Kaldheim Spoilers: FINALLY, infect has received support

Commander (EDH) forum

Posted on Dec. 23, 2020, 8:14 a.m. by Mortlocke

enter image description here

Kaldheim was one of the last places I’d expect to see graced with the glory of Phyrexia, but lo and behold I see a new instance of Vorinclex who absolutely supports a counters (and more importantly INFECT) matter Commander deck archetype. Doubling counters you put on players and/or permanents is huge as it doubles the effect every proliferation trigger while he is on the field. Personally, this card is an absolute must have in my own love letter to New Phyrexia:

The Song of Phyresis

Commander / EDH Mortlocke

SCORE: 205 | 102 COMMENTS | 17956 VIEWS | IN 73 FOLDERS

The deck fits the definition of the Atraxa Infect archetype (along with other types of counters as well). Swing by the page If you feel so inclined and leave a +1, I worked really hard on the CSS and the deck as well and would appreciate the imaginary internet points. Oh,and if you’re curious this new Vorinclex will be swapped in for the old one currently in the deck.

Source of spoiler

FauxFaux says... #1

I don't necessarily think SmallClex is a sh*ty Phyrexian, nor do I believe Urabrask the Hidden is either Mortlocke (no offense intended, and no hostility either!).

The way I see it, each of the Praetors are supposed to be the corrupted or "Poisoned" aspects of the color pie, that much, in my opinion, should be obvious; However, where SmallClex differs from his, yes, very much better (IMO), iteration, is that normally, Green loves to produce muy muy mana, for a low, low price; BigClex not only hits the board with a SOLID thunk, but he corrupts your opponents mana, and if left unchecked, can do what green also likes to do: Run buck wild crazy with big boi by making your mana even more abundant.

There is nothing to say, lore wise at least, that the Glistening Oil, or much less the Praetors couldn't be moved from plane to plane;

Of course, they (The Praetors), do not possess planes-walking abilities, (as far as we know); We saw that Tezzeret, Master of the Bridge is being hunted by Kaya after the events of War. This planeswalking artificer has the/a Planar Bridge that allows non-planeswalking eternities to travel to diffrent planes. If Memnarch was able to be corrupted like all the other artifacts on Mirrodin/New Phyrexia, why shouldn't Tezzie be not an applicable target?

If MY tin foil hat was on, my money is on our Ol' Artifact mad lad to be cooking something up himself, just as our other bastard son, Tibalt, is seemingly having some shenanigan's himself.

January 11, 2021 7:11 a.m.

RambIe says... #2

1. Nobodie cares if you take me serious, fell free to ignore or even block my posts
2. outside of 1 or 2 uncards grammar has nothing to do with the game
3. i stand correct its not just your grammer policing postz,
it seemz to be the major of your posts make you appear to be a doosh,
witch leafs me to not take your posts serously

January 11, 2021 9:59 a.m.

Keqing420 says... #3

Ramble: 1. yes i'll "feel" free to block you. 2. you misunderstand the importance of grammar. if you cannot understand grammar, you cannot understand magic. 3. i'm never "douche". also, grammar, posts, seems, majority, which, leaves, seriously*.

i'm not the one who started name calling. that would be you. so you're the real douche.

January 11, 2021 12:03 p.m.

Keqing420 1. you just started three sentence with uncapitalized letters. One of which was "i'm", which is grammatically incorrect on not one but two fronts. 2. if you can't understand compassion, you can't understand Magic (Magic is a brand name, btw, so you beginning it with an uncapitalized letter is grammatically incorrect). 3. when do two wrongs ever make a right again? I don't care who "started" it.

January 11, 2021 12:16 p.m.

RambIe says... #5

Keqing420 "i'm not the one who started name calling. that would be you. so you're the real douche"
ouch :(
i didn't call you any names, appearance seems pretty important to you so i wash just trying to give you some friendly advise on how you may appear to others reading this. but that is subject to opinion what is fact is your "gramer" posts are completly off topic and have now completly hi jacked the thread
you should apologize to Mortlocke

January 11, 2021 1:15 p.m.

Keqing420 says... #6

Ramble: yes, you did call me a name. "douche". how is that not name-calling to you? that is not "friendly". i owe mortlocke no apology, plus he even said he agreed with me.

January 11, 2021 1:38 p.m.

RambIe says... #7

i never said Keqing420 is a douche
i said "it kinda makes you look like a doosh" & "you appear to be a doosh"
as an English major you should know the difference

January 11, 2021 1:45 p.m.

Keqing420 says... #8

Ramble dude. really? that's the exact same thing and you know it. don't try to pretend like you don't know what you're saying. own up to it.

January 11, 2021 1:54 p.m.

RambIe says... #9

ok ill own up
i have been 5 steps ahead this entire conversation
i am even able to control what you post next by leaving baits in my comments
you don't stand a chance, and if this was a magic game this would be the moment you realize how badly you lost and i walk away bored

P.S. they are not the same thing. look it up. heck even try it out on a cop

January 11, 2021 2:06 p.m.

Caerwyn says... #10


You have been warned countless times across your uncounted alternate accounts to stop making off-topic posts specifically designed to insult or otherwise deride other users. That includes your frequent posts correcting grammar for the exclusive purpose of correcting grammar.

Mortlocke; Omniscience_is_life; RambIe

Generally, it is best to ignore folks like this; they do not add anything to the conversation and you are only feeding their inexplicable desire for attention by responding. I know it can sometimes be hard to avoid responding when you or an acquaintance is being attacked, but responding to trolls never makes the situation better.

RambIe in particular, it is generally not a good idea to respond to trolling with insults. You can hide behind the grammatical argument that you are not technically calling them the name; but the intent behind your words is clear from context. Textual construction is only a part of communication, and phrases can certainly have meanings beyond what grammar alone would imply. No need to make things worse by escalating the situation.

Lets just try to get back on topic, moving beyond this whole mess!

January 11, 2021 2:08 p.m.

Mortlocke says... #12

Caerwyn, I absolutely echo everything you said. Honestly, you beat me to the punch - as all I wanted to do was talk about Praetors in Kaldheim (sounds like a Kanye West song to me...)

SimicVisionRy - No hostility taken my friend! I appreciate your difference in opinion regarding Urabrask the Hidden. Heck, it'd almost feel wrong attacking him without someone to take up his honor. I lean more toward the Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite camp in the New Phyrexia story and just look at Urabrask with disdain :P But in terms of card design I always found his in particular to be quite lacking. I feel that he could have been designed to be far more impactful than enabling an aggro focused strategy for 5. Taking all the other praetors into account, I just think his card design is kind of weak in comparison.

I don't say this often but uh...I wanna play some magic the gathering with you. Seriously. You, me, Ramble, Omniscience_is_life - I wish somewhow we could make this happen. Is there a forum for that? Where we could coordinate a game online or something? I'm a dad with a family who loves him so free time is scarce for me, but I feel like we as a tappedout community need some means of...gathering. Yay dad jokes.

January 11, 2021 2:56 p.m. Edited.

Mortlocke says... #13

January 11, 2021 2:59 p.m. Edited.

RambIe says... #14

@Mortlocke i am sorry my portion of the chaos in your thread, Caerwyn is correct and i do know better
regardless of what the popularity/power levels of the new Praetors will be, i completely respect,support, and even envy your passion for the release

That would be an amazing game, no disrespect to you or Omniscience_is_life which i already know are highly skilled players and fantastic people
but Caerwyn's posts make them appear to be highly intelligent and well educated i would absolutely jump at the chance to play against them, who knows maybe their the one to make me start taking this game serous again

January 11, 2021 3:19 p.m.

RambIe says... #15

you know i'm board and reading Vorinclex, Monstrous Raider
and i cant help but wonder how they will rule this to work when your opponents cast suspend creatures or triggers like Darigaaz Reincarnated for example
definitely a big down side on cards like Thing in the Ice  Flip & Dark Depths

January 11, 2021 3:48 p.m.

Caerwyn says... #16

RambIe - A card is only a "permanent" when it is on the battlefield. See Rule 101.1. Since Vorinclex only halves counters on "permanents" or "players", cards that receive counters in exile doe not have their effects halved.

January 11, 2021 3:53 p.m.

Mortlocke says... #17

RambIe - two things in magic I absolutely adore - Slivers and New Phyreia. I can't help but get excited with a new praetor is released. I do maintain that this praetor is definitely not as strong as it's previous instance, it is still worth trying out.

January 11, 2021 4:06 p.m.

RambIe says... #18

Caerwyn 110.1, yes i'm familiar with it, but exile has evolved a lot over the years, its become a zone , it even has status, & recent years they have printed so much support that exile can even be considered a cast able zone. i still cant help but wonder what there intended function was and if they will rule in that favor

Mortlocke i liked you until you said you were a fan of slivers... now we cant be friends anymore
lol agreed its definitely worth trying out

January 11, 2021 4:42 p.m.

Caerwyn says... #19

RambIe - Exile being a zone is irrelevant; Rule 101.1 specifies something is only a "permanent" when it is in the Battlefield Zone. When the card is in any other Zone, be it Exile, the Graveyard, the Stack, the Library, the Hand, the Command Zone, or Ante Zone (if playing for Ante) it is a "Permanent Card" not a "Permanent". Rule 110.4a.

The intended function is explicitly that Vorinclex only interacts with players or permanents on the battlefield. There is no room for interpretation and no room for Wizards to rule differently--this is about as black letter as things come.

Had Wizards wanted Vorinclex to interact with suspend, they would have said something like: If an opponent would put one or more counters on a permanent, player, or permanent card . . ."

I will also note that Exile has been referred to as such (rather than "removed from the game") since 2010--hardly a recent development.

January 11, 2021 5:03 p.m.

RambIe says... #20

Caerwyn sigh.. 110.1 it becomes a permanent when it enters the battlefield and stops being a permanent when it is moved into another zone
i am familiar with it
but the game has evolved over the years, often set releases come with new wing ding one off mechanic they try to introduce into the game that require rewriting many of the old rules to make work. sometimes they do it just to appease players and sometimes they even release whole sets that feel like they have lost touch with the game.
anyways in every release there is gray area's were cards don't work the way they were intended to, worked as intended but worked to good in combo with a card they forgot, or some of the adaptive changes had side effects. therefore every card should be viewed with the concept of "what if"

as for "I will also note that Exile has been referred to as such (rather than "removed from the game") since 2010--hardly a recent development."
i have played 16 years as "remove from the game" and 11 years as exile -- so in my perspective it was not that long ago that is was "remove from the game"

so ya your probably right 98% chance it will be a cut and dry easy ruling, but because of the increase of printing exile cards, leading to increase player complaints, leading to increased printing of exile interaction. there is a 2% chance leaving me to wonder what if. o and each future set release that includes exile interaction increases the chance that there will be updates to exile rulings which increases the chance of that lovely gray area i was blabbing on about earlier

January 11, 2021 6:54 p.m.

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