Commander (EDH) MTG Forum
Need assistance with PC + CotW (Closed)
Tribal EDH (Closed)
Iona, Game Breaking against Mono? (Closed)
What is a Black Mage to do?? (Closed)
Sister Decks (EDH 2HG) (Closed)
Which Commander Should I Use? (Closed)
Counterspells in EDH (Closed)
Tasigur vs Damia (Closed)
Rumor- Banning fetchlands (Closed)
Finally a commander for Allies! (Closed)
Just got doubling season as a gift (Closed)
Best Commanders (Closed)
Bushido: Way of the Blocker (Closed)
Alternate play mode for commander (Closed)
Bounce Ideas with me for Bant EDH (Closed)
Commander Sideboards (Closed)
Black Commander Gift? (Closed)
run for the hills, hes playing squee (Closed)
Best/ Favorite Precon EDH Deck (Closed)
Tribesman (Closed)
Singleton Format? (Closed)
Extreme Budget EDH Secret Santa. (Closed)
So let's talk Kalitas. (Closed)
Urborg is so good! (Closed)
Legality not checking banlist? (Closed)
[[serenity]] yes or no (Closed)
How to start a commander playgroup? (Closed)
Siphoning Ideas (Closed)
Slingin' Spells and Drawin' Cards (Closed)
Who Should be My Commander? (Closed)
Commander 2015 (Closed)
I need a commander (Closed)
Precon Products (Closed)
So what *exactly* is a 75% deck? (Closed)
Command Beacon... (Closed)
Is buying Wade Into Battle worth it? (Closed)
Is buying Mind Sieze worth it? (Closed)
I can't beleive it! (Corpse Dance) (Closed)
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Recently Added
- What commander for a Hare Apparent Deck?
- Mandlands Voting
- Phasing Spirits
- The New Commander Brackets Beta
- 2GH Precon Commander Pairings
- Best color for this type of strategy
- Please Delete Thread
- Any Ideas in how to play Frantic Storm in commander?
- What if I post a guide about my way on building a commander deck?
- Archetype Name and Card Recommendations