Barbara and Ian
Commander (EDH) forum
Posted on Dec. 16, 2023, 11:29 a.m. by tonylomas
Hello ! so...what are the funniest combos we can do with Barbara Wright and/or Ian Chesterton involving sagas? inspire me to me evil !
Urza's Saga is pretty good with Barbara Wright, but doesn't do anything with Ian Chesterton. It's a land, so it's never cast, so it can't be replicated.
Michiko's Reign of Truth Flip seems pretty good with either and both. Depending on other colors, The Raven's Warning and Oath of Eorl can get some big card advantage and pressure, while Ascent of the Worthy is good recovery.
Frostlord59 says... #2
Urza's Saga
December 16, 2023 11:56 p.m.