Savage Beating vs Triumph of the Hordes
Commander Deck Help forum
Posted on Dec. 13, 2021, 12:32 p.m. by theindigoeffect
Which of the aforementioned cards is better in a Tovolar, Dire Overlord Flip deck that contains 48 creatures and has an overall cmc of 1.90?
Agreed with bushido_man96 I would run both
If I had to pick just one, I would choose Savage Beating becouse double strike with an extra combat is alot of card draw and I love to draw more cards
December 13, 2021 9:37 p.m.
If your average CMC is 1.90 you probably want Triumph of the Hordes.
But I'd play Savage Beating because it's way, way more flavorful.
December 14, 2021 8:53 p.m.
TypicalTimmy says... #6
As someone who is me, both.
Though I prefer Savage Beating, because I can chain combat triggers together.
But Triumph will win you the game far easier. The issue with Triumph, however, is needing to ensure you have enough damage to close the game out that turn. If you have maybe 2x 3/3s, and 4x 1/1s online, then when you go to swing they are 2x 4/4s and 4x 2/2s. That's 2(4) = 4(2) damage, or 8 + 8 0r 16. If your opponent can block maybe 9 of it, you only get 7 infect through and won't win. The same applies to if your opponent has some spot removal, some buffs or some bounce spells. Additionally, if you are against multiple opponents, you want to generally ensure you can take out all of them and not just one.
It is for these barriers that I prefer Savage Beating above Triumph of the Hordes. But, if you can make room, go ahead and slot both. Multiple ways to win is always the best route to go.
December 15, 2021 3:59 a.m.
Wanted To Point Out
In ideal conditions you would need a base of 9 unblocked damage to win
with Triumph of the Hordes 9+1=10 Infect
In the same scenario of having 9 unblocked damage then casting Savage Beating Double Strike (9+9=18) 2nd combat(18+18=36)
so the deciding factor of which card would actually win more would be the creatures in the deck, if you have a few large creatures Savage Beating would win more, If you have a large number of small creatures then Triumph of the Hordes would win more
We know the answer in this scenario "48 creatures and has an overall cmc of 1.90" but its not always that simple
swing wide = Triumph of the Hordes / swing tall = Savage Beating (keep in mind would be blockers won't be around for the second combat)
with all that said i would still choose Savage Beating in this deck because of the massive card vantage ya i could have won with with horde but just wait to see what stupid things i do next turn because i used beating instead. idk i guess after playing this stupid game for over 25 years just out right winning is boring to me. jesus christ ive become a johnny
Omniscience_is_life says... #2
Depends. If you want more ways to straight-up win the game, then Triumph is better, but Beating has more applicability since double strike works so well with Tovolar's ability.
December 13, 2021 12:51 p.m.