Teferi Deck Modifications
Commander (EDH) forum
Posted on Aug. 25, 2018, 9:07 p.m. by berryjon
So, in a few weeks, I'm going to start participating in a Commander Tournament where everyone starts with a Precon and after every week, can change the decklist by up to ten cards.
I plan on starting with my favourite precon - . (Decklist in case it vanishes on people: https://magic.wizards.com/en/products/card-set-archive/commander-2014/peer-through-time )
Now, what would you guys recommend in the general (as I won't know what to prepare for until decks hit the table) to help improve the deck, ten cards or less cards at a time?
I'm already planning on putting in a couple extra turn cards (including Nexus of Fate because I'm evil), but getting second opinions is always a good thing in my book.
_Delta_ says... #2
That link no longer exists, and so I just put the preconstructed deck together here to view:
Peer through Time
Commander / EDH _Delta_
The first card that comes to mind with Teferi, Temporal Archmage for me is The Chain Veil. With enough mana rocks out you can get infinite mana and planeswalker activations. I’m not sure how competitive your going to have this be/if there’s a budget but stuff like Mana Crypt, Chrome Mox, Basalt Monolith, Copy Artifact, Fellwar Stone, Thran Dynamo Voltaic Key, and the like. You can play stax cards like Stasis, Winter Orb, among others as a very viable game plan also. But yeah with The Chain Veil, once you have some semblance of cards I listed above out, you can then win with something like Stroke of Genius, or Ugin, the Spirit Dragon/Jace, the Mindsculptor.
It is all explained here by LabManiac_Sigi if you want to read a better description or just have a look for some possible ideas:
Chain Veil Teferi
Commander / EDH* LabManiac_Sigi
SCORE: 164 | 148 COMMENTS | 106687 VIEWS | IN 131 FOLDERS
But regardless of whether you would upgrade to include competitive stuff like this, cards that I would have to say are still good in general would be High Tide, Dig Through Time, Mystic Remora, Brainstorm, Rhystic Study, Jace, Vryn's Prodigy
Flip are some that I can think of. I would consider checking edhrec for many more ideas.
Anyways I hope this is of use to you!
August 25, 2018 10:24 p.m.