A lot of mana quickly
Commander (EDH) forum
Posted on Aug. 21, 2020, 2 p.m. by Omniscience_is_life
I need eleven mana by turn one for a... project. It doesn't have to be colored, but I would like for it to not require drawing into another piece, as that always seems too risky to me. I've found one or two ways, but I want this... project to be a little more reliable. Thanks all
Omniscience_is_life says... #3
that's not End of Story, though, if anyone has any more I'd love to hear them!
August 21, 2020 2:27 p.m.
Omniscience_is_life says... #4
lol that's a good question...
what I have right now for generating 11 T1 is:
Mishra's Workshop, Grim Monolith, Lion's Eye Diamond, Mana Crypt, Mana Vault, Manifold Key
play the Workshop, tap for three and cast the Monolith and Vault. Play Crypt and Diamond, tap Crypt and cast Key floating one. Tap Monolith/Vault floating three more, going to four, and use one to activate Key untapping Monolith/Vault. You're at three, and now just tap the Vault and the Monolith, going up to nine floating, then crack Diamond and go to... Oh just realized it's twelve. Well, go to twelve.
August 21, 2020 2:36 p.m.
Omniscience_is_life says... #5
and, of course, by "a good question" I mean "you didn't really ask a question but I'm still going to flex all this mana"
August 21, 2020 2:37 p.m.
Omniscience_is_life says... #9
I'll release a decklist here soon for my Guide To A T1 Zacama
August 21, 2020 2:47 p.m.
TriusMalarky says... #11
So, best bet is either some absurd storm build or an infinite mana loop. Infinite mana is hard without blue if you're going Zacama EDH.
Zacama, Primal Calamity for reference.
I'd use Zirda, the Dawnwaker and piles of cards like Grim Monolith, Basalt Monolith, Rings of Brighthearth.
August 21, 2020 3:07 p.m.
there are thousands of ways to accomplish this but the problem is constancy
If you just want to turn 1 any commander
Ancient Tomb + Mana Crypt + Manifold Key + Mana Vault +
Geode Golem + Lightning Greaves
August 21, 2020 3:43 p.m. Edited.
SynergyBuild says... #13
Nah, TriusMalarky Zacama facilitates multiple infinite mana combos, without blue just fine, such as Temur Sabertooth and Sanctum of Eternity with enough lands or mana generated by lands.
Dockside Extortionist is probably a great card in the deck, comboing with Temur Sabertooth and additionally as a value piece on your own. I mean theoretically dependent on board state all you need, Omniscience is life is a Lotus Petal or a Spirit Guide and a land and you could have 11 mana turn one with a Dockside Extortionist.
More realistically:
Lotus Petal/Elvish Spirit Guide -> Mana Vault/Mana Crypt -> Simian Spirit Guide/Lotus Petal -> Treasonous Ogre -> Sungrass Prairie -
August 21, 2020 3:50 p.m.
TriusMalarky says... #14
SynergyBuild ah, I know the Zacama combos -- I believe he wants to be able to cast Zacama t1, so he requires some way to get that much mana.... which is best enabled with an infinite combo.
August 21, 2020 4:21 p.m.
Omniscience_is_life says... #15
Here's the situation, to clear everything up: I literally just want to drop Zacama T1 for fun, not to do anything crazy and win. I want to be able to do it reliably, and that means I need as many ways to get either
A, 9+ colored mana of my choice, or
B, 11+ colorless mana, so I can drop a Chromatic Orrery and convert it all with enough to drop my general.
see comment #7 for one way that I achieve the second goal, if you're interested, but I'm also fine with infinite combos (Rings+Monolith works well with Orrery, for example)
August 21, 2020 5:26 p.m.
SynergyBuild says... #16
TriusMalarky xD I'm pretty sure Treasonous Ogre is more efficient than Dramatic Reversal+Isochron Scepter, for card purposes at least.
August 21, 2020 7:05 p.m.
Can i stat the obvious about Dramatic Reversal in a Zacama, Primal Calamity deck ?
August 21, 2020 7:17 p.m.
SynergyBuild says... #18
RambIe yes please, I mean we both know that, but still it seems silly to bring up the want for blue to be in Zacama's color identity because 1, that's not really how it works, and 2, it's worse than what's in the colors lol.
August 21, 2020 7:23 p.m.
Treasonous Ogre & Geode Golem are going to be your best cheaters to fast play this commander.
11 mana although do able will require a exact opening hand that will probably never happen
August 21, 2020 7:23 p.m.
What about this?
Hand: any land that taps for white, crypt, sol ring (crypt + mox works too), LED and Auriok Salvagers.
- play land
- play crypt
- Tap crypt to cast sol ring and float 1 (or just cast a mox)
- play salvagers
- play and sac led and recur it with salvagers for infinite colored mana
5 card combo that works in naja and is kind of flexible since it works with sol ring + crypt, crypt + mox, crypt + grim monolith, mox + vault or crypt + lotus petal.... quite a few combinations possible to get 3W on turn 1.
Best and shortest I could think of in naja for turn 1 infinite mana in colors
August 21, 2020 7:27 p.m. Edited.
I forgot combos including ancient tomb like tomb + sol ring + mox or tomb + ring + lotus petal, tomb + grim monolith + petal/mox..... You get the idea
August 21, 2020 7:37 p.m.
plakjekaas says... #22
Ancient Tomb + Prismatic Lens + Sol Ring + Isochron Scepter (exile Dramatic Reversal) + Mana Crypt -> activate the sceptre, untap sol ring + crypt + lens + sceptre gives infinite any-colored mana turn 1
August 22, 2020 9:50 a.m.
Except it’s a naya deck and he can’t play blue @plakjekaas
August 22, 2020 10:47 a.m.
the real problem here is probability vs possibility
it is possible but it is not probable
the probability of getting a 6 card combo turn 1
including first draw is 0.0000025%
in order for this to be probable
we need to come up with a two card combo that can achieve The desired goal
Then add 28 tutors (14/14) that are able to fetch those two cards
the probability would then become 30% rounded off
when you include upto 5 london mulligans
the combo becomes consistent
i don't like discussing math, and i am not saying this cant be done.
i am stating this because its a hurdle that needs to be addressed and will have to be overcome in order to make this a thing
August 22, 2020 12:23 p.m. Edited.
Omniscience_is_life says... #25
RambIe Right now I have 8 ways to get Zacama out T1 in the deck, I believe. I would definitely like it to be the most reliable as it can be, but please know that the percentage is a little higher than 0.0000025%
August 22, 2020 12:53 p.m.
i would have to know out of the 8 ways how many of the cards are redundant
and how many cards would be needed in the opening hand for it to work
My suggestion of (Ancient Tomb + Mana Crypt + Manifold Key + Mana Vault + Geode Golem + Lightning Greaves)
has a 0.0000025% probability
SynergyBuild's suggestion of (Lotus Petal/Elvish Spirit Guide -> Mana Vault/Mana Crypt -> Simian Spirit Guide/Lotus Petal -> Treasonous Ogre -> Sungrass Prairie -)
has a 0.000067% probability
its just a really complicated way to say the more cards you add that have the same effect the more likely you will get the effect
August 22, 2020 1:17 p.m.
Omniscience_is_life says... #27
I will post the decklist here as soon as I have enough redundancy to call the deck reliable.
Omniscience_is_life says... #2
my fault for not mentioning this is for singleton. Those still work though, thanks a ton
August 21, 2020 2:26 p.m.