Does anyone else get targeted for almost no justifiable reason and if so how do you deal with it?
Commander (EDH) forum
Posted on May 20, 2018, 3:58 a.m. by Avacidal_maniac
So I used to run a Glissa, the Traitor jank deck where it would just recur stuff to try and eventually ramp into big creatures like Darksteel Colossus or a praetor. that deck got targeted until I eventually had to retire it. Reason was because one of the big creatures was Blightsteel Colossus, which i can understand why people hate that one but it was only one out of 99 and I only ever cast it once, new deck I made is Avacyn, Angel of Hope angel tribal. That one is being hated out so much the only permanents I ever seem to have are lands until they get bounced by capsize or similar effects- for reference my playgroup use the following decks Inalla, Archmage Ritualist combos, the only way this deck wins is through going infinite, most of them revolve around making infinite hasters with Inalla's ability, and i do have Thalia, Heretic Cathar and Blind Obedience to try and slow it down but based on my current predicament they don't last 2 seconds before they get blown away. another uses either Kaalia of the Vast beat down or Freyalise, Llanowar's Fury elf tribal. this guy wins the most and people tend to listen to him whenever he tells them to do anything even though I try the same thing and I get killed within the next turn cycle. the third uses Brago, King Eternal stax. somehow he never seems to get targeted either and if i do manage to play a mana rock to try and get my angels out and if it sticks, he always seems to have a way to shut it down be it a Null Rod or Lavinia of the Tenth
I have made several changes to the deck to try and stop these from happening but it doesn't seem to fix anything. I have tried toning my deck down despite the fact I have never won a game with this deck before. Didn't work. I'm not sure what to do, I need some help
Steelspike says... #3
My advice to you would be to play a deck that you find extremely fun.
Maybe something with green and white so you can play Privileged Position/Sterling Grove and Asceticism. Possibly Orbs of Warding as well. Just to ward off (pardon the pun) the most damage your opponents could do.
May 20, 2018 7:13 a.m.
podracer1994 says... #4
Maybe try some of the Command Zone videos on Politics, too. Might have some good tips. They've helped me a ton.
May 20, 2018 9:13 a.m.
As others have mentioned, it's worth talking to your playgroup. But it can as just be the people you play with. Sometimes people get an idea in their head and they can't seem to shake it. So no matter what deck you play, people will focus you because they've just been conditioned to.
Playing control? "I have to kill you so my spells will resolve". Playing beats? "You have something scary". Playing pillow fort? "I have to kill you so you don't fort down too much". People will always find a reason.
Though my recommendation would be that if you were to put a new deck together, make sure you diversify your ramp and card advantage package. Then you should be able to at least play through your opponents' spells. Muldrotha, the Gravetide value could be good.
May 20, 2018 9:46 a.m. Edited.
DankStompy says... #7
"people tend to listen to him whenever he tells them to do anything even though I try the same thing and I get killed within the next turn cycle."
wait so is he tellin people what to do "as" you guys are playing? he tells them how to play? because i get halfway through the above quote and think "oh he means deckbuilding advice" then i get to the "killed within the next turn cycle" part and suddenly it doesnt sound like deckbuilding advice any more.
if they're really targeting you that much, or at times when you don't even have the most threatening board state, you could always just laugh at'em and tell them they're scared to let your deck do anything. may not be the "nicest" way of doin it, but its still nicer than what they're doin to you, and you sound like you would care more about results than about beating around the bush anyway
May 20, 2018 10:12 a.m.
MagicalHacker says... #8
They are finding either your deck or you to be the scary factor. Let someone else borrow your deck for a game and see what it is. Bonus points if that person let's your borrow one of their decks. Even better if everyone agrees to randomly distribute decks.
May 20, 2018 11:56 a.m.
DrukenReaps says... #9
Sometimes I'm the most knowledgeable player at the table and I find this alone gets me targeted. I suggest as others have that you talk with these people, you get along with them on some level or you wouldn't be playing with them at all. Ask why they target you. If you can't get a decent answer ramp up your decks because that will probably be the only way you get anywhere.
May 20, 2018 1:29 p.m.
Just make deck full of pillow forts, wraths, and other disruption. If you can't enjoy the game make so on one can. Or you could go group hug and players won't target you because your giving them advantages
May 20, 2018 2:58 p.m.
Hmm. People don't usually do things without reason, although I find the reasoning is often flawed. Sometimes people just like a reaction too much, are you reacting to the targeting? or questioning those people on why? If so, don't give any reaction because it is what they want... See comment above where they will seemingly find a reason no matter what.
You could do what I do, I have one MEGA spite-winner Sisay deck which I play when I really need a win. Otherwise I have adopted some clear set policies that normally does not lead to winning games, but those decks + policies are simply great at messing up a few people to make a statement. For example I have a couple of commanders who are targeted for flawed reasons, if I am playing a MEtarget heavy game I will declair vendetta on the player who triggers me and CONSISTENTLY go for their throat until we are both basically dead.... Do that CONSISTENTLY and the message becomes clear: "trigger me and you will not stay in this game". Play to make a statement, not to win. You find that decisions come to you so much easier, your stress level goes down (you aren't straining for the win) - because the Win is putting the hurt on player x & the FFA win is an added bonus if you get it. Also, I have become VERY fond of redirect effects like Shunt That leads me to the next point: deckbuilding. Skullbriar, the Walking Grave.. he's coming out turn 2, 2 cmc, minimal benefit to targeting him. Or just get a hexproof commander. I have a hilarious Lazav, Dimir Mastermind deck that just kindof does its' own thing
May 20, 2018 11:07 p.m.
Here's two questions: how long have you been playing with this group and do you know who they've played against before? Because honestly, that may be part of the issue.
Like everyone has that commander they have awful memories of who they just wanna get off the table as quick as possible. For example, I have awful memories of playing against my friends Jhoira of the Ghitu deck and his Momir Vig, Simic Visionary deck and now whenever I play against a deck with either of them helming it, I attack them first. Like in similar games, I've also seen Avacyn and Glissa decks get quick hated off the table even if it's like, super basic decks.
It might not be you, it might be the fact you're picking commanders the others don't wanna deal with.
May 20, 2018 11:18 p.m.
Thescarabbob says... #13
If you're not finding it fun, make sure they don't either. Lock them out of the game with some discusting monster or play decks full of agressive, hard to kill cretures. Another option is to play a critical mass of tutors to shut down your opponents degeneracy
May 23, 2018 7:40 p.m.
Karns_Pyromancer says... #14
I pushed my decks toward more and more competitive as time went on. I really enjoy stax and pox lines. Other people don't. I become, frequently, a target because I exploit the "new rules" I impose on the game.
How I deal with it is two-fold:
Make new rules or say no. Static effects and Counterspells mostly, I recreate the environment in my imagined form. Do I often win? Well, I win my share. Variance and skill dictate wins.
Play stupid decks. People are expecting stax? I'm going to play a Breya KCI deck and go as far as I can as soon as I can. If I win, cool! If not, I made the people targeting me feel bad for wasting their threats on a dumb deck.
May 26, 2018 1:13 p.m.
Thescarabbob says... #15
I do the same. I have a zenagos go tall deck, K+T group hug,meren reanimator, mizzix combo, and zur stax. I regularly strip and rebuild these to be unpredictable and it produces interesting results.
CuteSnail says... #2
Have you talked to your group about this? Perhaps they can tell you why you're being targeted. You can talk with them, find a way to settle that way, or you can play something worthy of being targeted and win through the adversity. If they're going to target you, least you could do is give them a good reason. I do suggest you start with the former, before trying the latter.
May 20, 2018 6:44 a.m.