Commander (EDH) MTG Forum
I wish I wish I wish... (Closed)
Is It Ever TRULY Done (Closed)
Brewing Jalira: help? (Closed)
Lands That Tap for More (Closed)
Trying to get into EDH (Closed)
Sanctum Prelate in the format (Closed)
Disallow Vs. Swan Song Vs. Negate (Closed)
Windfall Vs. Rhystic Study (Closed)
Help me break this card: (Closed)
Saskia vs. Xenagos (Closed)
Sigarda Vs. Uril (Closed)
HORIZONS - Brewing a New EDH Variant (Closed)
Quality vs. Quantity (Closed)
Ever have a card you never draw? (Closed)
Ideas for a planswalker edh (Closed)
0 - 2 Mana Ramp Target (Closed)
Is Thrasios Ban-able? (Closed)
Removal Spells (Closed)
Best Reanimator Answers (Closed)
What do you use for Skullclamp fuel? (Closed)
Would you ever run Khalni Gem? (Closed)
Thoughts on Archangel Avacyn? (Closed)
Opinions on Daybreak Coronet (Closed)
Pauper EDH (pEDH) (Closed)
Really Dissapointed in MTG (Closed)
5 days after release (Closed)
Mixed Playgroup - How do I fit in? (Closed)
Which Precon? (Closed)
Most Hated Commanders (Closed)
mayael combo ideas (Closed)
EDH Dual and Fetch Land Questions (Closed)
First EDH deck (Closed)
Ideas (Closed)
Favorite Basic Lands to Use (Closed)
Does it exist (Closed)
EDH Partners on Tappedout (Closed)
Breya vs Silas (Closed)
Incorrect Duel Commander Banlist (Closed)
The Partner Project (Closed)
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Recently Added
- What commander for a Hare Apparent Deck?
- Mandlands Voting
- Phasing Spirits
- The New Commander Brackets Beta
- 2GH Precon Commander Pairings
- Best color for this type of strategy
- Please Delete Thread
- Any Ideas in how to play Frantic Storm in commander?
- What if I post a guide about my way on building a commander deck?
- Archetype Name and Card Recommendations