Best Play I Have Seen This Year
Commander (EDH) forum
Posted on Jan. 12, 2021, 12:33 p.m. by RambIe
granted this year is only 12 days so far
but in last Saturdays games my buddy Silverbutters made one of the most epic plays!!!
faced off against a Edgar Markov deck poor Silverbutters was taking an onslaught of flying lifelinking vampires to the face every turn!!
but when Vito, Thorn of the Dusk Rose hit the board Silverbutters immediately recognized the threat
his opponent moved to combat and swung all out for the win.
Silverbutters finally released his tight grip and dropped Chaos Warp targeting Vito, Thorn of the Dusk Rose
Silverbutters could barely contain his laughter as his opponent freaked out.
after a about 10 mins of arguing and laughter Chaos Warp finally resolved
Vito, Thorn of the Dusk Rose was placed into the deck, the deck was shuffled, then passed to Silverbutters to be cut, then the top card was flipped and
Omniscience_is_life says... #3
In the one game I've played in 2021, I attacked with an Armored Skyhunter that had a Prying Blade on it, in my Reyav deck. My commander was out, but my opponent had a flying blocker. The Skyhunter triggered, and I revealed the top 6, 1 by 1... and the last one, after like 5 lands and a Signet, was a Whispersilk Cloak! So I slid it on the Skyhunter and got those sweet, sweet Treasure. Not as cool as yours, RambIe, but it's something :)
January 12, 2021 2:34 p.m.
So it was me and one dude left in a 4 person pod and I was playing my artifact deck and dude was playing some mono black something-or-other. I had Platinum Angel out and he drops Phage the Untouchable and swings at me with her a couple times over the course of 2-3 turns just for the sake of dealing damage. I top deck Saheeli's Artistry, copy Platinum Angel and Phage. On my next turn I pay into my Rogue's Passage targeting my Phage and swing for the win!
January 12, 2021 3 p.m.
Reading is important...I failed in my response. Quite the gamble with the Phage ETB only protected by the angel token.
January 12, 2021 3:13 p.m. Edited.
Azdranax Platinum Angel is why the token etb was able to resolve
Omniscience_is_life haha I Love It!. but i dont take credit for this play i was in the game but did not respond to any of the events that unfolded it was just to funny to watch
i do have 3 plays i love to tell
last year on my turn 0 i casted Pact of Negation on my buddies turn 1 Sol Ring
thanks giving 2019 in a 10 player game.
I turned 1 Mountain into Sol Ring
turn 2 Mountain & Repercussion
turn 3 Forest, Natural Affinity & then Blasphemous Act
everyone thought it was going to be a long game, one of the people kept saying i don't understand how did i die lmao!!
and i dont remeber if it was 2018 or 2019
i built my Kenrith, the Returned King infinite of infinite deck
in one game my combo went off on turn 4
it gets complicated but its was a 36 card combo that allowed me to move my libary straight to hand or battle field, move my hand to battlefield or grave yard, grave yard to hand or libary, and exile to grave yard
i then looped a spell causing all the players to put all there lands onto the battle field, then milled there decks put all there creatures from graveyard onto play under there control, shuffled there graveyards back into the libary, made them draw all but the last 5 cards of there decks, i then casted Happily Ever After & Teferi's Protection and passed the turn
January 12, 2021 3:47 p.m. Edited.
Ramble how did you turn 3 both Natural Affinity and Blasphemous Act in your example above?
Edit: Nevermind, mis-read Affinity and didn't realize it targeted all lands and not just yours
January 13, 2021 9:07 a.m. Edited.
FSims81 i probably should have mentioned i only had 3 lands, everyone else had 4 lands or 3 lands and a creature, i was 2nd to last in turn order
edit:"this allowed me to survive the blast with 1 life to spare"
January 13, 2021 9:31 a.m. Edited.
Ramble yeah, before I re-read Affinity I was trying to figure out how you were turning 5 mana into casting both cards. I mean I'm not the best at math but I'm not that bad. A second glance fixed my problem as I realized everyone else was probably at 2 or 3 lands at worst and in a 10 person game you're essentially casting the Act for .
January 13, 2021 10:47 a.m.
another story to share from Saturdays games
last Saturday i was so impressed with myself
i overslept with only 45 mins left before work
i flipped through my commander potentials and seen Scion of the Ur-Dragon the timmy in me screamed build it
so i grabbed my spell books and got to work
5 color with tutor to the gy what an easy build
i grabbed a few choice shape shifters , and dragons and quickly developed 4 combos
i then loaded the deck up with grave yard recursion to cheat out fatties
stocked up on serious ramp and utilities
tuned the cmc and the colors
then double sleeved the entire deck and even ran 1 successful play test
i accomplished all this in only 45 mins!!!! and i was still able to get to work on time
man i felt so great building such an amazing deck in such an amazing time
that is until i sat down with the play group and found my bud shade playing Anafenza, the Foremost
long story short i was on napping on the couch by 9:30pm
January 27, 2021 3:42 p.m.
Omniscience_is_life says... #11
Yikes. Anna's mean.
As I put in the primer of my Atla deck, I recently hit the >1000,000 damage mark on T6 without any infinites, just like 7 extra combats with Moraug, a Goat, a 15/2 Dragon token, and all but a couple of the other creatures in my deck in play... that was fun...
kpres says... #2
Oh man, that's so bad! Bad luck for him!
January 12, 2021 12:48 p.m.