Singleton Format?

Commander (EDH) forum

Posted on Dec. 18, 2015, 6:22 a.m. by xavrr

So, I am just getting into commander, and I was wondering what people thought about singleton format.

I am not really sure about my views on it, so can yoou tell me some pros and cons?

DeathChant17 says... #2

Commander is my favorite format. Since game play is typically longer, it allows you to use some of the higher casting cost cards that are awesome but aren't feasible to use normally. This I believe leads to a more enjoyable game full of dynamic plays made more awesome by drastic and sudden changes in the board state. Also when shopping for cards, if there is a more expensive card you'd like to include in your deck, you only need one of it. The deck building is a bit more difficult as a result of it being singleton, but I personally enjoy that challenge. The only thing I'd consider a con would be that some games last for hours, like up to 4 or more.

December 18, 2015 7:20 a.m.

xavrr says... #3


I agree with the shopping for cards bit. When building my new deck, it really 'takes the pressure off', not having to worry about getting a playset.

I agree with what your saying!

December 18, 2015 7:24 a.m. Edited.

Commander is the only format I play nowadays. Aside from a sparse ban list, any card from Magic's entire history is available to you to use. I honestly couldn't recommend it enough.

December 18, 2015 7:37 a.m.

xavrr says... #5

Thanks canterlotguardian and DeathChant17, between your 2 comments, I have finally been persuaded to invest in commander!

December 18, 2015 8:20 a.m.

Epochalyptik says... #6

Running only one of each card makes your deck more diverse and allows you to explore more options. In a traditional 60-card format, you might have only playsets of a few different cards with perhaps some one- or two-ofs added in. This is great for consistency, but prohibits you from exploring lots of options that could be equally or more fun or perhaps more interesting.

Of course, having a singleton deck means that consistency is inherently a problem. If you want to make a consistent Commander deck, you'll have to include redundancy in choices (i.e., have multiple cards that serve the same or similar functions) and consider utilities like tutor spells and draw effects.

Others have mentioned that having to find only one copy of a card may be more convenient, but remember that you also have to acquire 100 cards in total, and the diversity of the deck may pose a different kind of issue. I don't necessarily think that it's easier (or cheaper, for that matter) to acquire cards for a Commander deck.

I find in general that you need to be more acutely aware of synergy in your deck in Commander than in other formats. Synergy and a common focus help you keep the deck from wandering in its functionality and becoming a "jack of all trades but a master of none." Goodstuff decks, which are just collections of viable individual cards, are certainly legitimate and can be, well, good, but the real potential of a Connander deck is in its ability to capitalize on the opportunity for a diverse construction without ending up with an unfocused product.

I have plenty of articles on my page if you want to explore some of these ideas a little more.

December 18, 2015 9:17 a.m.

Blitzdragoon says... #7

I really enjoy this format. it does have its flaws, if your not in a particular color, your limited from certain effects so if your wanting to play mono color deck your going to be really limited into what your deck can do. so branching out in to duel and tri colors is more acceptable and available. what is nice though is when your playing multicolor decks you are rarely lacking in good cards to develop your manabase and ramping is possible with almost any color with mana rocks and other tutors.

but one of the best things that everyone likes is you can really build decks based off of flavor and themes, and make them work. in standard and modern, its really hard to build good decks based on themes like vampires or dragons or slivers. but in an eternal format like this where only a small handful of cards are banned due to either complex problems or bad abuse problems for the format(things like limited resources which really shuts down this format, or broken cards that can't be cast if they are the commander or do other broken interactions from the command zone), it does allow for all kinds of potential for synergy building and all kinds of fun and interesting interactions.

December 18, 2015 10:35 a.m.

xavrr says... #8

Thanks everyone! I'm definitely going to start commander in the new year!

December 18, 2015 10:41 a.m.

Blitzdragoon says... #9

so what is your first deck going to be?

if you don't have any ideas look at the last 3 years of pre cons, I usually use them as strting points for decks and can togh them into constructing decent decks.

December 18, 2015 10:53 a.m.

Blitzdragoon says... #10

...tool box through them...

December 18, 2015 10:54 a.m.

griffstick says... #11

New commanders players usually don't know how many lands to use a good number is 38 lands. 3 of the most important things you need in a commander deck is lots of ramp spells lots of card draw spells and at least 4 good board wipe spells.

December 18, 2015 12:11 p.m.

xavrr says... #12

I'm going to modify the 'Plunder the Graves' pre on, it has some really good reviews

December 18, 2015 12:50 p.m.

Blitzdragoon says... #13

not a bad choice. its one of the decks I was looking at this year to tool around with, but I went with the red/white deck. I had a bunch of angel cards I have been wanting to build around for a long time and gave me a great excuse to get the deck.

December 18, 2015 12:56 p.m.

xavrr says... #14


I had considered all of the C15 Precons, but I playtested them all and the Meren of Clan Nel Toth just worked best. Also, I think it will give me the best chance, as I will obviously be, well, bad...

I found a guide to upgrading that specific Precon online, and I am looking to improve it further (I am intending to buy the Precon this week). Here is the so-far upgraded deck, and I would really appreciate it if you could help me with it:

Meren of Graves' Return (One of my friends called the Precon that, and it stuck!)

December 18, 2015 3:15 p.m.

Meren has quickly become my favorite commander in my backpack of commander decks. The diversity and trails you could take the commander down are so numerous, it's almost hard to pick just one. After much upgrading and altering, here is my Meren deck if you want another one to look at.

Ring Around the Rosey...

Commander / EDH Raging_Squiggle


I'll also take a look at your upgraded version of the deck and give some constructive criticism if needed.

December 18, 2015 8:15 p.m.

Blitzdragoon says... #16

I have a few suggestions depending on your funding. if your on a budgeti would look into putting in a few ramp spells beyond what the deck has. also maybe look at green warden of murasa. he fits well in this deck for his recursion factor alone.

and if you have the money, blade of selves will be a great boost to several of your enter the battlefield cards. I was talking to a friend of mine about terrastrodon getting equipped and getting in extra removals from him attacking.

December 19, 2015 3:15 a.m.

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