Mizzix: Yay or Nay?

Commander (EDH) forum

Posted on Nov. 16, 2015, 11:49 a.m. by greyninja

INTRO: In the years since I started playing EDH I've been drawn towards the commanders that help cheat spells onto the board (Animar, Soul of Elements, Kaalia of the Vast, Narset, Enlightened Master, Zur the Enchanter); basically avoiding paying full cmc as often as I can.

QUESTION: Now that you've had the weekend to play the new commander decks and tweak them into your own deck, what is your opinion on Mizzix of the Izmagnus? I don't have a ton of extra cash to burn, so I would like the community's opinion on the matter before I pull the trigger.

Mizzix's ability seems really strong from magicchristmasland, where your instants/sorceries help the next instant/sorcery you cast cost less.

I imagine the deck containing a mix of the following:
Draw: Braingeyser, Mind Spring, Stroke of Genius, Blue Sun's Zenith
Turns: Time Warp, Time Stretch, Beacon of Tomorrows
Burn: Meteor Blast, Banefire, Kaervek's Torch
Counters: Essence Scatter, Remove Soul, Negate, Rewind
Control: Scour from Existence, AEtherize

Obviously Mizzix is tiny at a 2/2, so he's pretty vulnerable. Darksteel Plate, Swiftfoot Boots, etc. are very necessary to keep him alive. Then, I would guess you start building the experience counters through Counterspells and cards like Concentrate, keeping him alive and your hand full, then start moving into the bigger plays like extra turns and burning opponents to the face

How has this tactic worked out for you? Does it hang with the big boys? Is he better for multiplayer or 1v1? Should I cannibalize my Niv-Mizzet, the Firemind deck to make this happen?

any and all words of wisdom would be helpful. EDHrec.com has a great list of staples, but I'm looking for opinions on the gameplay itself. THANKS!

wylie72 says... #2

I got to play this deck over the weekend against the other four decks in an "out of the box" game. He gains his counters very quickly at first. Leads for some explosive plays ("I multi-kick for 9"), but can get overwhelmed by the other decks in multiplayer.

He was definitely the most "fun" of the commanders that game. But he was also viewed as the biggest threat so I was the first one out.

November 16, 2015 11:59 a.m.

CuteSnail says... #3

I don't play U/R but Mizzix made me reconsider that. She's just so cool. If your curve is right and you get lucky she'll be stacking up exp counters, and then she just gets broken.

November 16, 2015 12:03 p.m.

magicevan11 says... #4

Yay. Fill the deck with draw spells that have as little colored mana as possible. Petals of Insight, Fact or Fiction, Deep Analysis, etc. Keep drawing cards and racking up experience counters. Counterspells like Condescend, Rewind, and Fuel for the Cause are great with Mizzix. Win cons can come in the form of burn spells, storm spells, etc. I find Mizzix to be very powerful as a commander. Here is what I came up with:


November 16, 2015 1:51 p.m.

I really like Inexorable Tide with him. That way you can benefit even if he isn't out just yet.

November 17, 2015 10:35 a.m.

NixTheThird says... #6


Played her the first weekend and I agree the deck is quite fun, but needs of protection and wincons. I like more counterspells/threat of counterspells vs Lightning Greaves etc. I the deck, but I concede I may be wrong about that.

Be sure to have an actual curve to your deck tho, not just the wonderful, high cost, game trouncing Spells. But man, the will sparks fly when you pull off a Mizzix's Mastery with 15 spells in your graveyard by accident. I did it, and yeah, won that game.

November 20, 2015 4:13 p.m. Edited.

Deckologist says... #7

Buy back and X spells are your friend with Mizzix. My only advice would be to make sure the deck runs smoothly with her out of the equation. She's only a 2/2 and if she costs more than 8 mana most of the time she's not worth recasting. My deck actually caused her to be soft banned at my shop because she was just too efficient and effective.

November 25, 2015 4:10 p.m.

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