Smothering Tithe. A must have?
Commander (EDH) forum
Posted on April 4, 2019, 10:13 a.m. by Joe_Ken_
So decided to bring this up with the recent incline of Smothering Tithe in price going from around $5 all the way to $9 (doesn’t show on here, but go check a price tracker) in about a week and how it is currently sitting in the edh format.
This card works in a similar way to how Rhystic Study does, being that the player who triggers it can pay mana to have the effect not happen. The main difference being that paying to make your opponent not draw a card is easier to do than paying to make sure your opponent doesn’t get a Treasure , effectively 1 mana so normally people won’t pay.
Now where this really plays well in is the early game since it seems like it could be a new staple for any deck playing White for ramp or a deck with multiple colors and use it for mana fixing also.
Then you can also look to where the draw trigger on Smithering Tithe can be abused. Normally in edh every deck has some form of card draw so it can keep making plays and dig for possible answers. With Smothering Tithe on the field you are benefiting for whenever someone does this. Now to look at the main factor that is being used whenever I’ve seen this card be played and that is wheel effects Wheel of Fortune , Windfall , Memory Jar , etc. By playing one of these and making your opponents draw a new handful of cards pretty much just says gain roughly 7 treasure tokens for each opponent at the table and then letting you play out whatever you just restocked your hand with.
So what are all of your thoughts, is this going to be a huge staple in all edh decks? Because if it is I would snag your copies now before it potentially goes further up in price.
Last_Laugh says... #3
Depends on your decks. Anything non-green or black decks that can't reliably cast Necropotence. Granted depending on your budget it is cheaper than something like Sylvan Library / Rhystic Study which both recently doubled in price. Bottom line is Smothering Tithe will hold value and continue to get more expensive (barring reprints) making it a good acquisition sooner rather than later.
April 4, 2019 11:41 a.m.
Last_Laugh says... #4
Ummm ignore those comparisons lmao. Guess that's what I get for trying to hurry super fast before I clock in.
April 4, 2019 11:44 a.m.
You can also remember if you want a copy of it you can just buy the Orzhov guild kit while stores still have it if the price gets too out of hand.
April 4, 2019 11:46 a.m.
metalmagic says... #6
As others have said, this card is best in non-green, non-black decks. Imo this card is a staple in any mono white or boros deck, and potentially in azorius as well. I would also play this in most artifact matters decks, such as Breya, and probably Sen Triplets as well to help cast cards outside your colors.
April 4, 2019 2:59 p.m.
CrimsonChaos says... #7
I'm not sure if it's a "must-have", but it's definitely a useful card for many decks running white. Even in a black/white Orzhov deck it can be extremely useful if you plan on running Revel in Riches as one of your wincons. Also, when paired with a transformed Treasure Map Flip, the treasures you get from Smothering Tithe can turn into card advantage on top of their base mana ramp potential. I don't think it hurts to keep a copy of this card at hand.
April 4, 2019 4:07 p.m.
Last_Laugh says... #8
On the note of this in Teysa... pair it with Martyr's Bond for some crazy artifact hate. Even though Teysa doesn't double that trigger it still seems better than Grave Pact for its versatility.
Suns_Champion says... #2
Well I wouldn't say it goes in every deck it can, it's for sure a great card and a certified staple. It's great for white, boros, and pretty much any non-green deck, and probably a lot of green/white decks too, and let me tell you, in a deck that cares about artifacts, it's just broken. Not great for fast combo decks of stuff with super low curves, but a lot of decks want it.
I'd get one or tow now, though I do expect it to be reprinted in a commander set down the road.
April 4, 2019 11:01 a.m.