I think it was pretty cool
Commander (EDH) forum
Posted on Feb. 6, 2018, 7:41 p.m. by griffstick
I was playing a game of CMDR with 2 other people I was playing Etali, Primal Storm it was turn 4 when I played Bludgeon Brawl turn 5 played my CMDR Etali, Primal Storm and turn 6 I played Hammer of Nazahn. That's when I realized that every mana rock I play from this point on is an equipment that I equip for free from Bludgeon Brawl + Hammer of Nazahn.
What a fun lil interaction. When put the deck together I didn't realize that combo. What a cool combo.
I did win that game BTW. The decks right here Prototype etali, primal storm Indestructible stuff if you want to check it out. It's fairly casual ATM.
My question to you guys is what cool combos hit you by surprise and not just combos that go infinite but cool synergies too
I had Etali, Primal Storm equipped with Swiftfoot Boots, Hammer of Nazahn, Hammer of Purphoros, Infiltration Lens, Slagwurm Armor, Strionic Resonator, Tamiyo's Journal, Thaumatic Compass Flip, Assault Suit, and Worn Powerstone lol. I grabbed a guy's attention who was walking by and said "look at this shit" he shook his head and laughed and said "what the f*ck is going on here how the hell did he get all that". I love this about CMDR
DrukenReaps says... #3
LOL, that is awesome.
I hadn't intended on it but my queen marchesa deck at one point had Repercussion and Blasphemous Act which became immediately obvious to me when they showed up together.
And then it became hilarious when I realized I had also put in Dowsing Dagger Flip and a land that gives 1/1s to other people as a way to seem less threatening.
Turned out the tokens were little bombs of happiness the whole time XD
February 6, 2018 7:51 p.m.
griffstick says... #4
@DrukenReaps. LMAO bombs of happiness. I'm sure they were very happy lol
February 6, 2018 8:13 p.m.
Had a game (a while ago) where my opponent was playing a Mayael beatdown deck against my Saffi Eriksdotter deck. He had a lot of fliers so to buy myself a turn I played my Reveillark purely as a blocker.
Somehow I top decked an Ashnod's Altar which let me get infinite mana, but I needed an outlet. I had an Acidic Slime (when I used to run it) sitting in the graveyard, a Sun Titan in hand and a Nim Deathmantle on the battlefield.
What did it though was the Mikokoro, Center of the Sea I had in play. Ended up killing my land with slime only to get it back with titan and draw indefinitely. My oppoent was (justifiably) a bit salty. Did a double take when I saw the combo and knew I had an out though, it did feel pretty good.
I now run that as one of my listed backup win conditions (I use Strip Mine instead of Slime to kill my land).
February 6, 2018 8:26 p.m. Edited.
I have an enchantment-based deck where I run Enchanted Evening. After some playtesting, I decided to add Opalescence, not even thinking of its potential combo ability, and just wanting an addition win condition.. While playtesting, I was pleasantly surprised when I drew both in the same hand and realised the interaction. Enchanted Evening turns all lands to enchantments, and Opalescence turns all lands into 0/0s. With Mirari's Wake in play, I safely obliterated my opponents' lands.
It was delightfully evil.
February 6, 2018 8:53 p.m. Edited.
Neat interaction for sure. I keep thinking a mega-budget, high haste, rock-filled, voltron Etali deck would be fun.
February 6, 2018 8:54 p.m.
MagicalHacker says... #8
In my Today, Gruul DOESN'T Fight?! (Radha Primer), I didn't know how powerful having Abundance, Possibility Storm, and Enchantress's Presence out simultaneously until every enchantment I played gave me two nonlands into my hand. Fuuuuun lol
February 6, 2018 9:14 p.m.
PhotogenicParasympathetic says... #9
Kudos on the flavor win of equipping Hammer of Purphoros.
I built a GB graveyard EDH deck, and didn't realize I had an infinite combo until I tried to get some value and realize I could just keep going... and going... and going...
Basically I sacrificed my Mitotic Slime to Phyrexian Altar to get the last mana I needed to cast Ever After to get Slime and Rune-Scarred Demon our of my graveyard, then realized that Slime left me with tokens to sac for mana (plus the new Slime, and its tokens, and the Demon), and the Demon would let me search for Ever After... so I could keep reanimating, netting extra mana every time, then eventually once I had a billion mana, I searched up Sidisi, Undead Vizier, used her to search up the Ever After, and then kept reanimating Sidisi and RSDemon, finding literally any/every card in my deck with enough mana to cast them. Won by casting, sacrificing, and reanimating Gonti, Lord of Luxury enough times to turn everyone else's libraries into a pile of lands, and then cast everyone else's spells for a while. It was fun.
February 6, 2018 11:59 p.m.
Here's a cool interaction that came up for me and surprised me with instant winning.
I had bounced Tishana to my hand to replay her to get another card draw trigger, and when she was re-cast from my hand it triggered the Wild Pair in play. Because Psychosis Crawler and Tishana, Voice of Thunder both have the same power and toughness all the time I was able to choose it as it's pair amazingly. So the Crawler came into play before Tishana's card draw trigger went onto the stack and it surprisingly killed my opponent without attacking!
Tishana Combo: The Card Advantalanche *Budget MTGO
1v1 Commander*
griffstick says... #2
Was so cool
February 6, 2018 7:45 p.m. Edited.