Dimir Witches
Commander (EDH) forum
Posted on Sept. 5, 2022, 12:23 p.m. by philsonwilson
I'd love to get some advice on a deck I'm building for my partner, it's part thematic Witches and part Dimir control. I didn't want to lean too heavy into the latter as they're still new to the game, but Witches Tribal wasn't particularly great either.
rshistorysmuf says... #3
Make it simple with not too many interactions.
Play x and it gives a bonus to another x.
Play Y and draw card.
Play Z and search for something.
The problem about building decks for someone else is you may know all the interactions - they will not.
September 6, 2022 1:48 p.m.
420MensRightsActivist says... #4
witch tribal would indeed not be great since witch isn't a creature type. control isn't particularly hard for new players to learn, but if your partner is really that interested in mtg, they should probably be buying their own decks, or at least deciding the general strategy themselves. otherwise you run the risk of spending a buncha money on something they don't even enjoy playing.
September 6, 2022 9:15 p.m.
Looks like a really fun and flavorful deck. And I mean, power level is always relative, so it may not need to push into control too much. It's the kind of thing that might get people to dust off some fun decks, and as long as they aren't getting beat up every game, your partner will find what they like as far as play and can make the deck their own.
My only suggestions would be adding aristocrats pay offs rather than control, just because a new player can get excited when they see synergy happen in game. When your Yawgmoth, Thran Physician sacs a creature (he's so a dude witch!) and then you piggyback a Tragic Slip and gain loyalty on Lolth, Spider Queen and then reanimate with Coffin Queen then sac that to Yawgmoth and kill something with a second -1/-1...I don't know, maybe it's just me, but I feel like that's the kind of stuff that gets new players to really love the game.
Everything looks great, and the flavor is oooon point : ) This is just like, if I had to make a suggestion, it would be to make it more splashy just to make games exciting for a new player.
September 7, 2022 5:43 p.m.
philsonwilson says... #6
Thanks for that advice Niko9, that's a good way of thinking about it! I hadn't seen Coffin Queen before either that's a great addition. And yeah I'm expecting her to change it as time goes on and gets to know the deck better, but we've all got to start somewhere!
Also thanks to the other three advice, I think maybe I should have made it clearer that she has specifically asked me to build a deck for her. She'll be building her own decks too, but has asked for this as well. The theme and general strategy was decided by her, but since she doesn't know what mechanics actually reflect this.
September 8, 2022 7:02 a.m. Edited.
Awesome : ) I'm sure she will love the deck. And who knows, maybe wizards will support witches as a tribe more. I always thought it was kind of lame that the main tribe in black is zombies. They're okay I guess, but I feel like their flavor can never go past "braaaains" Witches would be way more interesting : )
FormOverFunction says... #2
I’ve got a theme deck that could give you some ideas for flavor (and POSSIBLY mechanics...) https://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/ladies-coven-night/
September 6, 2022 8:57 a.m.