Best Generals to play against each other

Commander (EDH) forum

Posted on March 22, 2016, 5:10 p.m. by BlueMageBrandon

My playgroup's getting bored of playing the same decks over and over again. Does anyone have any suggestions for generals/decks that are fun to play against each other? FYI there is no budget.

griffstick says... #2

When I encounterd the same problem I encouraged my play group to create a tribal deck and must not include creature types outside of your commander's creature type. Ended up being Dragons vs elves vs slivers vs zombies

March 22, 2016 5:28 p.m.

griffstick says... #3

Slivers is so good that it gets ganged up on

March 22, 2016 5:39 p.m.

Hickorysbane says... #4

Choosing a five different mono colored generals and then putting them against each other in "Star magic" is something my playgroup is gonna try. Five people with a different mono colored deck play, and you don't have to be the only person left to win. You win if you and any ally colors are alive. For example, me (Chainer-Black) can win with the red deck, the blue deck, or both. This doesn't just create alliances though because red and blue can't win with each other. So there's like five sorta alliances that all overlap and it's just a mess, but a fun one :)

March 22, 2016 6:21 p.m.

00xtremeninja says... #5

I challenged myself to make what I call, the worst deck ever, but it's a lot of fun. I took a spare Cromat and did wall/defender tribal with the cops as well Circle of Protection: Green

Added in stuff like hydras and other fatties to beat face with if given the chance. I spent maybe 20 bucks in buying other single walls and stuff, but it is fun seeing people react when all I do is cast defenders repeatedly. I will say though, people usually suspect I am up to something, so I get attacked regardless lol.

But try making something out of your bulk cards you have, can surprise yourself on what kind of fun deck can be made

March 22, 2016 11:14 p.m.

biggieschmahls says... #6

I would try a popper edh deck. What decks do you have right now, im a begginnerish and i love to absourbe as much info as possible.

March 25, 2016 2:10 p.m.

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