Fish Hulk might be a problem...
Commander (EDH) forum
Posted on Jan. 7, 2020, 1:46 p.m. by GhostChieftain
CEDH speculation time here. With the spoiling of Thassa's Oracle today, the unified hulk discord has announced that 3 decks (shuffle hulk, sacred hulk, and breakfast hulk) have become redundant because they are all now one and the same... Fish Hulk (only a current working title, will probably end up something else). This will have even less interactability than any of the other 3 and the only real way to stop it is countering the Flash or countering the hulk death trigger. It is also compact enough that the new hulk decks will be playing at least as many if not more counterspells than most decks so they can just force this baby through. It will likely be run in both tnt as well as najeela, so 2 decks will be tier 0 with the same win con. One of the players in my group has speculated that this might kill cst as well as the 3 hulk decks.
Imo, this will be bad for the format and we will likely need a banning that hits this hard. Whether it is the new card(unlikely), Flash , or Protean Hulk I am unsure. Once again, this is just speculation as we haven't actually seen what this will do to the meta. Hopefully the rules committee is watching.
ToffMcSoft says... #2
Let's also not forget about how broken London Mulligan is for Flash Hulk decks...
I've seen Flash Hulk deck go down to 4 cards and win on Turn 2. Talk about some BS.
February 20, 2020 7:53 a.m.
ToffMcSoft says... #3
Petition to Ban Flash - Let's get the Rules Committee something to run with.
February 21, 2020 3:19 p.m.
Imo, fish hulk is a fantastic deck that is a prime example of how great commander format is. Granted in a 60 card 1v1 format like everyone is used to this deck would be over powered. How ever in a 4 man pod while you mulligan down to get your combo, you got 3 opponents doing the same for a dispel or negate becouse they knew what was coming the moment they saw your commander. And guess what the odds are in their favor to stop you in your tracks. Also I don't feel this is the most powerful commander deck. I personally have turned 0 useing flash hulk in my temur deck, turned 2 a blightsteel colossus in jund, and can easily hit 21 commander damage with my greven predator captain deck before you play your second land. And as cool as that all sounds my play group has never had an issue shutting me down... becouse the truth about pod commander is 2 and 3 card combos have low probabilities, and 1 in 3 opponents having an awnser is a high probability. So before you panic and call the ban police. First look at all the wonderful rescourses we have in commander to stop it and remeber no matter how powerful a deck might seem somewhere in some set is a single card that will shut it all down.
ToffMcSoft says... #1
Flash needs to be banned. Hulk is a fun card to play but flash makes hulk beyond broken.
Flash almost makes Academy Rector broken.
The problem now is the cEDH meta is 40% flash hulk decks and it's getting worse and worse.
A Singleton format that is supposed to bring diversity has narrowed down to a single deck choice....
The RC was nuts to ban PE but not ban Flash. PE took a lot of setup. Flash is legit too easy to tutor for and requires ZERO setup to kick off.
February 20, 2020 6:53 a.m.