Commander (EDH) MTG Forum
Breya vs Daretti (Closed)
Unused Combos (Closed)
Most Popular C16 Deck? (Closed)
New article up at EDHREC! (Closed)
G/B Sacrifice Players! (Closed)
New EDH combos for Artifacts? (Closed)
Aluren Generals (Closed)
Reanimator in Commander? (Closed)
Aether revolt and Brago. (Closed)
Grixis Resource Deprivation. (Closed)
Atraxa (Closed)
Need help ASAP please (Closed)
EDHREC and my Commander articles. (Closed)
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Recently Added
- What commander for a Hare Apparent Deck?
- Mandlands Voting
- Phasing Spirits
- The New Commander Brackets Beta
- 2GH Precon Commander Pairings
- Best color for this type of strategy
- Please Delete Thread
- Any Ideas in how to play Frantic Storm in commander?
- What if I post a guide about my way on building a commander deck?
- Archetype Name and Card Recommendations