Commander Story Circle
Commander (EDH) forum
Posted on Sept. 6, 2024, 1:01 p.m. by Idoneity
Yesternight I went to my LGS's free-play commander event. It had been a while and I was looking forward to it. In the second round with a lovely group, I played my Bladewing the Risen deck, an old and reliable favourite.
It was a slow start for us all; I did some discarding and then cast a Wheel of Fortune. Because I was against three green opponents, I was disappointed when the only dragon I drew was a Hellkite Tyrant. There were no artifacts as far as I could tell. But then I noticed something.
The wheel had drawn a foe into an Ygra, Eater of All. Everything was food and everything was dying, so it quickly became massive. But I had a beautiful Hellkite Tyrant, which was soon wearing Greaves, which had soon granted me control of all of their food creatures.
On a previous night with the same deck, an opponent had resolved a Possibility Storm, so I began casting Rummaging Goblins with the hope of hitting Utvara Hellkites.
Magic has innumerable interactions that each recontextualize the game-state, sometimes to the degree of utterly unforeseen terrain.
Do you have any stories of your deck doing something you had never designed it to do? Maybe it operated off a card you included for another purpose entirely, or maybe your opponent cast a Dream Halls and you popped off to new heights. Tell your tales!
Squee_Spirit_Guide says... #3
I don't play commander but I love story time! I have a casual deck that plays Spike Feeder for it's ability to sacrifice itself for free. I had never remotely considered the first ability that allows you to move the +1/+1 counters on it to another creature. That is, until a game where the board was locked up on the ground and the only flier was my Birds of Paradise. I re-read Spike Feeder and moved the counters to the BoPs and proceeded to beat down for the win. Let's just not talk about how many turns it took me to figure out that line :).
legendofa, your Scrambleverse story is spectacular! I love those "wait, what just happened?" moments in Magic!
September 8, 2024 11:53 a.m.
My friend, I try to build a good amount of decks based off "every game is different" & "powerful but random" effects. So with most my decks "every game is a winding road" :)
I'd say: Breach the Multiverse is a staple for manufacturing a large, but unpredictable turn of events. Pretty much any time you topcast from opponent's library without fixing the outcome.
legendofa says... #2
Maybe not unexpectedly resourceful, or finding a new way to use a card, but definitely unexpected. I was on Vampires, opponent was using Grixis Chaos, and the other two aren't relevant to the story other than they were there. I had my Vampire Nighthawk holding a Thornbite Staff online, pinging and killing all the creatures, but there were still the usual array of mana rocks and miscellaneous enchantments out. Grixis Chaos casts a Scrambleverse. We all get our dice out and start rolling for control of everything. Several minutes later, when the dust settled, the results were in and somehow, every permanent stayed under the control of whoever had it. The net effect of a spell was that my Nighthawk dropped the Staff. Probably one of those things where you had to be there, but in the moment, we had to stop the game just to wonder how that had happened. I guess this is the story of something we didn't expect that didn't change anything at all.
September 8, 2024 3:43 a.m.