck that contains black and green, because of how powerful that card is.
shadow63, Maelstrom Pulse is a sorcery, and I am very fond of instants, plus, it is far less useful in a single format than it is in a "normal" format.
April 3, 2021 9:21 a.m.
You only have like 6 instants in your deck so making one of them a sorcery wont really effect your tempo. Plus I think the fact in can hit anything makes up for it being a sorcery. A d theres been plenty of times I've used it to blow up an army of tokens
April 3, 2021 11:03 a.m.
Daveslab2022 says... #9
How isn’t that exactly what he did? He seen this new card. He wanted to play it. He decided that Putrefy is worse than Mortality Spear. Then he asked for advice on if that’s a good decision.
It’s quite literally exactly what he did.
April 3, 2021 7:56 p.m.
Daveslab2022: he only compared the 2 because they fulfill the same role in the deck. i promise you he did not look through the full 99 to see what "else" could be replaced. i'm quite familiar with these posts of his. it is always between 2 cards that do the same thing.
April 3, 2021 9:06 p.m.
Daveslab2022 says... #11
So? That makes more sense than whatever the heck you’re suggesting. Are you saying that he should look for a card that’s not even remotely similar to the card he’s adding, and take that card out?
Like he’s adding removal, so he should take out one of his finishers? No. That doesn’t make any sense at all.
Or are you suggesting that he looks through his deck and just takes out the “bad cards?”
April 3, 2021 10:22 p.m. Edited.
Daveslab2022: yeah actually it makes a ton of sense to consider the possibility of taking out a finisher for removal. maybe he has too many finishers and not enough removal? and how is "taking out the bad cards" a bad thing? yeah thats exactly what you do when deck building. if you want to make room for something new, you have to decide which card to take out that contributes the least to the deck. hence, the "bad cards".
April 3, 2021 10:44 p.m.
Daveslab2022: dang dude, bottom line here is i'm saying he did not consider the other 98, and yet you're just arguing for the sake or arguing that not only "did" he consider the other 98 (again, i promise he didn't) but that he also "shouldn't" have. those 2 statements seem pretty contradictory to me.
he posed the question as "either/or", when in fact he also has the options of "both/neither". you can't argue this.
April 3, 2021 10:48 p.m.
Daveslab2022 says... #15
Erza420 I don’t even play EDH often, but I know that if you just took the “bad cards” out of everybody’s deck, then you’d all be playing the same 99 card configuration, since there is a definitely best list.
Also, it doesn’t make sense to take out a finisher in this instance. You know why? Because the owner of the deck has decided that his ratio of removal to finishers is fine, and just wants to know if this one piece of removal would play better in his deck. That’s it. There’s no need to go over the entire 99. It’s his deck. He knows what works and what doesn’t work so far. To assume that he didn’t look over his deck before making changes too it, or that he doesn’t already know the contents of his deck such that he doesn’t have too go through it every time he sees a new card he likes.
“Maybe he has too many finishers and not enough removal?” Well considering he is interested in removing removal for better removal, it’s safe to say his ratio of finishers is good for him.
DemonDragonJ clearly builds his decks in such a way that he doesn’t need to analyze the entire thing every time he sees one new shiny toy. He’s a very active member of this community and you’re just bashing him by saying he does this a lot. Well, apparently you troll a lot because this is the second thread just this week in which I’ve called you out for being rude.
Now I’m not claiming to be some moral arbiter of justice, but I have seen veteran people leave the community because of people like you.
April 4, 2021 8:17 a.m. Edited.
DemonDragonJ says... #16
shadow63, mortality spear is a instant, or I otherwise would not be considering it for this deck.
Erza420, it is true that Pernicious Deed can destroy my own permanents, but this deck uses the graveyard as a resource (as made apparent by its general), so that is a sacrifice I am willing to make, plus, I would use that card only when my opponents have far more permanents to lose than I do.
April 4, 2021 9:01 a.m.
Daveslab2022: no there is no definitive best list. just because a person "thinks" their ratios are fine, doesn't make it true. there IS need to go over the entire 99. thats what smart deckbuilders do. you think i'm the bad one here for...telling people to look at all the options? you're literally arguing that he went through all 99 (he didn't) even though he "shouldn't have" (yes players should). just stop dude. i'm not the rude one here. you are. you started the argument for absolutely no reason whatsoever. again, he does this a lot.
April 4, 2021 4:41 p.m.
Daveslab2022: also, do not confuse "active member" with "good at magic". it's not "bashing" to say he does this a lot. it's the truth. and i've told him before already not to do this. it's just not logical. players swap cards all the time for cards of different roles. maybe they decide they need less creatures and more removal. or less lands and more draw spells. i promise you, if every time you make a change to your deck you're only changing "draw spell for draw spell" or "land for land", you're not doing it right.
April 4, 2021 4:45 p.m.
Daveslab2022 says... #20
pimpin69 uhh unless you’re Erza420 I don’t know who you are or why you are speaking to me like I’ve addressed you before. I haven’t.
If you are Erza420, then you just proved yourself wrong. Let me quote you.
“Players swap cards all the time for cards of different roles (this is true and fine). Maybe they decide they need less creatures...”
Re-read your last sentence. Maybe they decided..... hmm. So based on that, I’m going to say that demondragonj DID look through their deck and decided they needed a better removal spell. This one caught their eye.
Idk why you’re fighting this so hard. You honestly just look like a jerk at this point.
Another quote I’d like to address
“Do not confuse active member with good player.”
I’m not. He’s here asking for advice and you are going off the rails and off the topic at hand.
The question is, is Mortality Spear better? Yes or no and why?
Anything else you say isn’t really relevant.
April 4, 2021 5:03 p.m.
Daveslab2022: no i did not prove myself wrong. i said other players do, not demondragonj. im not the jerk here. you are.
yes anything else i say IS relevant. it IS relevant to tell people "hey, not only do you have option A and B, you also have C and D". so yes, telling him to take out Pernicious Deed instead of Putrefy is very relevant.
honestly, this is what the conversation looks like because of you:
me: consider option C and D as well.
you: he obviously already did even though he shouldn't have!
me: um, yes players should, but this one didn't.
you: you're a jerk for pointing out he could run both or neither! you're a jerk for making true statements!
April 4, 2021 5:07 p.m.
Daveslab2022: clearly, reading is not your strong suit. when i mentioned people "maybe decide they need less creatures", it should have been obvious that demondragonj is not one of those people. hence, i did not prove myself wrong.
April 4, 2021 5:09 p.m.
Daveslab2022 says... #23
You are most definitely the jerk when you say stuff like “active community member does not equal good player.” That’s absolutely a jerk mentality.
You are fighting so hard for this that you’re making fake accounts. I’m going to concede and let you “win.”
Don’t let fools like this tell you what you can or can’t post on the forums. You have obviously thought about the cards in your own deck and have decided that Putrefy is the weak link. I agree with that statement. I also think Pernicious Deed is great. It destroys your stuff but so does Nevinyrral's Disk and that was a format staple for years.
April 4, 2021 6:01 p.m.
Daveslab2022 - Choosing not to engage with someone who is just trying to stir up trouble isn’t “conceding”. Some folks just like to stir up trouble and belabouring your point only plays to their desires.
Internet arguments are a strange game - the only winning move is not to play.
shadow63 says... #3
Took a look at the deck and I'd swap putrefy for morality spear. And I'd swap Mortify for Maelstrom Pulse
April 3, 2021 8:48 a.m.