Commander epic finishes

Commander (EDH) forum

Posted on Jan. 20, 2016, 9:58 p.m. by PhotogenicParasympathetic

So I was playing a four player game, and two players were eliminated. It came down to me playing my Omnath, Locus of Rage deck against my opponent's Savra, Queen of Golgari. I had the board state- Omnath on the field, and handful of 5/5 tokens, Xenagos, God of Revels, plus Brawn in the graveyard. My opponent has an Altar of Dementia, and a card under a Mosswort Bridge. She drops an Avenger of Zendikar for a bunch of tokens, then land drops to give them all counters, activates Mosswort Bridge to play the Rune-Scarred Demon under it, and passes the turn. I topdeck a land and attack- her blocks just barely let her survive. She has three leftover Avenger tokens, and one life. At this point, I'm thinking I've pretty much got the game in the bag- she can't even kill my board without dying to Omnath's triggers. I pass the turn.

She draws her card, then taps out to cast the card she found with her demon- Genesis Wave. Desperation mode; Activate. She flips over a handful of lands, Nissa, Vastwood Seer  Flip, Grave Titan, Dread Return and Liliana of the Dark Realms. Nissa becomes a walker, and she sacrifices her remaining Avenger tokens to flashback the Dread Return, getting her Avenger back... Then uses Nissa, hits a land, uses Lilana, plays a land, and sacs all her (now 2/3) tokens to Altar of Dementia to mill me out winning the game.

I wasn't even mad, it was such a fantastic end. Have you guys got any similar epic wins/losses?

Arvail says... #2

Yeah man. Last week, I got to resolve a Tooth and Nail. I won. Next game my buddy - yeah - he resolved one too. Then the game ended. But it's ok because I resolved a Tooth and Nail the next game.

enter image description here

January 20, 2016 10:08 p.m.

Maringam says... #3

I had mindslaver lock on 3/4 players, all but the monoblack guy. He topdecks mindslaver, plays it on me, makes me not use slaver, taps all my mana, passes, everybody else kills me.

January 20, 2016 10:14 p.m.

mtgThaen says... #4

Was playing three-man commander. I was playing 5 color artifacts against mono black rats and an ezuri deck. I have a decent board state, but don't have my combo yet; I do, however, have out Mycosynth Lattice and a tapped Arcum Dagsson. In a desperate attempt to stop me, the ezuri players taps out to cast Bane of Progress, which would basically reset the game. I tell him to hold on, that I might have a response. I tank for a minute or two, trying desperately to survive. Unfortunately, I don't remember exactly what happened, but I tapped and untapped a bunch of things to be able to untap Dagsson, who I then tapped to sac a land to grab Darksteel Forge. Both of my opponents scooped.

January 20, 2016 10:18 p.m.

I once tossed together a UR for a kitchen table game. (Jhoira, I think. It was all collection). Anyway, I won when I copied and resolved Eternal Dominion fifteen times. My opponents' minds kind of broke.

January 20, 2016 10:33 p.m.

enpc says... #6

Game 1

This game saw me playing against a Mayael the Anima deck. Mayael had already wiped out a player, and lethal was coming towards me next turn in the form of Kozilek, Butcher of Truth and Gisela, Blade of Goldnight plus a horde of others. I had played a Reveillark the turn before in case Gisela was going to swing me (luckily she didn't). On the battlefield I had a few lands including Mikokoro, Center of the Sea. I also had down Titania, Protector of Argoth, Nim Deathmantle and Saffi Eriksdotter. A top deck Blasting Station would have been perfect.

But I drew the second best thing - Ashnod's Altar. I played the altar, producing infinite colourless mana. From here, I added the Acidic Slime that was in my graveyard into the Saffi Eriksdotter / Reveillark loop and blew up my own Mikokoro, Center of the Sea.

I sacrificed Titania, Protector of Argoth to Ashnod's Altar and used Nim Deathmantle to bring her back, returning my Mikokoro to the battlefield. Tap, each player draws a card (Mayael was tapped out) and then repeat the cycle. and Voila, Access to my Blasting Station.

Game 2

This game was more of a tribute to teamwork. There was a Zedruu the Greathearted deck, a Maelstrom Wanderer deck and an Azusa, Lost but Seeking deck. The Azusa deck went balls to the wall and cast Boundless Realms, putting about 15 lands into play. This was immediately followed up by an Avenger of Zendikar, Concordant Crossroads and Craterhoof Behemoth. My board state consisted of two untapped lands and an untapped Yisan, the Wanderer Bard with no counters. Azusa moved to combat and Zedruu, using up all his spare mana, donated an untapped Commander's Sphere. Thanks to Azusa's Concordant Crossroads, I could tap Yisan, tutoring up a Spore Frog, preventing all combat damage. Needless to say Azusa was not impressed.

He then passed turn to me where I combo'd off. Then the Next guy combo'd off. Then the Zedruu player flicker'd the Azusa player's Regal Force, making the Azusa player deck himself.

Good times.

January 20, 2016 10:36 p.m.

kengiczar says... #7

I have killed somebody with the token from Khalni Garden and Bow of Nylea once. Not my most epic but certainly my favorite win. Without that land I would have had absolutely zero creatures for the next several turns after that Cyclonic Rift. Luckily for me the guy had tons of counters but he didn't use any on Bow of Nylea and couldn't stop the token when I played my land afterward. He was sitting on Strip Mine at the time too! : D

January 20, 2016 10:40 p.m.

Megalomania says... #8

My group sometimes plays in teams. Being a combo player, I am usually the primary target of the opposing team. This means, I am almost always dead or close to dying during every game.

On one of these games, I was down to 2 life and had to pull a win or die. One of the guys (from the other team), was able to draw an Arcane Denial using Sensei's Divining Top to counter what would have been a game-ending Palinchron + Phantasmal Image combo (I have Oona, Queen of the Fae as my commander). I tried to revive the Palinchron using Reanimate but even this got countered with a Negate. This left me with two untapped lands in play, and a Phantasmal Image and Teferi, Mage of Zhalfir in my hand.

Next to play was a teammate of mine who had a Grand Abolisher in play. During his upkeep, I drew two cards (Arcane Denial), one of which was Shallow Grave! I then went on to cast Shallow Grave to get Palinchron back into play. I now had 7 untapped lands, enough to play Teferi which now gave Phantasmal Image and Oona flash. With my combo pieces now in play, and my teammate's Grand Abolisher protecting them, we went on to win the game.

January 20, 2016 11:13 p.m.

Name says... #9

So 2 dragon decks and my iffy jank. One's got a great board, dragons everywhere. Two and I are completely hosed. Two grins and taps out casting Karrthus, Tyrant of Jund. Swings for the surprise kill, dropping One. Passes turn to me. Two's already celebrating. I think about it a bit, then cast Phyrexian Metamorph.

That game was alright.

January 20, 2016 11:21 p.m.

CastleSiege says... #10

Playing my Titania, Protector of Argoth deck, I have her, Zuran Orb, and Manabond in play. I have Avenger of Zendikar and Concordant Crossroads in hand. I draw for turn and picked up Creeping Renaissance, perfect! I drop the Avenger and put 15 tokens into play. Sacced all my lands to the Orb except for Gaea's Cradle and made 14 5/3 tokens. Dropped crossroads and Renaissance, returning all lands to my hand. Went to combat and killed 1 of my 3 opponents. On my discard step I put all of those lands back into play with Manabond, triggering Avenger's ability. Neither of the other 2 players had a boardwipe so I won on my next turn :)

January 20, 2016 11:31 p.m.

DeathChant17 says... #11

I once took 2 friends out by swinging an unblockable 54/54 Consuming Aberration at one of them then Flinging him as a 29/29 at the other.

January 20, 2016 11:57 p.m.

dbpunk says... #12

So there's four players, and one guy out has a 22/22 Managorger Hydra and a Llanowar Elves, and is at 28 life. My other opponent, who's at 1 life, only has a Purphoros, God of the Forge and a Dictate of the Twin Gods and all I have (because they spent the majority of the game targeting me) is a Thassa, God of the Sea. And I'm at 17 life so me and him were both pretty screwed since every creature we've drawn has been take out by the player with the Hydra.

My next turn I pulled Reins of Power and won. I still feel like somehow that shouldn't have happened.

January 21, 2016 12:24 a.m.

AlexoBn says... #13

Played Gisela, Blade of Goldnight and had a Wheel of Fate suspended. It resolved in my upkeep and I draw Wheel of Fortune and Repercussion then decide to play the next wheel effect with the purpose to find Blasphemous Act. Wheel of Fortune resolves and I really drew Blasphemous Act. That killed all other players (I did not use my commander the whole match). It was the last possible way to win against a crazy amount of marath tokens

January 21, 2016 3:35 a.m.

CuteSnail says... #14

Long story short, Birds of Paradise was a 10/11 after multiple Verdant Confluence in My Titania, Protector of Argoth deck. I tap out to activate Shaman of Forgotten Ways and my life is down to like 7, opponent is at like 4. Opponents turn and she swings with an Inferno Titan and then sac all my land to Zuran Orb to stay alive. Next turn swing with BoP for game.

January 21, 2016 11:39 a.m.

Monsmtg says... #15

40 goblin and Mob Justice, Massive Raid, and Raid Bombardment. Ended a 3 player game without dealing combat damage.

January 21, 2016 12:05 p.m.

iLikeDirt says... #16

I was actually playing last night. It was me on Mizzix of the Izmagnus storm, Kaalia of the Vast, Sasaya, Orochi Ascendant combo, Trostani, Selesnya's Voice enchantress/tokens, and Momir Vig, Simic Visionary mid-combo.

Game one: Kaalia of the Vast player, I love the guy but he was an asshole who played turn two Rest in Peace, which really hurts my deck, so I did nothing and my group thought my deck was basically a durdly for "fun" deck.

Game two: My commander died like 4 times? So basically everyone, including myself, thought I was mostly out of the game and mostly just focused on everyone else doing stuff. Well turns out on like turn 9 when I haven't missed a land drop and a Past in Flames into Turnabout copied with Increasing Vengeance to get three copies, in response to the 2nd iteration of Turnabout flashing back High Tide left me with something like 23 Blue, 5 Red, and a couple colorless floating and then I just emptied it into an Epic Experiment hit with a Reiterate. I won with a Laboratory Maniac with everyone else presenting a lethal board.

Game three: I went off on turn 5 no remorse with turn one being Island + Sol Ring + Izzet Signet into turn two Steam Vents tapped, general go. It was brutal and out of respect for the group I stepped away from the table so the group could play actual games.

January 21, 2016 1:46 p.m.

Bout the coolest thing I did was while i was playing a G/w EDH deck. My opponent playing Brimaz, King of Oreskos voltron/tokens. I was at 13 life, and had 18 points of general damage. His Brimaz was protected heavily (hexproof/indestructible) and unblockable. I was sitting with an Aura of Silence and Sensei's Divining Top on board and some lands in hand, 2 of those lands being Blighted Woodland and Evolving Wilds. I draw, cast Emeria Shepherd. Sac AoS to destroy the Swiftfoot Boots, play Blighted Woodland, return AoS to my hand. Pay 1 for Top, find Beast Within, cast and destroy his Rogue's Passage. Pass turn. His turn, he attacks in with Brimaz and 7 tokens. Block Brimaz with Shepherd, take 9 down to 4 life with 18 general on me still. My turn, draw top, play top, 1 to Top, find Tragic Arrogance, draw it, cast AoS, sac Aos, destroy Indestructibility, cast Tragic Arrogance, leave him with a 1/1, playing Evolving Wilds, trigger, return a Banishing Light to hand, sacrifices Wilds, get plains, trigger, return AoS to play. Pass turn. He is left with no cards in hand and I have the ball. I begin digging through my deck and finish him off in 4 turns with the help of top and some Chord of Calling shenanigans.

January 21, 2016 4:46 p.m.

swkelly89 says... #18

today actually. i was playing Azami, Lady of Scrolls in a 4 person pod. i was at 10 life bc everyone just had to single out the control/combo player and was totally gonna be dead after my turn. in play i had Rhystic Study, Sapphire Medallion and 8 lands...thats it. i drew into Mind Over Matter from a Rhystic Study trigger and at the end of my opponents turn i flashed in Teferi, Mage of Zhalfir. my turn started and i topped deck High Tide. casted high tide, then mind over matter, azami, combo-ed off until i got Laboratory Maniac, then won

January 22, 2016 8:19 p.m.

gyratingllama says... #19

Was playing planechase with 7 people(including me). I am playing Braids with big creautres and some wonky funny cards, there is Sen Triplets, Riku, Thrax, Norin the Wary, Mikaeus the unhallowed, and Xenagos. We get to the plane called Glimmervoid basin. This plane allows you to copy instants and sorceries for each player, spell, permanant, and other cards not on the field that it could target. I end up casting eternal dominion and everyone scooped after they understood what was going to happen. I would of still been able to play my cards from hands with Braids out.

January 23, 2016 12:02 a.m.

Sloanan says... #20

I had two epic finishes back-to-back this week:

Up first, I was using my Omnath, Locus of Rage deck in a three-way battle between my brother's Captain Sisay deck and my friend's Daretti, Scrap Savant artifact deck.

Despite my deck's design of being a ramp deck, I was having shite draws the entire time, only pulling up lands or removal, which was what kept me in the game so long. The entire time I was getting mana flooded, the Sisay and Deretti decks were just going to town on each other. I was rooting for Sisay, since it was my deck on loan to my brother, but it looked like Deretti had it with his ass-ton of evil artifacts. He had my Omnath (my only guy on the field at the moment) and all of Sisay's army tapped down with an Arena of the Ancients, so neither of us had any blockers.

After a while, I FINALLY tapped out all of my lands for an Avenger of Zendikar, Fires of Yavimaya, and an Alpha Authority on Omnath and some Lightning Greaves on the Avenger. So that's 14 lands tapped, FYI. My friend responds with a Mesmeric Orb, meaning I'm about to mill 14, and then an overloaded Mizzium Mortars, killing all of my plants. My brother uses Selvala, Explorer Returned to net us each a card. I pulled a Praetor's Counsel.

I mill 14, cast the Counsel, getting back all of my graveyard. I used a mix of Explore and Exploration to play a Scalding Tarn, Blighted Woodland, and Terramorphic Expanse, netting me 7 5/5 Elemental tokens. I then spend the rest of my mana to boardwipe his artifacts with Creeping Corrosion and put out a Beastmaster Ascension. I swing at my brother (who is at 15 life) with two of the tokens and the rest at my friend (who was at 40) for 70 damage total and the game.

Our second game, I swapped decks for my Ezuri, Claw of Progress deck and my friend swapped out Deretti for a Selvala, Explorer Returned Superfriends deck. This win was slightly less epic, but very vindicating for me. My brother used the douchebaggish combo of Hokori, Dust Drinker, Seedborn Muse, and Kataki, War's Wage after we made some big plays to essentially slow-lock us out of the game. My friend found a way to copy the Seedborn Muse (I thought it was Duplicant, but the original was still out on the field so it must have been something else), and I had nothing in my hand that was cheap enough to cast with tax I had to pay to keep some of my artifacts I needed around.
My friend and brother kept duking it out until my friend finally boardwiped, which got me back in the game, letting me use my 13 mana available to me. In one fell swoop, I cast Ezuri from my hand (bounced earlier to avoid the commander tax), pulled out an Avenger of Zendikar, putting my XP counters to 11, then cast Sage of Hours and went infinite for the win.

So, lesson to be learned is don't ignore the smallest threat, I guess? Maybe? Or maybe just make my decks more consistent...

January 28, 2016 10:24 a.m.

I was playing my Omnath, Locus of Rage against Krenko, Mob Boss Goblins in a seven player game- Krenko and I had an uneasy alliance going, where everyone else was trying to kill Krenko before he got out of hand, and I was keeping him alive, but destroying his board state so he couldn't overwhelm us. A long fight later, it comes down to me, with seven life, Xenagos, God of Revels and an Incandescent Soulstoke, against him, with thirty-one life, and nine 1/1 goblins, and a Nahiri, the Lithomancer deck that was going crazy with Cathars' Crusade, but had just tapped out to kill someone else, and only had three life left.

On my turn, I activate Incandescent Soulstoke to put a Chameleon Colossus onto the battlefield with haste. Tap four mana, it becomes a 10/10, tap four mana, it becomes a 20/20, tap seven mana, cast Omnath. Go to attacks, and Xenagos makes the Colossus a 40/40, and swing at the goblins. I then point out that I've got a Brawn in my graveyard. He blocks with nine goblins, and takes exactly lethal damage. Then I end my turn, sac the Colossus to Soulstoke's requirement, and throw three damage at Nahiri to win.

January 29, 2016 3:25 p.m.

Kala says... #22

Playing three opponents, one combos off in colorless, gains "Googleplex" life and draws until they have anything they want. One player concedes. Second player holds out until Ulamog blows up two of his lands, then concedes. I, playing Phelddagrif, bide my time until my next turn. On my turn, I calmly untap, upkeep, draw, play land drop into Arbiter of Knollridge. I now have one googleplex life. Congratulations, you played yourself.

January 31, 2016 3:30 a.m.

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