Ban Sol Ring?
Commander (EDH) forum
Posted on Feb. 8, 2016, 7:57 p.m. by Dredge4life
I'm thinking of proposing that we ban Sol Ring in my EDH group. It's a very good card, but the person that gets turn one ring almost certainly wins the game. It's almost like an I win card in most scenarios. The whole idea of having a battle of wits between opponents is thrown out the window. I've brought up the idea before, and there's one person strongly against it and one person who just doesn't care. I personally really want it gone, the advantage is just too great on turn one. What do you guys think? Am I just overreacting , or is this card too broken turn one?
I like [sol ring], but honestly I have been in love with the card since the days when it first came out. I think it is powerful, yes, but the card should not be banned in multiplayer EDH. Yes, advantage can be had, but that is offset by the number of players. The only card I have seen take over a game that wasn't banned was Prophet of Kruphix, and that recently got the axe. It needed to go, because anyone who played those color combinations could easily untap everything and have counterspells up, and made the game just very unfun and annoying as hell for everyone else. It was a card that I came within a hair of asking for it to be banned by my playgroup/shop.
February 10, 2016 8:07 p.m.
DERPLINGSUPREME Oh I know, but I don't hold much value in a single card that has to be built around it.
February 10, 2016 8:20 p.m.
In our group we have banned Sol Ring (and nobody plays Mana Crypt, mainly because it's too expensive). It's not that it's too powerful, it's that:- Every deck would run it so what's the point?- If a player plays it turn 1 to 3 while the others don't, it gives him an edge that has nothing to do with deckbuilding or gameplay skills- It allows explosive starts that can get out of control- It's so much better than the other mana rocks that's it's ridiculous
But I wouldn't mind unban it, especially when I play Daretti :)I mean, if a player has a better start in a multiplayer game, it's at his own risks. The other ones will focus on him.
But as my group agreed on banning it, I'm okay with that, it's really not a big loss.
March 23, 2016 9:24 a.m.
I don't think it's a problem card, but I can definitely see the benefit of it being banned.
We play a 40 life format with 100 cards.... That's a pretty clear acceptance that variations of the rules can be beneficial to the game.
Sol Ring is played for its ability to put you ahead in mana/tempo early in the game. While sol ring doesn't always set you that far ahead, it is the primary culprit when a player takes over the game on turn 3/4. Yes, players can have answers but being so early in the game, many decks typically need to establish their game plan or risk falling behind as they one-for-one a single opponent out of three.
This is where I feel the meta needs to be addressed.
High-end, competitive, combo-control does not care so much about sol ring. They'll allow the mana rock and counter what you cast with it, or if the see more mana than they can handle they'll target the sol ring. Those decks have such a high consistency of removal and tutors that the early game is more easily managed. They can one-for-one and be confident in assembling their win condition later.
When you have 4 pro-active, build 'til you win decks (just for example: Krenko, Mob Boss, Kemba, Kha Regent, Mikaeus, the Unhallowed, Experiment Kraj) the person that hits sol ring has a huge advantage as they are winning the race. Removing sol ring removes that jump forward for whoever draws it, and in these games of builders, it keeps the playing field from being slanted based on the luck of the draw.
There is a large faction of EDH players that don't find various control aspects palatable. Some draw the line at land destruction... others don't like counters.
The point is, a large portion of EDH players don't play that style of control that always has answers turn 2. What's more, they don't want to play that style. They want to build. Sol Ring is an obstacle to that when an opponent lands it and takes control of the game before those builders got a chance to even play it.
The format doesn't need sol ring gone but play groups can certainly benefit from its absence.
@DrFunk27 clearly you underestimate its power.
its funny! in the right deck. in a deck with Repercussion and Pariah's Shield it gets dumb.
February 10, 2016 8:06 p.m.