(Mid-power playgroups) Do you value combo consistency or a feasable plan B in a combo deck more?
Commander (EDH) forum
Posted on July 6, 2023, 4:42 p.m. by SteelSentry
I was looking at a deck to put Nazgul in, and I'm currently deciding between Ratadrabik of Urborg and Araumi of the Dead Tide; the former directly comboing with them, and the latter being a combo deck that is happy to play them, as encoring a Nazgul is a powerful play that can drastically swing life totals. The main decision factor between the two is a conundrum I've ran into before; Ratadrabik is overall a more consistent combo: besides the commander, you just need a creature that ring tempts on ETB or LTB, and a payoff. The problem with this deck is it is vulnerable to being run over by the infect and aggro decks at my LGS. The combos with Araumi are more complicated and limited in pieces (ex. Mesmeric Orb, an untapper to encore, and a bucket of mana), but can fight more easily on a value front with plays like Gray Merchant of Asphodel, as well as access to blue to fight other combos on the stack.
I can grasp deckbuilding for a combo deck in cEDH, but what should I keep in mind building a deck that has a combo win as plan A in a diverse, non-cEDH meta?
FormOverFunction says... #3
I lean towards primarily having the 99 function on its own rather than rely solely on the commander, so I guess I would go Araumi. Adding valuable pieces to the engine is a safer (though potentially less-effective/explosive) bet.
July 6, 2023 6:01 p.m.
It's probably not a great idea, but you could technically use Haakon, Stromgald Scourge as a way to stretch out your Nazgul. You need to run a bunch of cards to try to get Haakon into your hand, so you almost have to run some tutoring, but Haakon lets you run other knights to fairly good effect. TBH you can also run Haakon in the 99, he's an alternative to just Encoring in Araumi, but you'd want some discard outlets (which you might want in Araumi anyways, as well as self-mill).
Out of the two you mentioned, I think Araumi is pretty sweet, there are a ton of creatures that are sweet with her Encore ability, if you want a strong deck one of the easiest ways to ensure it is to run cards that are good in relatively normal situations, if you pick good enough cards you can also run a bunch of pet cards, because the real reason we play EDH is so we can summon an Uncle Istvan or Preacher, the most intuitive of creature types!
July 6, 2023 7:47 p.m.
Gidgetimer says... #5
If the more consistent option runs into problems with being out speeded you definitely need a feasible Plan "B". The only reason to value consistency over flexibility is for when you are trying to get the combo out before interaction can stop it.
It is also worth considering that non-cEDH tables tend to have low tolerance for things that they don't consider "fun", like you winning the same way every time. (This isn't always the case, but I find that it is generally true that power level and tolerance are directly proportional.)
July 6, 2023 7:48 p.m.
FormOverFunction says... #6
DreadKhan bullseye. As long as you can run your Rag Man (or whatever other rad one-offs that never get any play) either commander should work great! ;p
July 6, 2023 7:57 p.m.
SteelSentry says... #7
Thanks for the responses so far! Normally I wouldn't make a forum post asking people to help pick a commander, but it felt a lot like deckbuilding philosophy debates I've had with myself in the past: for example, my boros deck cutting Osgir, the Reconstructor for Hofri Ghostforge, or whether or not to cut from my Jund lands deck.
Gidgetimer is right on the money, as well; this is just as much a Sun Titan vs Mulldrifter pet card fight as it is a fight between the commanders. That's where the real fun in deckbuilding is though. b( OuO)b
July 6, 2023 8:35 p.m.
SteelSentry says... #8
(un)luckily, I've got time to figure it out before I build the deck, with the Nazgul sitting at between $15-$20 a pop. Fingers crossed the search for the ring drying up doesn't mean people have given up cracking packs open for singles.
July 6, 2023 8:53 p.m.
FormOverFunction says... #9
SteelSentry the cards of this sort (that you’re allowed to have a larger number of than normal in your deck) generally trend high in price. Shadowborn Apostle and Relentless Rats being the two that first come to mind... I wish you luck on getting some wraiths!
Crow_Umbra says... #2
If you haven't already, I'd say make both deck lists and try some solo play-tests to see how you like the pacing of both decks. That can at least give you an initial feel of which list feels more fun and compelling.
I played Araumi for a while, and liked her at first. Over time it became pretty evident that Araumi is a glass cannon, and her style of play felt very boom or bust. If you haven't already, I'd recommend checking out this deck primer for Araumi To Drown the World in Death: Araumi EDH [PRIMER]. This is one that I used quite a bit as a reference when building my list.
I've been brewing Ratadrabik recently and like some of his built in resiliency in the form of Ward . One of the bigger issues with Araumi was that she was often a sitting duck without Lightning Greaves or some counter spell to protect. Since Ratadrabik makes the token copies when your Legends die, it allows you to be a bit more proactive with using your own sacrifice effects to generate draw or value (Deadly Dispute and other similar effects with sacrificing as an additional cost). Since Encore is dependent on filling up your yard, that's another big resource pot that you're leaving vulnerable.
Absolutely try both out, but if I had to choose based on my own tastes and playing experiences, I'd probably pick Ratadrabik over Araumi. Encoring out Nazgul to immediately get 3 Ring Tempts You triggers is still nothing to scoff at.
July 6, 2023 5:07 p.m.