1 mana hate creatures
Commander (EDH) forum
Posted on Aug. 29, 2019, 10:18 a.m. by GhostChieftain
I am trying to find all of the 1 mana hatebears (hatecubs if you will) to see if any are worth slotting into any future cedh decks so I can stop/slow my opponents turn 1 and 2 plays. I would love to be able to just do a gatherer search on this, but hate pieces have such varied wording that I would be bound to miss something.
So far the only ones I have come up with are Deathrite Shaman and Dryad Militant .
Once again, I am only looking for the 1 cmc creatures that have an effect that slows or stops an opposing strategy. I feel confident I have all I need in higher cmcs.
GhostChieftain says... #3
Mother and giver don't really fit the bill as a hate piece. They are nice cards for sure, but not something to really stop a strategy unless the strategy is targeted removal and that seems just god awful.
I would greatly prefer creatures because I enjoy creature based combo decks(i.e. I am a filthy hulk player) and it is easier for me to toolbox for creatures because of that. I am all too aware of the cheap noncreature gy hate because my creature combos also tend to use the graveyard.
You are totally right about it opening up at 2-3 mana, but I feel as though this is important for me to look into so I get better at my playstyle. Thanks for your help
August 29, 2019 10:44 a.m.
Topplegeist , Deadeye Tracker , Grim Lavamancer , Thoughtpicker Witch , Cabal Therapist , Pilfering Imp
August 29, 2019 11:03 a.m.
There's a couple of 1 CMC creatures you can sacrifice for assorted effect, though most of them tend to be pretty limited to specific situations (to find these, you can run a gatherer search with "sacrifice" "creature" "CMC = 1").
I went through the entire list of 1 CMC creatures, and there really are not many great options. Here's a list of I came up with of creatures that (a) don't require a sacrifice to use, and (b) might be considered hatebears (though some are so niche that they bearly made the cut).
- Cabal Therapist
- Carrion Beetles
- Carrion Rats
- Disciple of the Vault (fairly specific to artifact-graveyard combos)
- Giver of Runes and Mother of Runes
- Gnat Miser
- Imagecrafter (vs. tribal)
- Merrow Bonegnawer
- Rag Dealer
- Reef Shaman and Tidal Warrior (might slow down opponent's early-game mana)
August 29, 2019 11:04 a.m.
Not a creature, but Molten Vortex is insanely good against hate-bears as you can use your dead draws to take them out instead of your premium removal.
Spurnmage Advocate , Brown Ouphe , Cabal Therapist , Caustic Caterpillar , Cho-Arrim Alchemist , Cursecatcher , Dakra Mystic , Devoted Caretaker , Elvish Reclaimer , Gorilla Shaman , Guul Draz Assassin , Judge's Familiar , Law-Rune Enforcer , Mausoleum Wanderer , Mistcaller , Nova Cleric , Permeating Mass , Pilfering Imp , Siren Stormtamer , Tidal Warrior , Ulvenwald Tracker , Vortex Elemental , Weathered Wayfarer , Will-o'-the-Wisp , Xantid Swarm .
August 29, 2019 2:33 p.m.
jordanalessi says... #9
- Heap Doll grave hate
- Mistcaller reanimation hate & flash hulk hate
Joe_Ken_ says... #2
Giver of Runes and Mother of Runes could be qualified since they protect your cards from removal that some decks tend to run a lot of.
Not creatures but Tormod's Crypt and Grafdigger's Cage are graveyard hate.
It’s really not a good selection at the 1 drop slot once you get to 2-3 cmc there are a lot more options.
August 29, 2019 10:30 a.m.