Competitive Dralnu Video
Commander (EDH) forum
Posted on July 16, 2017, 6:28 p.m. by buildingadeck
Hello everyone!
While I generally do a lot of budget videos for users like myself who cannot afford to play some of the best cards in the format, I have opted to shake things up in a couple ways this week. First: I am playing a full list without any budget constraints. Second: this is the first cEDH brew I've crafted on my own, receiving help on the fine-tuning from many in the discord. Third: I'm playing a fast combo deck (sure, I played Sram last week, but in general, it is a break of pattern).
With that said, I should talk a little bit about the deck. I purchased a Doomsday last night on a whim, and I was immediately motivated to play it alongside High Tide, a classic pairing that appears in many decks. I did not, however, want to pay Zur, Jeleva, or Thrasios/Tymna because I wanted to stick to two colors. I browsed through a few legendaries and found the commander to helm the deck: Dralnu, Lich Lord.
While he is not an infinite mana outlet like Oona (the other commander I considered for this list), he provides recursion for spells in the command zone which work well with both Doomsday and any storm combo I might play (as well as giving me the opportunity to flashback an Ad Nauseam if it gets countered; don't know why you'd want to flashback DD, but you could). The deck thus falls in the adaptive combo range: aiming to win quickly, but it has the legs to go into the long game with Dralnu's spell recursion. Aside from manually storming into Fishbowl or drawing through Lab Man on a DD pile, the deck also has Dramatic Scepter as an infinite mana/spells loop that can win through Aetherflux Reservoir.
Here is the first video of my brew being played: Video
Here is the decklist (many parts changed since the video): Decklist
Special thanks to Dan, Shaper, Trestian and Jim for your help in shaping this deck.