Opposition Agent needs a preemptive EDH ban
Commander (EDH) forum
Posted on Nov. 5, 2020, 8:10 p.m. by jaymc1130
Yeah, ridiculous to think about it for a card that will be printed in a set intended for EDH, but this card single handedly breaks the entire format to an unheard of degree. No more powerful EDH card has ever been printed, no card more warps the format than this card will. Soon enough it will be realized that the only viable (in competitive terms) concepts to play are Agent based concepts and more casual settings will despise the card because of the 3 for 1 nature hosing games very quickly at an extremely affordable pricetag.
No worse card for EDH has ever existed, and likely no card worse for EDH ever will.
This card absolutely should be banned from the format before the set is even released. Who ever thought of it should be removed from any and all EDH design teams in the future to prevent further catastrophes.
I could go in depth into all the reason why this card is the most disgusting thing ever seen for EDH, but, quite frankly, the text alone says enough. Any card that is a must run that makes Scheming Symmetry a must run card in the cEDH meta is a very very poorly designed card.
Opposition Agent... sigh. Seriously WotC? Seriously?
Well considering it's a relatively inexpensive 2 card game winning combo to assemble Maralen+Agent and simultaneously deny opposing players the ability to play at all or ever engage their own game plans to win... you're gonna see it a lot.
This is the world we live in now. A world where players can't search, can't draw, and can't play win conditions or they lose. The world we used to live in was one where you were required to search for and draw win conditions to win at all. That world is gone, a thing of the past. The world we now occupy is one where players will be punished for even attempting to play magic.
Regardless, I don't think a world where 3 players don't get to search, draw, or play but one player does is the world you wanted when you were looking for a world where players can't search libraries. That's not what Agent does, it doesn't prevent all players from searching. It forces all opponents to search and hand over their victories to the Agent player.
November 7, 2020 10:57 p.m. Edited.
plakjekaas says... #3
But only if you try to search for the wincons yourself and this is flashed in.
If you play your Demonic Tutor after your opponent has Opposition Agent in play, you deserve to lose, imo. Apart from Maralen of the Mornsong and Scheming Symmetry, what other cards are there that make your opponents search their library that aren't may-effects? Field of Ruin, Avatar of Growth, Collective Voyage, Fertilid, Pir's Whim or Winds of Abandon? Not many players have basic lands as winconditions, and even when you control your opponent if they are searching their libraries, you must still abide to what the effect that makes them search can find, right?
So unless you build your deck to abuse graveyard recursion to cast the Scheming Symmetry over and over again from your graveyard, you're not going to get everyone's wincons all the time. You get one shot at it, and stop your opponents from searching after that. And if you do build your deck that way, why aren't you using an extra turn spell, instead of Symmetry, which is a lot safer vs instant removal for the agent and probably more effective in winning games?
November 8, 2020 2:14 a.m.
SynergyBuild says... #4
plakjekaas Jay was talking about Maralen there. As pretty much everyone else stated it, it would only steal 1 card, then no one would tutor, unless forced to.
November 8, 2020 7:22 a.m.
plakjekaas says... #5
Then I'm glad we figured out together that Maralen of the Mornsong is the oppressive card that should be (preemptively) banned, if any, with the printing of Opposition Agent . All other forced tutoring is for basic lands, or Scheming Symmetry , which is only good if you play it in combination with the agent.
November 8, 2020 8:02 a.m.
SynergyBuild says... #6
plakjekaas I never said that, Jay was talking about one scenario, and you acted like it was the only one. Most of this convo was about the asymmetric hate piece that is newly printed into the format, that steals cards, stops a basic function of the game, and flips advantage at instant speed, not the symmetric combo piece, that hasn't been competitively viable without this card, that has been considered a fun but fair build around that never was an issue, at sorcery speed.
November 8, 2020 9:28 a.m.
It's very easy to repeatedly replay cards from the yard in the meta as it stands and yard hate is important for a reason.
It's extremely common to see cards like Underworld Breach, Noxious Revival, Regrowth, Eternal Witness, Sevinne's Reclamation, Mystic Sanctuary, etc in the meta right now. There will be no shortage of options for an Agent player to steal to reuse Scheming Symmetry if this is even required. In most situations just stealing any 2 card combo that's present in multiple decks (Consult Oracle being a huge culprit here at this present time) by taking one half from one player and one half from another player is good enough to win without considering extra Symmetry casts to acquire multiple combo pieces from one opponent's deck, 3 card combos, or looped Symmetry casts to exile all cards from all opponent's decks.
November 8, 2020 12:09 p.m. Edited.
plakjekaas says... #8
Exactly! Speedtutoring the same two-card wincons as everyone else comes attached with a risk now! It sounds like the recipe for a diverse and dynamic format, given the time to adjust. Why does that need to be preemptively banned?
November 8, 2020 4:56 p.m.
SynergyBuild says... #9
plakjekaas Mainly because it actively stunts large amounts of combos outside of the best. My issue, unlike jaymc1130's is that now if Gitrog goes to Tutor their Dakmor Salvage, and you OP Agent, leaving it in Exile indefinitely, their deck now no longer works. Lists like Kess that can't reasonably run the Consult combo now or the old Kiki Piles that used Intuition or Buried Alive, as both of those are just triple tutors for the OP Agent player have the issue of even getting efficient wincons at all.
Now Kess, Gitrog, both Sisays, Arcum, Teferi, Elsha, Prossh, First Sliver, and tons of other decks that were playable are entirely unplayable. If you need combo pieces that have no equivalent, so if are exiled can deaden your deck, it is immediately unplayable of all three opponents are running OP Agents. If your deck is entirely ubiquitous it is too, which only leaves the midrange piles and no all in aggro combo lists nor overly specific pieces in the more janky brews can exist. It just leaves staxy games that take forever and have no originality.
Cutting down on playable decks isn't what I'd say makes a "diverse" format. Despite that, agreed, shouldn't be pre-banned, never wanted it to be.
November 8, 2020 5:08 p.m.
plakjekaas says... #10
The post I responded to described it as "That is the world we live in now" which sounds like Jay pictured it to be the only one as well, so I ran with that to show where I didn't agree with that vision. I don't think that magic without searching your library is as bad as this thread, and many others about this card, make it look. It's another thing to play around, just like you do with counterspells, boardwipes and carddraw denial. And it already was before this card. Yes, Opposition Agent is better than Aven Mindcensor or Leonin Arbiter, but search hate isn't new, taking other players' spells isn't new, even searching your opponents' library for a spell to steal isn't new. It's never been done this efficient, but shooting it down before it's released to see what the actual impact is, which was the purpose of this thread, is something I don't agree with. I think there's an upside to this card existing in the format, even though I'd rather see it toned down a little.
I'd have loved it if the card had only said: "you control your opponents when they search their libraries", so the impact of the card would be higher as more tutors would be played at the table. The theft part is a little gratuitous, but will force a shift in the meta and even playstyle just because of the huge blowout of not handling an opposing Opposition Agent the right way. It intrudes on what's the most powerful right now, and I don't really see how that's a bad thing.
The Maralen hard lock is the only real disgusting thing, but like with Iona, Shield of Emeria, I suspect if it will be as problematic as pictured, they will ban the lock piece instead of the utility piece.
November 8, 2020 5:25 p.m.
Maralen won't be banned. It's not relevant outside of the combo with Agent. It's a bad card made good by an overpowered card. You don't ban the bad cards that don't do anything on their own. Especially when banning Maralen does nothing to eliminate the lock. The lock still works with Hullbreacher, Notion Thief, Narset and ilk as a "soft" lock (not that it's at all that soft), and a "hard" lock with stuff like Omen Machine.
There's nothing about what Maralen does that's problematic. There's nothing about what Hullbreacher does that's problematic. There's nothing about what Omen Machine does that's problematic.
There is a whole hell of a lot about what OP Agent does that's extremely problematic. It's the only piece that will get the axe and the only one that will need to.
November 8, 2020 7:41 p.m.
Maralen is still 3 cmc (on a stick) + having to have OA. I've gotto believe that cEDH can come up with more hackneyed efficient wincons & locks than that. OA & SS is 4 cmc total with a sorcery speed component (your card is top of the library). I still don't see it as being an unsolvable cEDH boogeyman & in a lot of casual it is a barely a fart-breeze in the wind.
November 8, 2020 8:52 p.m.
SynergyBuild says... #14
Gleeock Oh you misunderstood you use SS to target two opponents!
November 8, 2020 9:38 p.m.
Gleeock misunderstands the entire situation so far and I'm not quite sure how else to explain it. Is the fact that starting from turn 1 or 2 players won't be able to tutor or draw cards while simultaneously being unable to run win cons that can be tutored or drawn some how less devastating than this sentence makes it appear? Last I knew magic was a game where players had to draw cards and search libraries to consistently employ win conditions of some sort in order to win and this had been true for almost 30 years. A meta where the opposite is true, where doing those things now makes a player lose the game is entirely unheard of outside of best of 1 Arena Nexus of Fate shenanigans (which, btw, resulted in an almost immediate banning because WotC did not care for games of magic to be played without any attempt at a win included in decks).
Is it better if I describe the situation like that? Because that is the ultimate result of a meta that includes OP Agent.
November 8, 2020 10:26 p.m.
Megalomania says... #16
Once again we’re trying to make a cEDH community problem, an EDH problem. You guys really need to put up a separate group or at least a separate banlist.
November 9, 2020 1:17 a.m.
SynergyBuild says... #17
Megalomania Why, between CommandFests having competitive tournaments and despite covid delaying a lot of it, there were 4ish different product changes meant to add more to commander making it a competitive format as a joint conclusion of WotC and the Rules Committee, with rules changes to allow more decks (the death trigger change) to be competitive, and bans for competitive diversity (Flash).
The goal of 2019 and 2020 was Commander and more competitive tournaments, more cEDH reprints, etc.
November 9, 2020 4:54 a.m.
plakjekaas says... #18
I've scanned all 'year of commander' announcements from Wizards, and the term "competitive" is mentioned exactly once:
"There's no better way to put it—Commander Legends is going to be awesome. Returning players get to experience the fun of opening Commander-focused packs (and drafting for Commander!) and new players can jump right in with competitive, ready-to-play decks."
Which isn't even close to mentioning cEDH. The articles mention that Commander is the most popular format worldwide, that more and more people learn the game though Commander, that all the specific Commander products of 2020 would be an excellent way to provide reprints the format needs, without introducing them into Standard or Modern. And that 2020 would be the best year ever for the format.
Megalomania The whole philosophy of cEDH is that you'll play within the rules of the format, including the ban list for EDH as formed by the rules committee, and build decks that play the most efficient ways to win, and play the most efficient answers to prevent others from winning, without abiding the social contract that governs more casual tables. A separate ban list for cEDH would defeat the purpose of cEDH as a format.
November 9, 2020 5:19 a.m.
SynergyBuild says... #19
plakjekaas Since cEDH is sort of a community term for the top of EDH, which isn't a term that WotC uses, it's no surprise they dont mention cEDH, since it goes against their personal lingo, however there are posts about it, in effect!
For CFB's website for the CommandFest Seatle back in November, (https://www.cfbevents.com/commandfest) they discuss casual or competitive commander, and though not explained there, when I went there were 3 events, the casual, the casual/competitive, and the competitive event, but I can't seem to find a source for the mid-level, but that doesn't matter here.
MagicFest Reno's Command Zone events were based on a numeric power level where 1-10 was the remark, while not saying cEDH, a 10 Power Commander deck is what that means, and as cEDH is a term coined from the community, coined from a format that was renamed for WotC purposes, it's pretty obvious why they didn't say cEDH. They did claim 9-10 was basically the definition of cEDH (https://www.cfbevents.com/events/MTGReno)
I looked for the first two events that came up for CommandFest Seatle, the one I went to, and then Commander Power Level Magicfest and you couldn't find anything. There are your sources.
But you are 100% right that what Megalomania said was assuming that cEDH was anything more than a nickname for the top of EDH.
November 9, 2020 5:58 a.m.
I personally like the card. It´s a new piece of answer that you have to consider and it scales with the number of tutors played and so it gets better the higher the powerlevel is. Basicly i see it that way:
If Opposition Agent is a problem for you when you play cEDH, then you maybe shouldn´t play cEDH. It´s far from being worse as Consultation+Oracle.
If Opposition Agent is a problem for you when you play casual EDH with friends, you maybe should learn to talk about what you want to play or with whom.
November 9, 2020 6:21 a.m.
SynergyBuild says... #21
Kresnik For casual I fully agree, but I do think that it's an issue similar to flash or PoK or PE for cEDH, where the whole format will be pretty much forced into a specific few decks, limiting the format for competitive diversity.
It's the same for any other format, like Standard or Modern or Legacy.
November 9, 2020 6:44 a.m. Edited.
Megalomania says... #22
SynergyBuild back when people were petitioning to ban Flash, the cEDH community was clearly a separate group from the rest of EDH. Even the Rules Committee recognized this didn’t they? Until they change the format’s philosophy which is geared towards a more casual and social format, I will continue to be against the banning of cards for the sole benefit of a group who refuses to self-regulate.
plakjekaas and there lies the problem. On the one hand you have players who just want to play casual games then there is also the other group who wants to play at a highly competitive level but still use the banlist and rules crafted for a more casual gameplay. It doesn’t “defeat the purpose”. What it does is it allows the competitive guys to craft banlists more suited to their level of play.
November 9, 2020 7:46 a.m.
plakjekaas says... #23
Effectively creating a new format. Legacy is Vintage with a different banlist. It would be weird to call Vintage cLegacy. But that's what you're suggesting here, differentiating cEDH from regular EDH while the cEDH community doesn't want to split, doesn't want to have to make their own format, they want to optimize within the preestablished ruleset of EDH.
Enjoying winning, optimal lines of play, and powerful cards in 100 card singleton is a valid way to enjoy the game. Especially with all organized paper play suspended right now, there's a lot of people who want to play commander, with the mindset of competitive modern or standard: I'm going to play the best cards legal in my format and I'm trying to win with them.
I don't want to banish those people out of the format just because they might enjoy the game differently from me.
November 9, 2020 8:38 a.m.
SynergyBuild says... #24
Megalomania I mean, yea? I never said casual and competitive players were the same, but this is a social format, nothing about competitive v casual changes that. The format has a casual base, unlike standard, for example, but casual standard players have had dual decks and planeswalker decks and event decks made for them and have been mentioned, it doesn't mean they can't support competitive banlists, which standard does.
The standard banlist isn't controlled by the standard players, the commander banlist isn't controlled by the commander players. Both are controlled by separate entities, because competition shouldn't have biased rules for fair play, self regulation is a terrible idea and that's why it has never happened. Rule 0 occurs for individual playgroups of cEDH the same way that tabletop standard players can rule 0, since it isn't an official game, it doesn't have official rules, but if you are going to a tournament, expect competitive players to play competitive decks, and play with official rules.
If you dont like the Flash ban because you dont believe in banning things competitively, then Rule 0 it in when you are playing casually. Nothing is wrong with that, but when people who aren't in your playgroup are talking realistically about bannable cards just expect a discussion lead by people who aren't talking about rule 0, because ofc they aren't.
plakjekaas is entirely right, but I would mention here that it's like EDH is casual Vintage, and we are saying to ban Ancestral Recall and Megalomania is saying to turn cVintage into Legacy.
Btw that was actually done, Conquest was a failed format attempt at making a competitive separate banlist for EDH. It flopped because the players self regulated and banned decks too aggressively and with the mindset of gameplay diversity over diversity of playable decks.
November 9, 2020 8:44 a.m.
EleshNornsFs says... #25
In theory, what would the best way to build a Maralen/Agent deck? It doesn't need a wincon because it can steal everyone else's. My best idea would be mono black, tons of ramp and tutors, and then Shadowborn Apostles to cheat out a Rune-Scarred Demon and tutor that way if nothing else.
November 9, 2020 9:03 a.m.
SynergyBuild says... #26
EleshNornsFs Chances are, I'd try to abuse a manabase capable of supporting Tainted Pact, so you can run that and Demonic Consultation to make it easier to abuse the opposing Thassa's Oracle's you'll try to use. I assume cards that are instant speed removal would be useful, Disfigure, Dismember, Deadly Rollick, Fatal Push, Ulcerate, etc. to deal with opposing Drannith Magistrates and Opposition Agents. Dark Confidant, Necropotence, Ad Nauseam, and Bolas's Citadel can get you card advantage w/o drawing cards, and rituals like Dark Ritual and Cabal Ritual help get you the pieces together faster after a big draw turn. Remember with Opposition Agent, Instant Speed Removal, and instant speed rituals Necropotenceing for a lot could let you sort of storm off some decent number of cards on your endstep, not winning, but getting close to the lock.
November 9, 2020 9:20 a.m.
Mono black Maralen+Agent decks are going to be strong contenders for a time, but that deck has an inherent issue in protecting the combo as a mono colored deck. My list currently runs quite a lot of discard pieces as the means of getting around this, no need to worry about protecting the game plan if opponents just don't have any cards. Still, any mono color deck is going to have exploitable weaknesses that become exposed over time.
Sultai lists (already the strongest lists in the format) will likely be the best Agent decks because they get to make full use of the range of tools that complement an OP Agent game plan aside from Aven Mindcensor and white removal. Access to green mana dorks is huge for deployment speed in the format, access to Defense of the Heart as a means to deploy the full lock at one time is a boon, and access to blue interaction and green protection pieces like Veil of Summer with the potential for even more protective elements like Dive Down, Display of Dominance or Blossoming Defense makes going for the lock a less risky and more reliable game plan.
Grixis (and Mardu) color decks will have access to Divergent Transformations as a means to get the full lock into play at instant speed at the most opportune moment, but comes with the downside of limited deck building choices since only Maralen and Agent will be able to occupy slots as creatures which reduces the overall effectiveness and consistency of the Agent based game plans when they don't have access to Hullbreacher and friends.
Abzan colors should have a viable Agent based game plan as well, but like mono black, Mardu and B/x-U decks has more limited choices to protect the game plan once it hits the board. Abzan decks actually strike me as quite intriguing though with access to the full range of effective hate bears in the meta.
It's hard to say what will wind up being the definitely best way to play an Agent based game plan at the moment, but in all likelihood we will find the most optimal approach mirrors the most optimal choices of the past: T&T is liable to still be king of the mountain.
November 9, 2020 1:40 p.m.
You are right, I misunderstood SS out of opponent's librarie(s) to grab 2 tutors. I still don't find it to be banworthy...time will tell, it does feel like something that has some solvable components & is still not a very unstoppable boogeyman lock. Where I could really see it banned (or at least consensus quits) is playing online on webcam...OA will be a true pain-in-the-ass there.
November 9, 2020 2:05 p.m.
plakjekaas says... #29
Defense of the Heart is hilariously bad against opposing Agents, I love it xD
November 9, 2020 4:12 p.m.
Gleeock Oh man, webcam cEDH over discord is going to be absolute hell now. Time to get those deck lists saved on TO or some other site and tell opponents to click the link to find what they want to take. Big time saver, but it'll still be quite the time suck regardless.
plakjekaas DotH is the best way to cheat the lock into play. But uh... yeah... it's super vulnerable to it's own game plan grabbing the Maralen from an opponent's deck and potentially some sort of protective creature like a Spellskite with the Agent's theft targets. The lines of play in an OP Agent world become so convoluted that game play itself staggers to a halt and a lot of times games will legitimately consist of "draw, go" for all players for several turn cycles in a row.
November 9, 2020 5:30 p.m.
plakjekaas says... #31
Get your Grand Abolisher and/or Teferi, Time Raveler now, to make it easier on yourself
See? White is getting more powerful with this set anyway xD
November 9, 2020 7:16 p.m.
Unfortunately Abolisher and Teferi don’t really work to protect the combo lock as you need to pass the turn for the lock to win via forced tutors. Opponents will be free to cast removal on their main phases, though they cannot defend the removal from permission. Silence and similar effects can complicate the situation for opponents looking to remove the lock pieces, but don’t truly protect them.
Against opposing Agent casts Abolisher is very ineffective, it only prevents an Agent from thieving your tutor on your turn. Teferi, on the other hand does interrupt Agent theft casts but comes with it’s own critical issues. As long as Teferi is in play on your board you and only you are able to defend against an opponent attempting a game winning line of play, and defending against 3 potential opponents every turn cycle with a single deck’s resources is essentially impossible. It’s a big part of the reason why Teferi has not been a big factor in EDH, he fundamentally works against the casting player on the axis of attrition by draining their resources and gifting opposing players wins that are protected by the “opposing” Teferi. Teferi is a very dangerous card to run in multiplayer settings as these matches rely on each player to help keep each other player in check where as in 2 player Teferi is a powerhouse because one player should have plenty enough resources to check and lock out an opponent.
November 9, 2020 8:02 p.m.
Dredge4life says... #33
You can still draw cards as normal. Ponder, Preordain, Brainstorm, Dig and Cruise all still work the way they always have. You can also just not search your library. The card realistically is just a decently stronger Aven Mindcensor in a better colour. Very strong for sure, but not remotely close to unbeatable.
November 9, 2020 8:06 p.m.
We’ve already long ago established why you will not be able to draw cards mate, these plethora of lock pieces that prevent card acquisition via draws has been made very clear and the way in which this complements the OP Agent game plan has been expressly highlighted in detail.
No, you will not be able to draw extra cards in an OP Agent meta, the normal cantrips, wheels and draw spells will no longer be viable to run in lists, access to acquiring extra cards consistently will be limited exclusively to “put into hand” effects from cards like Karn, Sleight of Hand, Ugin, or Necropotence.
Running additional removal or interaction pieces and relying on card draw to consistently find and deploy these countermeasures has been very well established as invalid.
No, you can not draw extra cards in an OP Agent meta.
November 9, 2020 8:23 p.m. Edited.
UpperDeckerTaco says... #35
jaymc1130 I don't know why you are sold on Scheming Symmetry being a good card in cEDH...let's take a look at it...
Let's treat Opposition Agent and Scheming Symmetry as a pseudo 2 card combo...4 mana total...not bad, HOWEVER, it still costs you MORE mana to win off of what you search out. And if for some reason, you play Symmetry and they kill Agent in response, Symmetry becomes a HORRIBLE card to use by giving your opponents' free value. And if you have protection for Agent, you still have to fend off THREE opponents potentially holding interaction, because they want the Agent gone and you end up WAAAAY behind.
Now, let's look at Symmetry on its own...Horrible card unless you have a way to make use of it the turn you play it by drawing that card, and hope that the opponent you let tutor up something, doesn't have instant card draw. Not a great situation, so it becomes basically a dead card in hand until you can find Agent.
Also, Consultation Oracle is even more viable with the printing of Agent due to the combo only costing 3 mana, as well as Agent, so if you are able to race to get the combo before any opponent can cast Agent, Agent becomes "meh".
Now, let's say the Agent player goes and grabs your Oracle (let's say we are in that stage of the game), a couple of things should happen, you should be able to win in other means, no GOOD cEDH deck only has one way to win, there are at least 2, with possibly 3. Or you should be able to play around a 3/2 until you can provide an answer to it, such as drawing into answers or a different win-con.
My argument is that Agent is not overly oppressive, and can be "dealt" with. Now, should the card have been printed as it currently is, NO. But I don't think it will be so broken that it will cause chaos and uproars to do any emergency bans.
In my opinion, the better card is Hullbreacher. It is far more oppressive and has worse implications than Agent. Breacher can lock opponents into "top deck" mode which essentially is game ending. Agent taking a card from an opponent's deck, much like Praetor's Grasp, is not game ending unless you set it up as such.
November 9, 2020 9:11 p.m. Edited.
ZendikariWol says... #36
If I wanted to watch people run in rhetorical circles talking about things they have no control over, I'd just talk politics with my family.
Why do you guys even try? No one's going to change their opinion.
November 9, 2020 10:36 p.m.
plakjekaas says... #37
Nobody will read 4 full pages of comments to join in on the discussion at this point, I don't expect people to check if I haven't already said what they came to share in a comment on page 2, and I'm just having fun now. Brainstorming about gameplay situations that might happen, might prepare you better to handle this card, as it definitely won't be preemptively banned, or we'd heard about it by now.
You don't play Grand Abolisher to protect your agent, you play it to protect your tutors from being blown out by an incoming opposing agent. It's a lightning rod for your own win. It also trades with an agent, just in case :P
Aether Vial in your Gilded Drake to take their agent after they assembled the lock seems like a hilarious, hard-to-answer solution too xD
November 10, 2020 12:59 a.m.
plakjekaas says... #39
Maralen of the Mornsong, Notion Thief, Narset, Parter of Veils, Omen Machine, Hullbreacher.
Jaymc1130 was just considering cEDH, and doesn't believe anyone would run a deck that includes Opposition Agent that wouldn't include all or most aforementioned cards.
It's true that a screw-you-for-even-trying-to-play-magic deck has plenty redundancy in pieces now. Yet, cards like Anticipate, Impulse, Sleight of Hand, Thassa's Intervention can still get around that. And your own interaction still works on your opponents' stuff, I'm not as worried about it in my playgroups.
November 11, 2020 3:53 a.m.
Tropical_December says... #40
I think it's great, it's a much better Praetor's Grasp in some sense, and is a great way to deal with Thoracle combos which jund and has had some trouble with.
November 22, 2020 2:46 p.m.
Megalomania says... #41
Has the sky fallen yet? The drama seems to have stopped.
MagicalHacker says... #1
jaymc1130, sounds like a different world. Your opponents can't search your deck if you wouldn't be searching your deck anyways (except those three cards that force opponents to search their deck).
November 7, 2020 10:01 p.m.