Looking for viable budget aggro in a post-WAR world

Commander (EDH) forum

Posted on May 30, 2020, 11:11 p.m. by SteelSentry

With the new normal of degenerate combo and busted value engine commanders, my plan is to come out of this with a lower curve, aggressive deck to put the pressure on the Muldrothas and Atraxas of the world earlier in the game. I have come across two main problems in my brewing, however:

1) A lot of my decks just aren't good enough to beat some of these decks. My perfectly serviceable Ephara, God of the Polis deck could stand on it's own 2 years ago, but now I am constantly run over, and my creature theft deck does nothing against someone who can play Bolas's Citadel and basically win on the spot without creatures.

2) For the life of me, I cannot escape Jund. My 3 decks that are still able to hold their own are mono-, , and . I also frequently catch myself brewing in the Jund colors, and I want to branch out.

The two that initially caught my eye were Daxos of Meletis voltron/tempo, and Adeliz, the Cinder Wind spellslinger aggro. However, while I have seen these generals perform well in the past, I'm worried if they've become outclassed by the precons of recent years. Does anyone else here have insight, or perhaps another (preferably 2 color) commander that will fit the bill for me?

Joe_Ken_ says... #2

I’ve seen a lot of good videos of games on YouTube where Winota, Joiner of Forces has closed games as early as turn 6 or 7 just with the value you can get off her triggers. Boros is also a pretty cheap land base to build as well as most of the cards for this deck being relatively cheap. I think I was able to put mine together for under $200.

I actually also have an Adeliz deck on Tappedout if you want to take a look. I can share a lot of advice on that and I’m planning to rebuild and update it really soon.

Adeliz Louis Armstrong muscle wizard beatdown

May 30, 2020 11:25 p.m.

Labrodor64 says... #3

One of my favourite aggro commanders is Arcades, the Strategist. You can easily cycle through your deck with Arcades’s draw trigger, amassing defender creatures on to the battlefield and swing big with something like Tower Defense or Tetsuko Umezawa, Fugitive. You can find walls and effects that pump toughness for dirt cheap since this is the only deck where they are viable. The CMC can be very low and if you can get Arcades our on turn 3, you can kill by turn 5. That is my recommendation.

May 31, 2020 3:27 a.m.

GhostChieftain says... #4

Korvold can be good aggro with an optional combo finish

May 31, 2020 10:31 a.m.

One cant underrate the power speed and budhet of thr original Krenko

June 1, 2020 8:53 a.m.

SteelSentry says... #6

Thanks for the suggestions so far! I was already considering something in Bant colours, so I will definitely consider Arcades, the Strategist.

GhostChieftain Korvold is actually the commander of my Jund deck I have built, but I do agree that he is disgustingly powerful, especially being able to free roll a voltron subtheme no matter what direction you take the deck in.

June 1, 2020 2:03 p.m.

whatqwerty says... #7

I personally love Jazal Goldmane for that last game of the night where everyone pulls out their aggro deck.

My deck is Ultra Budget Mono White Aggro EDH and it can close out games by like turn 6 or 7. The big issue is that it is really weak to removal and board wipes. That, and going long with so many one drops is a recipe for disaster.

June 3, 2020 6:02 p.m.

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