Soul of Windgrace help
Commander Deck Help forum
Posted on Sept. 11, 2022, 6:16 p.m. by JarringTiger
I had resisted making a lands deck for years, but when Soul of Windgrace came into my life, I knew I couldn't fight it anymore and that it was time to fire up the deck building part of my brain.
So, my questions are twofold: 1. Is my land package good? I want to go heavy on cyclers and basics since all the fetches I currently have are basics only (most land exclusions are budget-driven), but I'm not sure if I've maximized the available lands at my disposal. 2. are my payoffs good enough? I love cycling, so I like leaning on that as much as landfall. I know I have some engines, but I don't know if there's enough oomph.
Any advice is welcome :)