Tasigur cEDH Advice
Commander Deck Help forum
Posted on Aug. 17, 2021, 2:43 p.m. by Scytec
Here is my deck Tasigur cEDH.
I think my current issue is lack of solid ramp, and lack of versatile/powerful tutors.
I do understand that in my budget range, I will not have an optimized list, that isnt my goal. My goal is to be able to sit at a table surrounded by optimized lists, and be able to play and occasionally sneak a win. I own this in paper, every non-budget card in this deck was purchased when it was budget, or pulled from various packs. Please keep budget in mind when recommending cards. As much as i would love to slot in the rest of the fetches i can use, OG duals, and things like Imperial Seal, they simply aren't possible for me.
Most of my cEDH knowledge comes from the Playing with Power youtube channel, and discussions with a few good friends of mine from this site. If I am way off base with this list, please feel free to tell me, and recommend how to fix it, I am not attached to this decklist in anyway. I want to learn to play it efficiently, and do the best I can with the cards i have in paper. Thank you very much for your time reading this.
@Lanzo493 - Wishclaw Talisman I actually own, I didn't think to include it because my opponents also get an advantage from it, but if I use it to grab my winning piece, then theoretically they wont get to take advantage of it. I think I will test that further. If I am not mistake I have some Ponder and Preordain laying around as well...I will take a look and see what I can find. I am already running two ways to net infinite mana in my deck, plus the win con of just getting Oracle and Consultation. I swapped away from a Tainted Pact win-con because I wanted to run more basics for a more consistent untap land ratio. I will look into getting some more non-basic lands that come in untapped, but for now I think I will just stick with Consultation. Endurance looks really solid, but unfortunately it is out of my budget range currently. I am running all the mana dorks I have access to currently with the exception of one in my Meren deck, but I want to leave it there, if I can get my hands on some more in the future I will definitely slot them in for additional mana though. I know Sky Diamond is slow, but it is better than my other options currently. In your opinion, knowing my chances of winning are slim of course, could I at least sit at a table of cEDH and get some games in with this list?
August 17, 2021 6:49 p.m.
Grubbernaut says... #4
Is proxying out of the question? If these are casual games, I'd just ask.
August 17, 2021 7 p.m.
Out of my own preference, I will only proxy cards I already own, or cards I am testing to buy, since I have this assembled in paper, I am not going to proxy cards I don't own.
August 17, 2021 7:19 p.m.
This thread was moved to a more appropriate forum (auto-generated comment)
August 17, 2021 7:44 p.m.
@Caerwyn - I apologize, I didnt realize there were deck help forums for individual formats.
@Lanzo493 - Do you think Doomsday and Necropotence slot in here? Additional cards I pulled out of my collection with potential include: Pain Seer, Disciple of Deceit, Sphere of the Suns, Reason / Believe, Street Wraith, Raise Dead, Plunge into Darkness, Phantasmal Image, Siren Stormtamer, Commune with Nature, and Reclaim.
August 17, 2021 8:14 p.m.
NinjaBunny01 says... #8
Since cEDH can be expensive, what is your budget for a singular card? This may help with suggestions. And if you have a Necropotence laying around, of course you should add that in
August 17, 2021 8:20 p.m.
@NinjaBunny01 - I would say probably $5 or less honestly. I do have Necropotence so I will figure out how to slot that in. In addition to the cards I listed earlier, I am also found Mystical Tutor, Cruel Tutor, Lim-Dul's Vault, and Wishclaw Talisman. Those are going to slot in as soon as I work out what to remove for each of them. Haha, kind of leaning toward Murderous Cut, Treasure Cruise, Bring to Light, Tribute Mage, and Krosan Grip. What would you recommend?
August 17, 2021 8:33 p.m.
NinjaBunny01 says... #10
I would slowly remove cards that give your opponent's options or have a high casting cost personally. You want to try and lower your average as much as possible. Then, I would add in mana ramp like Farseek in place of tapped artifacts. I would also agree with most of your listed cards to cut except Krosan Grip for now. I would think about adding in Narset, Parter of Veils for slowing down your opponent's.
August 17, 2021 9:07 p.m.
@NinjaBunny01 - I suppose Farseek and Rampant Growth are better than the tap artifacts because even though they come in tapped, they dont apply to things like Dockside Extortionist and artifacts are easier to remove than lands? Are any of the other cards I listed above in comment number 7 worth working in currently? Thank you for the advice, I will be sure to do my own testing of course, but you and Lanzo giving me a headstart is greatly appreciated.
August 17, 2021 9:54 p.m.
NinjaBunny01 says... #12
Yes to the first question about dockside counter. As for the suggestions from question 7, it really is up to you. I personally would say yes to Phantasmal Image as it can be used to copy other wincon's or good stuff like dockside. The rest seem like they wouldn't push you to the goal of winning fast enough. Really, you have to consider how you want to win with the deck. Then build the deck to help forward and protect it. It is far better to have 2-3 win conditions and a ton of interaction. Also, I would start tagging/responding to the decks page from this point. It helps being able to see everything in the deck with making suggestions. If you want another's input, GhostChieftain helped me get my oloro deck to where it is now
August 17, 2021 10:15 p.m.
If he shows up on this thread that would be great, but I hate to tag someone I have never spoken to and ask for help. Haha. I have made some changes to the list, and will make more tomorrow as well. Thank you for your help.
August 17, 2021 11:18 p.m.
I would definitely use Lim-Dul's Vault. It’s great card filtering that also works well with filtering for Tasigur’s ability in a pinch.
I think Doomsday could work well. If you run it, then Street Wraith and Gitaxian Probe would be worth adding as well.
I think this deck could work well and even win at cEDH tables. It might not be the highest win rate, but you’ve got a chance. It’ll improve as you upgrade the deck. cEDH is not as blisteringly fast and impossibly out of reach as people think. Lots of times, it’s not too fast for a budget deck to handle.
Another budget wincon is Mnemonic Betrayal. It gets better the better your opponent’s decks are, too. It gets used in UB quite often.
August 18, 2021 8:48 a.m. Edited.
@Lanzo493 - I made some alterations last night. Vault is in, i picked up Mystical Tutor, Cruel Tutor, Farseek, Lim-Dul's Vault, and Necropotence. I'm not sure how my Doomsday stack will look, i will definitely need Wraith if i add it in. I want to be able to just win when i resolve it, and i don't really see a stack that will let me do that even with an activation of Tasigurs ability. Granted i only spent about a minute on it. Maybe a string of cantrips ending in Thassa's Oracle? Haha. Should have some mana up when i go for it. Mnemonic Betrayal looks interesting. I'll add that to my list of potential acquisitions. Thank you!
August 18, 2021 10:31 a.m.
I also have a Chalice of the Void laying around...if i cast it for 0, that would deny the solid mana rocks i dont own, and all of the pacts...im not running any of them anyway...0 CMC matches nothing in my deck, but unless i get it early, it will be worse...
August 18, 2021 10:35 a.m.
If you want to hose 0 mana cards, Void Mirror is more versatile. It stops the likes of Fierce Guardianship or ramping from Sol Ring into a 2 mana rock. You can't play it turn 1 as easily as Chalice, so it's up to your opinion which to run.
As for Doomsday piles, I'd check out the deck The EDH Doomsday Primer. Doomsday is a difficult card to pull off. Gush is often used, but since you're a 3 color deck without many fetches and duals, I'm not sure how useful it would be. One thing to watch out for is a rogue Opposition Agent will literally kill you if you cast doomsday. You exile your whole library and lose all 5 tutored cards.
August 18, 2021 12:11 p.m. Edited.
I think I will avoid it for the time being then. I know Agent is incredibly prevalent currently. I'd like to get my hand on a Mystic Remora but i dont own one. Haha. Void Mirror looks interesting, but I think i will avoid it for now. I think i will drop Chalice as an ootion for the time being as well. Any of the other carda i listed on comment #7 look relevant or worth consideration at least in your opinion?
August 18, 2021 1:20 p.m.
I like Reclaim and Phantasmal Image. This is because you mill yourself a lot and there's usually a creature worth copying. Disciple of Deceit could be useful if you expect to face decks that you'll be able to attack into. Varragoth, Bloodsky Sire is probably better, though. I don't know if Necropotence fits your deck or not, since it doesn't appear to be a combo deck or a deck that can gain life. I see Tasigur as a control deck that stabilizes in the late game and uses politics to pit players against each other.
I would also suggest Notion Thief (it even looks like you're just holding up Tasigur's mill mana).
August 18, 2021 1:38 p.m.
I do have a notion theif in a different deck, and i think a friend of mine has an extra one as well, ill look into it. I feel like Necropotence will be a valid addition to draw me into either a tutor or a combo piece, but i will definitley test with it. If i dont like it i can always pull it. What do you think the weaker pieces in my deck currently are to pull for Image and Reclaim? I am having a hard time choosing honestly. Varragoth is interesting, I will keep an eye out for him for sure.
August 18, 2021 2:33 p.m.
The weaker cards I would say are Coiling Oracle, Spellskite, Vendilion Clique, Vendetta, and Spell Snare. That's just what I say, but only testing can tell. The spells themselves seem especially narrow, but the creatures could be useful with Deadeye Navigator. It seems you have a bit of a creature recursion subtheme, but rather than cards that bring them back to hand, cards that directly reanimate the creature would be more useful. They could help you avoid the high mana cost of Deadeye Navigator.
August 18, 2021 4:28 p.m.
Alright, updates made. Spellskite, Vendilion Clique, and Vendetta removed for Reclaim, Disciple of Deceit, and Phantasmal Image. Let me do some goldfishing and see if the deck is where i like it. at some point i hope to get some actual playtesting in.
Lanzo493 says... #2
Wanna play a not super $$$ deck but benefit off of everyone else's 0 mana accelerants, Docksides, etc? Run Culling Ritual. It's a great card.
I'm pretty new to cEDH, but I like to think I understand some of the basics. So take my advice if it appears sound. cEDH is mainly about speed and interaction. By utilizing 2 card combos, you can use just a small number of cards to win and use the rest of the deck to interact and prevent your opponents from winning. That is cEDH on average outside of high speed combo decks.
To translate that ideology into cards, it means that slow mana is bad. Lands that enter tapped and mana rocks that enter tapped don't allow you to keep up Counterspell mana at the same time as you mana ramp. This puts you incrementally behind until the crucial moment comes and you lose in a counterspell war due to lack of mana. For this reason mana rocks like Fellwar Stone are much preferred to Sky Diamond. However, a turn one Elves of Deep Shadow is still worth it even if it's slow on any other turn, so I would add that.
Another thing about cEDH that differs from high power commander is the shift from card advantage to card quality. You don't need to draw a lot of cards to win (think of cards like Genesis Wave or Recurring Insight), but rather just need the right cards. Tutors are great for this. Ponder, Preordain, and Brainstorm are fantastic as well since they're cheap, letting you keep mana up for interaction, while also giving you quality cards. I would recommend all of them. Wishclaw Talisman is a solid tutor that you can probably afford, too.
Honestly, with Tasigur on a budget, I would go for infinite mana combos, which you're already doing. Isochron Scepter and Dramatic Reversal is on the moderate side as far as costs go, but it's powerful since you also have a lot of instants. You also already have Muddle the Mixture which basically only sees play in cEDH to assemble a scepter combo anyway while being a counter when needed. Well, that's at least why I run it. You can even search up Pili-Pala with it.
On a side note, if you run into Thassa's Oracle a lot, I would consider trading for an Endurance. Not only can this card trick an opponent into exiling most of their deck and alternate wincons in the process, it can also shuffle your own deck back into your library if it gets too full and your opponents only give you trash cards when activating Tasigur. And if you wanted to pull off a Tainted Pact win, you can use 3 normal basics and 3 snow-covered basics. Of course, you'll need lots of different lands, too, but it's not impossible on a budget.
August 17, 2021 5:56 p.m. Edited.