Project: Ravnica
Commander (EDH) forum
Posted on Aug. 11, 2020, 9:44 p.m. by JANKYARD_DOG
Over the years we have been graced with three different blocks staged in Ravnica.
Has anyone ever (or thought of) doing Commander decks or a Cube based on Ravnica using only cards from related sets? I'm sure there's probably some in commander products and core sets as well with cards not featured in the Ravnica sets (though I haven't looked as of yet). Is there enough synergies between the sets to have a set of decks made (or draft cube) that could be fun and on equal ground for players?. My main purpose in asking is possibly turning it into a 'box set' of sorts that can be pulled out whenever. For the cube portion I'm still unsure how the layout would go. 10 player(guilds) cube would be 450+ cards depending on if you want extras for variance.
Not expecting anyone to do the legwork or anything here (but if you want to go for it XD), mainly looking to see if anyone has already accomplished this. It would be great to see some visuals, or hear your ideas even for either options. This is just a brain fart right now, but doesn't mean it cant be something great.
JANKYARD_DOG says... #3
SynergyBuild can you elaborate? Haven't experienced much of the limited scene in the last while now.
August 11, 2020 10:11 p.m.
I wana build a deck with the 5 color niv mizzet and use all the charms and guild mages ect
August 11, 2020 10:46 p.m.
Omniscience_is_life says... #5
yeah, the main "synergy" is that each guild retains the same theme throughout the sets, so many Golgari mechanics, although different, work well together. It's definitely doable, I say go for it!
August 11, 2020 11:03 p.m.
ZendikariWol says... #6
I tried building a cube on this premise a couple years ago. Then I realized I have neither seen nor played with a cube at any point. Interesting idea for someone else to execute on tho!
August 11, 2020 11:39 p.m.
SynergyBuild says... #7
Yeah, well the format had really strange gameplay, basically, cards like Kasmina, Narset, etc. all really felt bad, as they gave a couple cards worth of creatures/value, but then also added one-sided stax/prison effects that were uninteresting.
Dovin, Sarkhan, etc. All were just feelbads, and were annoying to keep track of all of their activations and statics. Just a lot to cram on uncommons. That was why I didn't like the format, why it is bad for this is separate.
The rest if these sets focus on some number of the guilds and guild mechanics, however not only does War of the Spark not add to that theme of new keywords, not even a focus on any of the guilds existed.
It was a gate watch set that was on Ravnica, not a real ravnica set imo.
August 12, 2020 3:49 a.m.
FormOverFunction says... #8
I think my watermark decks probably fall into this category (all the cards have to have only the appropriate watermark to make it into the deck). They really give the feel of the guild, though they all have significant weak points (compared to a normal sol ring/commander tower/etc EDH deck). Eventually looking to get homemade lands with the watermark to finish them off.
August 12, 2020 12:54 p.m.
good idea, and am i sure many would enjoy this concept
however i don't think i would be into it
it's very rare that i would run a 2 color deck
mono and guild commander decks always have a weakness to a game mechanic
4-5 color commander decks tend to give up needed utility for color correction
3 colors seems to be a sweet spot between having access to answers for all game mechanics with out color correction getting out of hand
but that's just personal opinion
August 12, 2020 3:29 p.m.
before we continue i have to admit
i have witnessed some great mono and two colored decks
there just not my cup of tea.
August 12, 2020 3:48 p.m.
JANKYARD_DOG says... #11
I think I see what you're saying about WotS... it's more of an 'event' than a normal piece of a 3 part block. Also Amass would be stuck out like a sore thumb, the PW focus doesn't really fit anywhere, and proliferate would give simic an edge above the rest probably. So does WotS get voted off the island completely you think?
Think I'll have to compile some data about the guild mechanics and themes for both ideas of cube and decks. I'm not sure now which project is easiest to tackle first... they both seem daunting. Cube size is still in the air until I figure out number of cards I'm working with. As mentioned before 450 is 10 players/guilds, add 45 each player, so I could add in that number to both add to size/number of players and increase variance. However... would too much variance be an issue? I'm no cube expert, I built an FRF draft cube (not singleton) to emulate that particular draft environment and it has yet to be tested so... idk. Anyway, I don't ever see filling all the player slots anyway if that helps.
For the commander portion I think they would either have to be a Top Down design based on a commander of guild colors, or bottom up design based on guild mechanics then see what legend fits best. Furthermore they could be designed like a precon and have multiple commander options. What are your thoughts?
August 12, 2020 6:28 p.m.
JANKYARD_DOG says... #12
Side question: where can you find a list (copy/paste kind of list) of full card sets?. Lots of clean up to do if you cut/paste from gatherer or Scryfall.
August 12, 2020 10:22 p.m.
Omniscience_is_life says... #14
huh. nothing happened. well, what I was going to say is that if you just type in the name of the set into your search engine a card list should come up
August 12, 2020 10:29 p.m.
I attempted to do Partner Smash-up with this exact restriction. I used the guild kits to pull it off, but it didn't quite feel right, even if I modified them.
I built Selesnya at one point, and that was pretty cool. I think the biggest issue you'll run into is that some decks may go against your playstyle and makes for a bad experience.
August 12, 2020 10:32 p.m.
JANKYARD_DOG says... #16
Oh I think it'll be alright, I like variety. The only things I have trouble playing I think are self/Mill type decks. I'm always like "WHY AM I THROWING AWAY GOOD CARDS!!!" Or "Is there a point to this?" XD. And if it does come up (and it likely will in golgari and dimir) I guess it will be good practice.
As for the list... Google isn't the most helpful sometimes. I've even added CVS or Notepad to the search to find basic text lists but nothing... I may have to bite the proverbial bullet and sort through a mess of unneeded text from gatherer/scryfall.
August 12, 2020 11:25 p.m.
JANKYARD_DOG says... #17
Well, that was a fun discovery... the first block alone has 631 cards excluding basics. Guess there'll be alot of elimination. Also, the realization that alot of pricey cards come from these particular sets may effect things if it's to be more than a virtual project.
August 15, 2020 12:22 p.m.
JANKYARD_DOG says... #18
Here's a question for y'all: If someone were to hand you a Ravnican Guild Themed Deck would you be disappointed to find a blue card with a Dimir watermark in an Azorius deck, even if it synergizes with the overall theme(s)?
August 20, 2020 9:13 a.m.
ZendikariWol says... #19
Only if it's Dimir. No other guild crossovers are acceptable.
SynergyBuild says... #2
Ngl, would do this w/o War of the Spark, that limited format was draining.
August 11, 2020 9:52 p.m.