Looking for a more creative build
Commander (EDH) forum
Posted on March 14, 2018, 8:35 p.m. by Phaetion
For a bit of background, trying to find my identity as a player, I concluded that I'm a red player with an affinity for cards like Indomitable Creativty, Etali, Primal Storm, and Act on Impulse. So, I do want to embrace chaos to some degree, but not where others would groan.
I want to invest in the deck I choose, and I want to be able to keep it around for years. Problem is, I'm stuck on what to do (especially since Red is one of the worst colors for EDH). Branching into other colors is an option.
Which general best fits the description (and isn't linear), and where do I go from there? Thanks in advance.
lilgiantrobot says... #3
Etali is probably the best 'here's a neat effect' general you could run if you stay mono red. Its open to everything and provides something different each time. But like you said, mono-R is HARD in EDH. Its actually my fav thing to run and I have half a dozen different mono-R decks, but you have to embrace all of its flaws.
You may find someone like Wort, the Raidmother fits what you want to do as well, but also gives you the ability to not be as dependent on artifacts for ramp. Wort has a very open ability, and you can run her as anything from big mana to goblin tribal. And you never even have to run green at all if you don't want, thanks hybrid mana!
March 14, 2018 9:11 p.m. Edited.
Yidris, Maelstrom Wielder could be what you need. But at 4 colors expensive. So maybe Maelstrom Wanderer as a starting point a lil lower.
My yidris is straight chaos, very few people like playing against it.
March 14, 2018 9:23 p.m. Edited.
Honestly my favorite colors for Staxy, chaos type effects tend to be UR or BR and you could totally build around that with commanders like Jhoira of the Ghitu or Mogis, God of Slaughter. Also, Pyxis of Pandemonium might be right up your alley.
March 14, 2018 9:34 p.m.
DrukenReaps: I took some time to think about that Grenzo, but he's not what I really want. Etali hits closer to the mark, imo.
lilgiantrobot: Speaking of Etali, I'm willing to embrace Mono-Red's flaws to a degree. I might build it, but green has such an allure. Speaking of Green, I just might consider Wort. But do you mind elaborating on how Wort fits the criteria? I know I'd shove Indomitable Creativity in there somehow. It's my favorite card.
pskinn01: That's another thing. I don't like depending on my general so much. Even Wort and Etali were pushing it, tbh. Intet, the Dreamer might be up my alley, but that's an "if."
dbpunk:UR is the color combination I'd love to use, but never could because of the over-reliance on Blue (May as well run Mono-Blue in that case). I'm not so fond of the old Jhoria but how does Mogis fit the criteria?
March 14, 2018 10:09 p.m.
Because chaos isnt just letting things happen at random, its about throwing wrenches into peoples plans. Mogis and similar guys work perfectly for that, by forcing them to act on things.
Chaos is 50% letting fate has its way and 50% razing the enemies defenses my friend.
March 15, 2018 2:59 a.m.
lilgiantrobot says... #8
Whatever chaotic spell you were going to use, Wort let's you do twice. She's a natural extension of spells like Fork, a staple in decks causing havoc. Whatever spells Etali or Grenzo hit from other players, you get extra copies of. She takes whatever randomness you were getting and gets you more of it.
March 15, 2018 4:59 a.m.
Personally I don'd play red very often in edh(one deck atm), but Sedris is just fun.
Can even be made more chaotic with more red stuff, but a wheel at the right time just can mess up gameplans
March 15, 2018 7:07 a.m.
lilgiantrobot: So it would be different from what was already established on Wort's EDHRec page?
Thorbogl: I played Sedris long ago. He was great, but not my style.
dbpunk: But wouldn't those wrenches cause people to scoop or concede? That's the kind of chaos I wish to avoid because I still want to have friends once I pull it off.
March 15, 2018 8:22 a.m.
lilgiantrobot says... #11
If you build it differently then yes? Edhrec is just an aggregate site, it isn't how you have to build a deck. The top played cards are played b/c they're good, but it doesn't mean they're the only option. Like on Etali the top cards are artifact ramp and things that give you haste and extra attacks to get the most out of the ability but you can skip the artifacts and haste enblers and having extra attack phases if you want to play it differently.
March 15, 2018 9:04 a.m.
This list is the kind of chaos I was seeking.
lilgiantrobot: True, but I was thinking more if I had to deviate from a typical Wort list to make it work. Ironically, I kind of answered my own question earlier.
March 15, 2018 9:17 a.m.
IF its too oppressive, yes. They wont concede if they think its possible to win.
March 15, 2018 10:45 a.m.
At five colours, the mana base can be a bit pricey, but if you want to introduce chaos to your game in a non-threatining manner, Karona, False God is an rarely seen, unusual option. She gives you access to all chaos cards, and skirts around the table, happily attacking on each player's turn. I'm sure there are plenty of interesting auras and equipments that trigger on attack/combat damage that would provide a chaosy feel.
If you want a powerful chaos card, Vial Smasher the Fierce can be quite deadly.
You could also consider Krark's Thumb and assorted coin flipping cards if you want some semi-controlled randomness.
March 15, 2018 5:51 p.m.
griffstick says... #15
I think your an player. I think you like to sling spells I think you'd lik Jori En, Ruin Diver as your CMDR but you also like chaos. So think Arjun, the Shifting Flame with chaos would suit you well.
March 16, 2018 2:29 a.m.
griffstick says... #16
Here, click on this link --> here, it's a link to edhrec.com with spell slinger in mind for Arjun, the Shifting Flame. Take a look at it and see if that's your thing. And for the other one I suggested, click --> here, this is a link to the same place, but with Jori En, Ruin Diver as the CMDR. And lastly. Click --> here, for the chaos version for Arjun, the Shifting Flame
March 16, 2018 2:41 a.m.
griffstick: I came to that conclusion about myself as well. I tested and built that Maelstrom Wanderer list from yesterday, and it was a blast to play, and that is (and Green). I love Cascade and I don't want too much top deck manipulation (though I understand why it's necessary). The list, though I'm still pulling it together, is here. Yidris would've worked, and it almost did, but the reliance on him to connect was what repulsed me.
cdkime: Except the typical chaos cards are not ones I fancy because I already know there'll be a table flip. As much as I'd love to use Eye of the Storm and Cruel Entertainment + Hive Mind . The coin tossing idea wasn't something I warmed up to.
March 16, 2018 8:11 a.m.
You know your meta a bit better than the rest of us, but I have to ask: Are they actually so thin-skinned as to abandon a game in progress over some chaos or impending loss?
Rather than limit yourself from the get-go, perhaps you could try running these "table flip" cards in a couple games, and see how your meta reacts. If you are worried about costs, you could ask your meta for permission to use proxies for one day ("hey, I have this new deck idea, but I think it might upset some of you. Would you mind if I test this out with a couple proxies to see if it would be acceptable to our meta? If it is, I will be buying copies of the cards prior to my next use of the deck.")
Remember, many of your "table flip" cards are quite expensive to cast, which puts a significant limitation on their use. There are also other ways to limit your deck's power without cutting more "fun" cards (i.e. do not run tutors).
Give your meta some credit! If they surprise you, you're left with the deck you actually wanted to build. If not, you can always modify the deck downward.
March 16, 2018 9:32 a.m.
Alright, I decided to go with the Intet/Maelstrom Wanderer list I currently have. Thanks for the advice everyone.
cdkime: It's more about the reputation chaos tends to have. If someone drops, say, Hive Mind and the Eye of the Storm, then proceeds to cast Warp World, you know people will be picking up their cards faster than you can say "wait." I might try out Eye and Possibility Storm in my current list, though.
DrukenReaps says... #2
Those sorts of cards would fit well in Cry Havoc, Ooo Shiny. The idea of my build was to build up faster then anyone else to take advantage of being able to goad everything that comes into play. Makes games pretty chaotic and quick, theoretically at least since I haven't played the deck.
You can also use Grenzo, Havoc Raisers other effect to mill and play your opponents things.
March 14, 2018 8:43 p.m.