Great Esper-ations
Commander (EDH) forum
Posted on April 1, 2022, 10:17 a.m. by Guerric
Hi everyone! I could use some communal help in deciding on something. For some time I have had a super-friends deck built around Aminatou, the Fateshifter. The deck works fine and all and there are some fun things with it, but I think I just really don't like super-friends. Players tend to target planes-walkers all the time, even if they aren't the biggest threat or even a threat at all, and while I do a lot to protect them its just not a super fun playstyle for me. This is also disappointing because I started by magic journey with casual decks in the esper shard world and I love the color combo, so I want to like my esper deck a lot. But I have a lot of pricy, shiny planes-walkers I could sell for store credit ti make a new deck, and a beautiful esper mana base and support cards I'd play in any deck. So I'd like some help deciding what to do.
When I first started commander, I thought I'd build Oloro, Ageless Ascetic. It seemed like a relaxed concept to gain life, draw cards, sit back, and police the board. But as I've gained experience and the format has evolved, I don't think I'd enjoy a passive playstyle like this, but I could be wrong.
One commander I am very intrigued by is Alela, Artful Provocateur. I played her in Brawl in person and on arena and enjoyed that, and think she would even be better in commander. I love artifacts and enchantments and do not have an artifact themed deck. I think she could be built in a lot of ways, and could have some fun combos while also being able to smack opponents for damage. I like commanders who have a clear direction, but which still could be built differently, and she seems like that. One of my reservations is that I also play Ranar the Ever-Watchful, and while I don't see myself playing blink in Alela and I don't run combos in Ranar, I'd want to make sure it feels different.
I also am very excited by Varina, Lich Queen. I love tribal decks to the core, and zombies are about as iconic as they come. I also like commanders that draw cards, and while Varina technically loots, building her correctly would allow me to sculpt my hand and recur stuff from the yard. While I know there are some combos with her she could be played aggressively, and she seems like fun.
I could also be open to other esper commanders, with the exception of the "enter the dungeon" guy as that mechanic sounds annoying to me, but the above are ones I've been intrigued by. What are your thoughts? I very much appreciate any input!
Thanks plakjekaas! I will definitely keep an eye on that and not jump too quickly to my decision. Even if I eventually go with one of the above options there will probably be valuable support pieces and, as you've said, I may find something I like better than those options. Raffine looks cool in that it could be a good commander or even a valuable piece in an Varina deck.
April 1, 2022 11:39 a.m.
If I had nickel for every time an opponent misplayed and killed a freshly cast Oko that just elked their Commander with a removal spell... jeez do people misplay constantly around walkers in EDH. Totally get the whole super friends feeling unsatisfying to try to play at time. (Quick aside: if an opponent, for example, elks your thing with Oko DO NOT KILL THAT OKO!!! If you do, you’re down 2 cards, the elked card and your removal spell, and have lost the battle of attrition in card advantage and mana investment, meaning you are now at a disadvantage compared to the rest of the table because of the misplay. Let the Oko elk something from each other opponent first so that you will be at “parity” with all the non Oko players and then you can gang up on the Oko player to punish without causing yourself to be at a disadvantage.)
Personally, I’d lean towards Alena. Tons of flexibility in terms of play styles she can support and loads of fun themes to build around. She’d be at the top of my list of potential new Esper commander candidates in this kind of situation.
April 1, 2022 1:39 p.m.
Thanks jaymc1130! One of the guys in my playgroup usually convinces the others to attack my PWs when he is clearly ahead in the game and I have a small handful of cards and only a few permanents. And I appreciate the Alela vote, as I know you're quite the pro at those types of decks.
It's funny though, because I just had the most epic game with it this afternoon. I've never imagined activating Ugin, the Spirit Dragon so many times. I was definitely on track to win, especially when my final opponent finally conceded, especially as I had three extra turns more. It was a true Rube Goldberg board though, which was fun and he was having as much fun watching it as I was. That's the other problem though, when its not a clear infinite combo and you are just running long, non-linear turns to pull the win some players love it but others are annoyed. And with Aminatou, The Chain Veil and a bunch of Planeswalkers that's likely to be the way to win. Its fun and much harder than simpler combos to win, but some people despise long turns so it isn't for all play environments. My favorite is using Wishclaw Talisman to get whatever I want and then blinking it with Aminatou to get it back. I hope I can find a way to play "The Monkey's Paw" in another esper deck.
April 1, 2022 2:59 p.m.
Hawksfield says... #6
I've had fun playing my Alela, Artful Enchantress 1.0 deck.
You can get up some pretty serious defenses from No Mercy, Ghostly Prison, and Sphere of Safety while still remaining active in combat with your tokens. Most opponents won't have enough flyers and you can basically attack at will once you're set up and trigger plenty of card draw with Bident of Thassa and Coastal Piracy.
I'm sure you could improve on my list, I don't own much of a land base so that would be a good place to start upgrading.
April 4, 2022 8:11 p.m.
Thanks for the suggestion Hawksfield! I do like that Alela can be built a lot of ways, and some sort of hybrid token tempo/combo approach would probably work for me. I have the flying token thing with Ranar and the combo thing in Inalla and Teysa, but some sort of hybrid could provide a fresh playing experience.
plakjekaas says... #2
Wait for New Capenna to drop. It's going to be a shard set, Esper will be in it, and Wizards can't help themselves printing ginormous amounts of legendary creatures in Standard sets these days. Already today, Raffine, Scheming Seer was spoiled, there's probably more to follow.
April 1, 2022 11:28 a.m.