Blue players
Commander (EDH) forum
Posted on May 30, 2021, 12:59 p.m. by RambIe
He tried to politic
They said no your a dick
With a deck full of bull
And a turn timer thats full
Every time they would cast a card
He would counter it hard
All laughter with a grin
Untill he realised he didn't have a win
plakjekaas "
Right, so a Felidar Cub would deal with your lock, if Titania's Song and Mycosynth Lattice aren't self-defeating because Lattice is a non-creature artifact itself."
Your right that titian and lattice are self defeating in the end but any state base check resets them.
So state base check of a land entering is 0/0 no ability creature.
This makes casting cub the tricky part
June 1, 2021 7:58 a.m.
plakjekaas says... #3
I've brushed up on my rules knowledge about layers, but the reason why that lock seems to work in the end, is not intuitive at all. That's a great one to start with, I guess. Breaking out of it would require any kind of mana, which is seemingly impossible to generate when you can't cast noncreature spells, can't use mana rocks in play, can't access lands, and can't use green or red. Gold Myr and its kin, or Blood Pet already in play can let you cast spells, but no Spirit guides, no Dryad Arbor , no Lotus Cobra , no rituals or fast mana, I haven't found a way to break the lock from scratch after it has been established, at least with Nikya of the Old Ways still under my control. An esper deck would need to deal with this on the stack, have bigger creatures or bigger mana value noncreature permanents in play to win the beatdown, or shuffle up for the next game. Although, one could chumpblock the Mycosynth Lattice (or something else with more than 5 power) with Nikya of the Old Ways in combat, and use Abolish afterwards, assuming combat is the way you'd win the game after locking the table.
Although it's equally tricky to have me overlook a Gorilla Shaman and a flippin' Borborygmos Enraged when I'm trying to Possibility Storm lock the table, to be fair.
June 1, 2021 8:41 a.m.
plakjekaas says... #4
DarkMagician : Allosaurus Shepherd is a broken magic card that would allow for a Masked Vandal or Mystic Repeal to target the Decree of Silence . (All those cards have been mentioned in posts in this thread, I didn't need to dig deep for that one.) That is why I haven't suggested a "counter all spells"-lock myself; Vexing Shusher , Prowling Serpopard , countering all spells is not good enough to deal with green/gruul. A lethal Banefire would work too, though the possibility of that would depend on life totals of course ;-)
June 1, 2021 8:59 a.m.
It can and has been broken, dont give up, it saddens me that your the only one working on it.
Becouse when i did this at my lgs it took a team effort to unlock it: hint hint wink wink
The only thing missing in my post verses the real game is i had
Grand Warlord Radha
Krenko, Mob Boss
, and 5 or 6 goblin tokens
June 1, 2021 9:12 a.m.
plakjekaas, "A lethal Banefire would work too, though the possibility of that would depend on life totals of course ;-)"
A leathal bane fire is a universial key lol remove the player remove the lock
June 1, 2021 9:15 a.m.
Wait till my turn - Dosan the Falling Leaf.
Shusher + chaos warp - avacyn
Shusher +
Ancient Grudge
Total 9 mana to unlock is cheeper then the lock and 9 lands in play is commen for a gruul deck, 3 cards commonly seen in a gruul deck. I feel this is resonable
But that's my last unlock
i'm just waiting for you all to break my lock and i'll admit defeat.
June 1, 2021 9:36 a.m.
plakjekaas says... #8
So just to get the facts straight, do I understand correctly that you had in play:
A few goblins
And handed an opponent your Nikya of the Old Ways
And none of your opponents were using either green or red and still broke the lock?
I am trying to go at it from an empty board, which is probably too big of a handicap, but assuming there's stuff in play, Felidar Cub was a sufficient suggestion for that. I understand that if you have Krenko, my Nikya is not going to die in combat from you, but that's where other players could come in to enable the Abolish .
June 1, 2021 10:40 a.m.
Correct, about my boardstate, although it has no impact on the solution
Nothing pre existing on the board is able to unlock it.
2 more hints
1st i challenged everone
2nd dont approch this like a 60 card format. Commander has game mechanics that don't exist in other formats.
June 1, 2021 1:02 p.m.
Thats miss leading
Edit:Nothing pre existing on the board is able to be activated to unlock it.
June 1, 2021 1:33 p.m.
plakjekaas"understand that if you have Krenko, my Nikya is not going to die in combat from you, but that's where other players could come in to enable the Abolish ."
I missed the last part of your post and have been babbling for no reason
I concede.... for now :)
June 1, 2021 1:44 p.m.
plakjekaas says... #12
Is it just commander damage player removal? That would be a bit of an anticlimax '^^
June 1, 2021 1:46 p.m.
Sorry been super busy.
Ramble I get it’s a moot point by now, but
Allosaurus Shepherd
does not make
Mystic Repeal
uncounterable. All spells are colorless thanks to
Mycosynth Lattice
Also I know the challenge was to reasonably assemble a lock. I have, at one point in time, played exactly that lock initiated by
Open the Vaults
in a
Sharuum the Hegemon
deck (minus the
Rest in Peace
). What I found is that nobody likes being beaten to death by 32/32’s worth of power every turn, so they tend to just fold when you pull it off, and it’s easy to hate out. I don’t expect to lock a cEDH deck out of the game, ever. They’re designed not to be locked out. So the closest we can get is an amalgam of unlikely cards that can be played semi-casually and converted to a lock reasonably, which my lock can.
I don’t particularly appreciate being dismissed as “putting all permanents ever into play” when you explicitly challenged the collective site to a mental gymnastics competition, to which I did in fact put considerable effort.
June 1, 2021 9:04 p.m.
This might be a lock:
How about I have Arcane Lighthouse , Omniscience and Tamiyo, the Moon Sage 's emblem in play.
I have Wipe Away and Mindbreak Trap in hand.
I have 1 copy of Storm Crow in play.
Before your end of turn, I use Wipe Away to put all of your permanents in your hand. I then let you end your turn. As it also happens, I can do this to an infinite number of permanents and opponents in the same turn. It's free to cast and when it hits the yard I get it back to my hand. I can do this forever.
On my turn, I hit you for 1 with my Storm Crow and end my turn.
For the rest of the game I exile anything you cast from the game with Mindbreak Trap . I can also cast this for free and forever. This even stops spells that cant be countered. And they don't go to your graveyard so you never see them again. And before your turn ends I return to your hand any lands you managed to put on the table with Wipe Away .
At some point, my Storm Crow will kill you.
DarkMagician says... #1
Ramble one last shot here. I control Dosan the Falling Leaf and cast Cyclonic Rift . I then cast Decree of Silence followed by Solemnity . And to prevent Blast Zone we'll toss in an avacyn. I've seen this exact combo in a casual game minus the Avacyn. If you can get out of this one I'll admit defeat.
June 1, 2021 2:22 a.m.