Commander (EDH) MTG Forum
Need verification for this combo (Closed)
Mizzix: Yay or Nay? (Closed)
The new precon decks. (Closed)
Will [[blade of selves]] be banned? (Closed)
R/U noob and Mizzix (Closed)
Help! I just want to have fun! (Closed)
C2015 LGS League (Closed)
Daxos and the Nonbos [C15] (Closed)
Land count in tiny leaders format (Closed)
How do you use Djinn (Closed)
Lists of staples, but better? (Closed)
How fun are custom commanders? (Closed)
How do I not lose? (Closed)
How do you EDH deck? (Closed)
counterspell hate (Closed)
Who is the most UNDERRATED commander (Closed)
Infinite Bounce Combos (Closed)
Should I make my deck a primer? (Closed)
[[oblivion sower]] any good in EDH? (Closed)
help with banlist (Closed)
Avacyn EDH Primer - How to start? (Closed)
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Recently Added
- What commander for a Hare Apparent Deck?
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- The New Commander Brackets Beta
- 2GH Precon Commander Pairings
- Best color for this type of strategy
- Please Delete Thread
- Any Ideas in how to play Frantic Storm in commander?
- What if I post a guide about my way on building a commander deck?
- Archetype Name and Card Recommendations