RIX Staples Lists updates

Commander (EDH) forum

Posted on Jan. 29, 2018, 7:23 p.m. by MagicalHacker

These are the cards from Rivals of Ixalan that made it onto one or two of my lists:

Did I miss anything from RIX? Did I miss anything from another set? What list should I make next? Leave your feedback here or on any of my 22 lists! Thanks!

Do you think Azor's Gateway  Flip qualifies for Card Draw - Steady? It's an odd one to be sure, and it's technically a looter. Dunno if that disqualifies it or not.

And Vona's Hunger for Creature Removal? Or are Edict effects not allowed?

January 29, 2018 7:47 p.m.

Atroxreaper says... #3

Golden Demise for removal and the sun for tribal/creature buff/cost reduction.

January 30, 2018 11:13 a.m.

MagicalHacker says... #4

PhotogenicParasympathetic, one of the important qualities of card draw is the ability to let you cast more cards per turn than normal. Unfortunately, looting with something like Azor's Gateway  Flip doesn't always help you do that.

One of the important qualities of creature removal is to keep them available to destroy a creature should an opponent attack you with it or begin to combo off with it. Edict effects like Vona's Hunger don't let you remove a creature of your choice, even when you have ascend.

Atroxreaper, commander tends to feature a lot of creatures with toughness more than 2, and of the 60 most common creatures that need to be answered (ones that have an effect that need to be removed once they enter, aka not utility creatures that have an enter the battlefield ability), fewer than 20 would be killed by Golden Demise. Not killing even a third of the most important creatures to kill is a problem.

The Immortal Sun is okay for drawing cards, but if you are looking for ramp, paying six mana to make your spells cost 1 cheaper is not a good rate of return (especially looking at the other available ramp options). Creature buff is a very archetype-specific deck component, so there is no need to have a list for it.

Thank you and keep the suggestions coming!

January 30, 2018 1:40 p.m.

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