Looking To Build 5 Color Land Hate
Commander (EDH) forum
Posted on Oct. 30, 2019, 10:46 p.m. by BlackSirius
So, I'm looking to build a 5 color land hate deck with Ramos, Dragon Engine . I'm looking for prison cards like Norn's Annex and Propaganda . Any land theft or land destruction cards like Pillage ; both aimed at my opponents, and if possible maybe some landfall triggers for me.
The guys and gals at my LGS are kind of competitive for no reason, and I dont really have a deck to keep up with all of their infinte combos. So I'm just looking for a good solid land destruction deck to slow them down for me to secure a win.
BlackSirius says... #3
Noice!! I'm so excited to get started on this I really appreciate the reccomendations dingusdingo. A few questions though:
When I'm putting the land base together do I want check lands, pain lands, or shocklands in this deck??
Now this may be a silly question but what is the severity of having counter spells in this deck??
Last but not least, how fast do I or can I be with this deck on a budget. Im talking around $300 maybe $500.
October 31, 2019 1:29 a.m.
SP3CTR3_chelts says... #4
... do you want people to hate you? :P
If it is 5 colour you want fetch lands and shock lands so that any fetch can get any shock. even if you are playing the slow fetches. these also tie in with land recursion like dingusdingo recomended.
yes, symmetrical effects are best like the ones mentioned I also like cycling Decree of Annihilation as it is harder to counter. Mana rocks and mana dorks can be a huge problem if they get them down before you destroy their lands. It is also a way to get a mana advantage, for example Daretti, Scrap Savant stacks looks to get ahead of mana in artifact then limit their lands in one of many ways whilst also chumping out big things with darreti.
October 31, 2019 5:42 a.m.
BlackSirius says... #5
SP3CTR3_chelts oooh ho ho ho I want them to loooathe me my friend. Is there more cards like Shattering Spree ?? Where I can take care of the mana rocks?? I really like Decree of Annihilation looks amazing but could take me a couple of turns to smake it down, but oh boy I can taste the table salt already >:)
October 31, 2019 7:40 a.m.
SP3CTR3_chelts says... #6
Vandalblast works well. unfortunately it is mana intensive but it is Force of Will proof and Force of Negation proof
October 31, 2019 9:07 a.m.
How is Vandalblast , Force of Will and Force of Negation proof?
October 31, 2019 9:43 a.m.
GhostChieftain says... #8
How is vandalblast force proof?? You are still casting a spell, just with an alternate casting cost. Shattering spree is force proof because of replicate and storm spells are force proof, but as far as I know overloaded things can be countered as usual.
Living Plane and Nature's Revolt make for some juicy combos with Cursed Totem or Linvala, Keeper of Silence to stop all land/creature based mana production and they combo with Toxic Deluge or any other small board wipe to kill all lands and Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite to kill opponent's lands and make yours some beefy bois.
Imo the best way to stop cEDH decks from comboing off is to have good draw so you can keep a full grip and low cmc interaction so you can goozle them when they are part way into their combo. Make sure you have cheap counterspells like Swan Song and Flusterstorm , creature removal like Swords to Plowshares and Path to Exile , and Nature's Claim and Natural State to kill artifacts/enchants at instant speed. Silence is also pretty primo for stopping an opponent from winning sometimes and can let you force through with your win.
October 31, 2019 9:47 a.m.
BlackSirius says... #9
Mmmmm them some cards. I'm surprised Linvala is only $20, and toxic deluge coupled with elesh norn is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. Thank you all so much for the great card suggestions. Might be type to put a prototype together and see what it looks like. Also GhostChieftain when you say "good draw" are you saying card draw?? Like Mind Spring and Blue Sun's Zenith or more like an Opt ??
October 31, 2019 10:12 a.m.
SP3CTR3_chelts says... #10
Sorry i can see the ambiguity, vandleblast was answering the question about additional cards like shattering spree and the mana intensive/force proof comment was about Decree of Annihilation .
Again sorry that was poorly written :S
October 31, 2019 10:26 a.m.
SP3CTR3_chelts says... #11
and by good draw i belive he means cards like Rhystic Study Mystic Remora Necropotence
October 31, 2019 10:29 a.m.
GhostChieftain says... #12
SP3CTR3_chelts Ahh, that makes more sense now lol.
BlackSirius Rhystic Study , Mystic Remora , Necropotence , Verity Circle , Sylvan Library , Runic Armasaur etc... basically anything that you can get out pretty quick and start getting repeated value turn after turn. We don't want many big draw spells like bsz and Mind Spring because it is too much of a mana investment, and Opt ... well this is not a storm deck. Opt can be good in spellslinger and storm type decks because you would want cheap spells to storm off with. What you really want are enchantments and creatures preferably cmc 3 or less.
October 31, 2019 2:03 p.m.
BlackSirius says... #13
So I don't want cards like Thousand-Year Storm and Ral, Storm Conduit ?? Interesting I thought that was going to be the main way to destroy lands. This deck is seeming alot more obtainable than I originally thought in terms of pretty affordable cards. Thank you all very much.
In terms of mana production do I reserve majority of my creature spots for mana producing creatures like Paradise Druid , Gyre Engineer , Incubation Druid , Leyline Prowler , and Draconic Disciple ??
This is my first 5 color deck, so I'm a little worried about having enough mana, and counter spells. Speaking of counter spells I have about 7 put aside is that to much?? They are between 2-3 cmc range. I do have a Mana Drain and Flusterstorm .
November 1, 2019 4:41 a.m.
SP3CTR3_chelts says... #14
they are probably a bit too cmc intensive. As you do not want to be running "destroy target land" spells then copying them because that is going to leave a different opponent ahead, as discussed earlier.
So ramp wise you want to be heading towards cmc 1 creatures or cmc 2 other:
Birds of Paradise , Noble Hierarch , Arbor Elf , Llanowar Elves , Elvish Mystic , are some examples of cmc 1 creature ramp.
cmc2 rocks Arcane Signet Fellwar Stone Thought Vessel and the res being ravnican signets i.e Boros Signet should bulk up the rest of your ramp. if you have cheeper rocks like Sol Ring / Mana Crypt ect they will also be great.
no 7 is not too much it really depends on what they are the two you reference are brilliant for the type of interaction you are looking for.
November 1, 2019 5:11 a.m.
GhostChieftain says... #15
7 counterspells seems fine, but try to get rid of most if not all of the 3 cmc ones in favor of other 2 and 1 cmc ones if at all possible. Even if some of them are a bit more narrow of counterspells, that 1-2 extra mana can make a gigantic difference.
As said before, targeted land destruction spells are not where you want to be. Mass land destruction is 100% the way to go (other than lands that destroy lands in some cases but probs not in 5c)
November 1, 2019 10:40 a.m.
GhostChieftain says... #16
On another note, I just realized another cute little combo that is made out of cards I suggested. Either of those "lands are now creatures enchants" and Verity Circle can draw you a ton of cards
dingusdingo says... #2
You're going to have to run a lot of symmetrical effects (hit all players) and then run cards to get around them yourself. In a 4 player pod, if you 1 for 1 trade cards from hand for opponents lands, you're going to be really far behind. You start with 7 cards, while your opponents collectively have 21 cards. 1 for 1 trades are not the way to go about building this deck.
First, some cards that hate on lands. Winter Orb Static Orb Hokori, Dust Drinker
Now, some ways to negate the drawback
Next, some cards that destroy lands or hate on lands. Armageddon Boil Choke Flashfires Acid Rain Ravages of War Destructive Force Contamination Blood Moon Magus of the Moon Tsabo's Web Omen of Fire Strip Mine Wasteland Impending Disaster Tectonic Break Ruination Wildfire
Then we run some cards that let us recur lands, or like when lands break Ramunap Excavator Crucible of Worlds Life from the Loam Terravore The Gitrog Monster Titania, Protector of Argoth Splendid Reclamation
Add some lands matter cards, some ramp, and some good beaters, and you have a deck.
October 30, 2019 11:52 p.m.