I want votes!!
Commander (EDH) forum
Posted on June 10, 2016, 10:21 p.m. by iBleedPunk
Heeeeeeeeeeey? Yeah. Hey.
Faceless here and I want YOU....to maybe help me with making a decision. I have numerous EDH decks (which I will list in a sec) and now I need a new project. I have narrowed down the possible commander choices and I want the community, you, to possibly weigh in on this matter because opinions and shit right!
Commanders I have:
Daretti, Scrap Savant Artifact Combo (Multiplayer)
Noyan Dar, Roil Shaper Azorius Control (1v1)
Krenko, Mob Boss
Burn/ Goblin Tribal (Multiplayer)
Jenara, Asura of War
Bant "Goodstuff" (Multiplayer)
Daxos the Returned Orzhov Stax (1v1)
Trostani, Selesnya's Voice Selesnya Tokens (Multiplayer)
Vorinclex, Voice of Hunger Ramp/Aggro (Multiplayer)
Arjun, the Shifting Flame Izzet Chaos (lol) (Multiplayer)
Grimgrin, Corpse-Born Dimir Combo/Zombie Tribal (Multiplayer)
Aurelia, the Warleader Boros Aggro (1v1)
Freyalise, Llanowar's Fury Elfball (Multiplayer)
Now this is a lot of commanders but alas, I need another...
The Candidates:
Nekusar, the Mindrazer Grixis Force Feed- I do not have a Shard colored EDH deck yet and Grixis is my first go to choice. I have seen people play him and he can be one harsh som' bitch, but I would want it to be geared towards 1v1 play for maximum potential.
Ezuri, Claw of Progress Simic Combo- This is a candidate solely based off the fact he can be a force to be reckoned with. Any advice on this "perfect" being would be appreciated. Definitely wanted as a multiplayer deck
Karador, Ghost Chieftain Junk Reanimator- I used to have the Chieftain assembled and I loved the hell out of the build I had but inevitably I got bored of the deck cuz all it did was durdle, slowly screwing my opponent(s) via sac effects and removal and taking foothold if not cut out at the root. Lately I have accumulated more awesome pieces for Junk Reanimator so it would be a stronger build than before (although I would hate to put infinite combos in this specific build because I know this deck holds its own without them just fine)
Endrek Sahr, Master Breeder Mono-
Tokens- Endrek is a really fun commander imho. Being in the best colors for tutors, remival, and having access to Conspiracy make for interesting games. Loads of tokens and graveyard shenanigans would be the focus of the deck with me trying to make the deck as spoofy as possible. 1v1 fer shur
Well those are the 4 contenders folks. I would appreciate any type of suggestions, personal feedback, and votes the community has to offer. This is all for fun so I will most likely attempt a Budget build, although I have the means of acquiring key pieces I would need and already have a wide selection of binders with possible gems.
I have seen a lot of infinite decks with Ezuri. I go with him.
June 10, 2016 10:50 p.m.
I used to play Ezuri, I retired my build due to the boredom with the incredibly all in nature of the deck. It was essentially elfball combo that utilized the Legacy strategy (drawing a FISTFUL of cards in one turn), Aluren + Cloudstone Curio combo, Laboratory Maniac, Sage of Hours, and the basic elf ball game plan as a back up to all of the above. It was pretty strong, the deck is still on my profile if you wanted a reference.
June 10, 2016 11:27 p.m.
I'm not a fan of Nekusar. It's possible to make the deck good, yeah, but it's typically not a good idea to let opponents draw extra cards if you can help it.
I'm not really a fan of Endrek Sahr either. Or really, mono black. I used to have a mono black deck, and you're really limited with what you can do, as far as utility and interaction go. You have no way of interacting with artifacts or enchantments, which are the life blood of this format.
Both Karador and Ezuri look fun.
June 11, 2016 12:20 a.m.
VampireArmy says... #6
Spine of Ish Sah and Unstable Obelisk and Scour from Existence and both ulamogs all deal with those things in black.
June 11, 2016 3:30 a.m.
MirranTitan says... #7
Not voting, just providing a prospective on all the generals you suggested.
I play mono black a lot, and have tried countless commanders. I have used Endrek Sahr, Master Breeder in many of my builds, and he is not the card you want him to be. If you like mono black, there are countless excellent generals that will play a bit better than he, Ghoulcaller Gisa and Chainer, Dementia Master to name a few, as well as Sidisi, Undead Vizier and Kalitas, Traitor of Ghet. If you like mono black, it's a great start, but I Highly discourage endrek.
Nekusar is a deck that I don't particularly like, I recognize the power in it, I just shy away from grixis as a wedge, but nekusar pigeonholds you into group slug, and additionally, your life becomes very hard when your table decides that nekusar will never stay on the table again. The deck brings a lot of hate to you, and is very particular in how to build it.
I play Karador, personally, and having played it for a long time as "junk reanimator" I learned through many games that this plan, while solid for a long game, is not efficient. I do play a combo build with the deck now, and it is very consistent. (For those wondering, my main plan is Boonweaver Giant + Pattern of Rebirth. )
I would say with Ezuri, there are weaknesses with the deck, and it is prone to removal, but if you do build it, just bring along cards that make smaller creatures, in multiplayer, you can clobber someone with ezuri, and send the rest of the team elsewhere. Cards like Time Warp, Ant Queen and Beastmaster Ascension are great includes. Incidentally, G/U is the best colors for proliferate, which is amazing. Even when Ezuri isn't in play, you can manipulate your exp counters.
So, if I do cast a vote, it's for Ezuri, Claw of Progress
June 11, 2016 4:53 a.m.
I would like to weigh in on Nekusar real quick, though I still suggest Ezuri on budget reasons.
Most people do Nekusar the same exact way because it's the one that's simplest to build (Nekusar + Wheels and Group Pain.dec). That being said there is a different way to build it but it's pretty far from budget, and that's Neku-storm. You'll still include things like your wheels, but it's a storm shell that's way more potent with Bubbling Muck/High Tide with Time Spiral than it is with Nekusar in play casting just the Time Spiral.
That would be my absolute vote purely because I love complexity and play Mizzix storm right now and love the non-linear feel to the micro decisions. However, that's going to require an Underground Sea, Volcanic Island, Mana Crypt, Mox Diamond, and other not as non-budget friendly fast mana/power house spells to be viable before like turn 6 or 7
June 11, 2016 12:54 p.m.
iBleedPunk says... #9
Firstly, I appreciate all comments and votes so far. It's awesome to get some extra insight into how people feel about these 4 commanders.
Overall Nekusar, the Mindrazer seems to have people torn about how they feel just by the few people who have been so kind as to lend their words. A constant target on my forehead whilst piloting him is no bueno because in my meta I usually am targeted in the first place. Now I see he would indeed "draw" too much attention, terrible pun semi intended.
iLikeDirt I like your take on Nekusar though. It would be interesting to play against a NekuStorm deck but I don't think I would be interested in piloting it atm. How well does your Mizzix Storm do? I am interested in how Storm translates into EDH :)
Votes as of now:
- Ezuri: 2
- Endrek: 1
- Nekusar: 0
- Karador: 0
June 11, 2016 4:11 p.m.
It does fairly well, I usually go off no later than turn six (assuming no missed land drops, and maybe one or two fast mana rocks), as early as turn 4, and pretty consistent at 5 assuming my general hasn't died yet. The trick is mostly in making sure above all else the High Tide resolves and then you can untap your lands once or twice and then landing Mind's Desire for 10+, that usually gets you there to being able to flash it back later for 20+ etc. etc.
I've considered switching over to Neku-Storm, but that would mean having to find an Underground Sea (I'm already trying to find a Bayou and I don't want to look for ANOTHER big ticket ABUR), plus a Badlands. It really breaks down though that I'd really rather have the cost reduction on my spells stapled to my general more than the Psychosis Crawler effect I feel like. I don't know though, maybe it's something I do later down the line after some other projects.
June 12, 2016 11:28 p.m.
NoNeedToBragoBoutIt says... #11
Nekusar, the Mindrazer - Dangerous against too many decks, especially ones that can work with their hands at instant speed in between wheels. Not really fun mechanics either.
Ezuri, Claw of Progress - Can do hilarious things, great color combination, oftenly underated and Elves are always fun to durdle with.
Karador, Ghost Chieftain - My favorite color combination, can draw the hate and normally doesn't bring too much variety.
Endrek Sahr, Master Breeder - Unusual tribe, sub par ability unless you drop fatties, in total: too weak.
So, my vote goes to Ezuri, Claw of Progress as well!
geekmp3 says... #2
I vote for Endrek Sahr, Master Breeder because Assault Suit is total shenanigans! Plus, you know
is the best color in Magic so... :D
June 10, 2016 10:26 p.m.