First EDH deck tips
Commander (EDH) forum
Posted on April 3, 2020, 2:30 a.m. by Nasser_inside1
All right then. I’ve scoured through several card databases and decided my commander and the theme. Pramikon pillowfort! Beforehand, though. I just need the reccomended amount of lands and staples to add to the deck
Suns_Champion is also starting a series dedicated to those who want to learn more about deck crafting for EDH. They have some great tips in their first article and I imagine the follow-ups will help answer your questions with great detail.
April 3, 2020 10:03 a.m. Edited.
As it's your first deck and thus your new to EDH (welcome to the format) I would defiantly keep in mind that you are one of 4 players at the table so don't expect to win more then 25% once you get going... less at the start.
35-38 lands is what I go with depending on my deck and around 10 ramp cards. It sounds excessive but you have time to play the game and you don't want to be sitting locked out of the game for turns just trying to get your game plan going because you have no land/mana. It happens and it makes for a miserable game.
April 3, 2020 10:58 a.m.
Nasser_inside1 says... #5
enpc the main plan of the deck is sowing chaos across the board but while keeping me safe and observing as chaos grows.
FSims81 I’ll keep a lookout for that!
Pervavita I will make a large amount of mana sources for the deck.
Thanks for the help all!
April 3, 2020 10:36 p.m.
Pervavita gives good advice. The 25% win-rate advice is good. I found that I have much better games in pursuit of decks that at least make a large impact on the game regardless of the win. Pramikon usually will make an impact on the game, Although remember to splash some offensive stuff Crescendo of War or some other game accelerator, otherwise you do end up watching everyone else play without doing much yourself - just a suggestion you can find a less suicidal offensive weapon as well. He is also right about mana sources, they are so not-glorious, but they do usually have a positive impact for most players running them.
April 4, 2020 2:14 p.m.
Not sure how many staples Pramikon, Sky Rampart truly runs with. It is a little "off-the-beaten path"... Which makes it a great choice. Orzhov Advokist may keep your opponents fighting & has a pillow aspect. Duelist's Heritage makes you buff even for opponent's creature. Bloodthirsty Blade rules - it garners less hate than true removal & sticks around after most boardwipes. Fractured Identity is amazing for Prami, whatever player is attacking you with some bomb-creature will lose that creature & all your opponents now have ammunition to bash each other. I don't know a ton about pillowforting though, not usually my playstyle.
April 4, 2020 2:48 p.m.
Nasser_inside1: Hate to burst your bubble, but that's not actually a win condition, unless your aim is to get people to just get sick of the game and quit.
How does your deck win in a vacuum? You should at least pick one win condition that can fulfil that critereon.
April 5, 2020 3:19 a.m.
Nasser_inside1 says... #9
enpc heh... Was searching that up a moment ago. I’ll need to think about that as I’m searching. Also am open for suggestions for the win-con
enpc says... #2
first off, you should figure out (in a bit of detail) what you want hte deck to do and how you want it to win (hint: "turn sideways" or "combo" is too vague). from there, this will dictate a lot of the card choices you make and will give you quantities for each effect.
It will also give you approximate values for number of ramp cards. As a general rule though, I would say 36-37 lands is a good starting point with 13-14 ramp cards. Basically, about half your deck should be mana.
April 3, 2020 9:16 a.m.