Swappable Esper Commanders? Suggestions needed

Commander Deck Help forum

Posted on May 5, 2021, 3:44 p.m. by lifemtg

I really want to make a Oloro/Sen Triplet deck where I could alternate in between. I know it’s somewhat of a stretch since both may or may not revolve around different aspects, and adding too many things is a scatter. I was considering making it a control deck with life as a pillow fort, and using that extra life as a cause of a few wincons. I can always change out a few cards when switching commanders but i would like to keep that minimal. For e.g, when using Oloro have a few esper combos that work on their own, with cards like test of endurance and felidar sovereign, when switching to sen triplets, still revolve around combos, but take out a few life cards for more control and commander specific combos. Any thoughts?

Mtg_Mega_Nerds says... #2

Honestly I would do stax. You can use Winter Orb and Relic Barrier to make opponents only untap one land. Use other stax cards like Drannith Magistrate and Nevermore to make opponents not be able to cast their commander. Ghostly Prison , Aven Mindcensor , and Aura of Silence are good here as well. For more expensive cards use Opposition Agent , Hullbreacher and Static Orb . You can win with lifegain by using Felidar Sovereign or Vito, Thorn of the Dusk Rose and Exquisite Blood . For a control wincon you could use Approach of the Second Sun .

May 5, 2021 5:20 p.m.

Dromar39 says... #3

Well you would be switching out one hated on commander for another hated on commander. So if your plan is to be targeted first with both of your commander choices your doing it right.

May 6, 2021 12:25 p.m.

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