Trying to think of some good combos
Commander Deck Help forum
Posted on April 8, 2018, 11:27 a.m. by Redcat7264
Can anyone think of a card other than Staff of Domination, that if I had basically infinite mana, would let me draw infinite cards?Because you can pay to untap staff of domination, which means as long as you have the mana you can draw as much as you want. It also needs to be blue or colorless.
Spirit_Logan says... #3
Aphetto Alchemist + Arcanis the Omnipotent + Illusionist's Bracers
Aphetto Alchemist + Azami, Lady of Scrolls + Illusionist's Bracers
April 8, 2018 12:25 p.m.
DrukenReaps says... #4
Two sets of cards for you. This first set is exactly what you asked for:
Azure Mage, Diviner's Wand, Prophet of Distortion, Sphinx of Magosi, Treasure Trove
This set is almost what you asked for and can work depending on what exactly you are doing:
Book of Rass, Carnage Altar, Compulsion, Mesmeric Trance, Mental Discipline, Skyscribing
Uskebasi says... #2
Pili-Pala + Grand Architect and then you cast an X spell like Blue Sun's Zenith or Stroke of Genius
April 8, 2018 11:32 a.m.